Yes Mr.Milkovich-part 2

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A week later
Ian walked inside the office a bit earlier than usual and made his way towards his desk.
It was about seven thirty on a Sunday morning, and he had an extra thirty minutes to himself to get something to eat and drink at the cafeteria before the day started.
He put his work bag down on his desk, then pulled out his wallet and made his way towards the cafeteria.
A big shut-close sign was placed over it.
"Fuck," he cursed, turning around and being greeted by Mr.Milkovich.
"Why the long face, Ginger?" he asked, sipping on his to-go cup of coffee.
"I didn't have coffee this morning; I was rushing in," he informed.
"Just go down the street; there is Fuzz's coffee or something, and they serve a normal drink," Mickey said.
"I don't like this kind of coffee; it's foam in a cup."
"They also serve your black soul coffee."
"It's not black