College roommates

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Intro: Ian and Mickey finally arrive at their College time both thinking they are straight. Well Mickey is Ian is a confused one...
It's finally that time of the year again when all the college kids join their college and start their year.
Ian's time has finally come, today he finally joins UIC. He is going to learn education and social studies and hopefully will become a teacher by the end.
He packed everything he needed in his bags and boxes and with the help of Kevin and Lip moved everything to his dorm room.
'Man, how much shit you got?' Lip complained when they put everything down in his room. Just ready to be unpacked and placed in his side of the room.
'You know who is your roommate already?' Kevin asked.
'Some guy named Mikhalio Milkovich' he replied and Lip laughed.
'Man get ready to learn Russian' Ian flipped him in return.
'You done? I need to finish with this room' he asked.
'Yeah yeah,' Lip said.
'Call us if you need anything Gallagher' Kevin smiled patting him on his back before the two left the room.
'Well let's get this shit over with'.

Two hours later when most of his things were in the right place and his bed was made a person walked inside the room.
'Hey, I'm Mickey. And you are?'
'Ian' he replied back and then contained in his head "Not as straight as I thought apparently".
That Mickey guy was drop-dead gorgeous, and Ian found himself staring at him like he never saw a man in his life.
'You okay man?' Mickey asked as he shut the door behind him and entered inside. He was all by himself with two large black plastic bags fulling with his shit.
'Yeah yeah sorry, you're my new roommate?' he asked.
'You see anyone else in here freckles?' Mickey smirked, Ian chuckled and smiled back.
'I already have my side of the room organized so the side is for your use'
'Sweet' Mickey said brushing past Ian to put his stuff down.
'You're from the south side Mickey?' he asked.
'Born and raise Milkovich blood'
'Gallagher's blood' he pointed at himself 'The two wanted families in the south side put both of their sons in one room sounds like a fortune' he smirked.
'Well don't get your hopes for anything Gallagher' Mickey called.

A week after meeting Mickey for the first time was very strange for him. They got along pretty quickly and were very open with each other.
Ian knew everything he needed to know about the thug and verse versa.
'So you got a girlfriend or anything? Something I need to know off?' Ian asked as he laughed.
'Fuck no. I'm gay big o'mo'
'Oh sorry if I assumed incorrectly' Ian chuckled softly passing his hand through the back of his head.
'You got any?' Mickey asked.
'Just me and myself' Mickey nodded in response but then raised his brow.
'You gay?' Ian shook his head in response.
'We will see about that' he whispered under his breath.

'Red you comin'? Mickey called. Tonight one of the houses in their college is having some frat party and they got in, somehow. Well, Mickey threatened one of them when he heard there would be an open bar. But no one could mention that if they wanted to get on his nerves. And no one would like that, especially Ian. After coughing stealing his jello last week, he is more terrified of him than usual.
He walked into the room dressed in a pair of tight ripped blue jeans with a single black t-shirt on top with one of Mickey's denim jackets that he let him borrow a long time ago and hadn't returned to him since then.
Not like Mickey would complain he was hot in his clothes, and it was a bit big one him so for Ian it fitted perfectly.
'How do I look?' he asked spinning around like a little girl that just got a new dress from the store and wanted to show it off. But truth be told is that Ian's real intention was to get at Mickey.
Since they moved in with each other he noticed that Mickey's erection was more visible around him. It's not like he was looking intently seeing the outline of his dick.. causing him to grow a bit hard. Throbbing sometimes.
But that was normal, right?
He was still in his teenage years, his hormones still got in his way all the time.
That was normal.
Totally straight.
'Yo Gallagher you good?' Mickey called shaking him off his thoughts.
'Yeah yeah, sorry, let's go' he spoke walking towards his nightstand to grab his key. While he did that he didn't notice Mickey's smirk over his face plastered widely.
They arrived at the party a few minutes later the sound of the music blasting from the inside of the house down the street. They walked inside already greeted by many drunk teens from above and under their age. Some were already making out in the middle of the so-called dance floor and some were already passed out drunk on the floor or the couch.
Ian went straight for the bar to get them drinks to pass the night while Mickey stays behind chatting with one of his frat buddies.
'Hey, can I get two beers?' he asked the kid that was behind the bar who nodded at him and turned around to get it.
'What house are you in?'
'Oh I live in the dorms with my roommate Mickey'
'Milkovich? Oh so you are his boyfriend?' the bartender smirked.
'No just a hetero guy in here' he nodded at him taking the two beers and walking away as fast as he could.
'I don't like barkeepers' he said as he and Mickey sat outside to drink their drink.
'And why's that?' he asked.
'Thought I was your boyfriend or something' Ian explained and Mickey started to laugh like a maniac.
'What what'
'The greatest Gallagher boy called gay and rans away with his tail between his legs. Sounds a bit homophobic to me' he grimaced.
'Shut up! I am not like homophobic I'm an ally!' he squirted.
'Oh yeah? not homophic?' Mickey asked scooting a bit closer to him and Ian hummed in agreement.
'Even if I do this?' he moved a bit closer so they were face to face and Mickey moved his hands towards him.
Their breaths were hitched, and the air was steamy hot that could be cut with a knife. Mickey slowly leaned in connecting their lips slowly.
Ian's lips whipped. That kiss took him completely off guard. He didn't know how to react except to press his lips against Mickey's.
Mickey slowly pulled away from him smirking getting up from his place and walking away.
Leaving Ian behind with a big wtf written all over his face.
Up until now, he thought he was a complete straight-ass Gallagher with the worst taste in women that he barely could get it up during sex.
But Mickey simply kisses him he can feel his dick throbbing against the zipper.

Two days later after the party Ian found himself still thinking about that damn kiss. Kissing before was never that big of a deal for him. But with Mickey, it just felt, different.
He walked inside the living room from his room seeing Mickey watching gay porn in their living room.
'Are you fucking kidding me?' Ian called.
'What?' Mickey asked annoyed.
'You seriously watching porn in the middle of the living room?'
'Why does it bother you it seems like your dick really likes it' he smirked moving his gaze from Ian's dick that start to get harder with the sight in front of him.
'Fuck you. Go watch porn in your room' Ian called walking inside the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
'Water won't cool it off, Gallagher' Mickey called moving his gaze back to the TV. Ian shook his head and down the rest of the water.
Then he moved back toward his room.
'Where are you going?' Mickey asked moving his gaze towards Ian 'You don't want help with that boner of yours?'.
'I can deal with it later' Ian called. 
'So you don't want a hand?' Mickey smirked standing up from the couch and walking towards him.
'And what can you do with that?'
'I know how to suck a dick'
'Not interested' he replied angrily.
'Yeah right' he rolled his eyes 'fucking gay asshole' he mumbled under his breath.
'What was that mumble?' Ian asked curious.
'You're acting like that kiss at the party didn't have an impact on you!' He yelled.
'It did' he whispered almost too silent for anyone to hear.
'What was that mumbles?' Mickey asked.
'IT FUCKING DID OKAY?' he yelled back.
'I came here thinking I was this straight boy with the worst taste in women's to go with it. And then you came along and I lost my fucking breath away. Ever since that kiss that night. I started to think that I may have been gay all along but without anyone to tour me along the way' he explained Mickey nodded and pulled himself closer to him. Ian put his hands over Mickey's hips and raised himself a bit higher.
'So you want me to tour you?' he asked with hesitation as Ian slowly nodded.
'Kiss me' he whispered shyly
'Kiss me, Gallagher ' Mickey said again. Ian slowly leaned in connecting their lips and kissing the life out of Mickey. 
They slowly pulled away from each other as both of their cheeks flashed red and their lips were covered with saliva. 
'Ahm definitely gay' Mickey leered.
'Shut the fuck and kiss me again' Ian commended.
'Yes sir'

Hi people!
Hope you all doing alright and feeling well
Thank you for reading my story you don't know how excited I am each morning to see a new like or a new response
Thank you all
Love ya

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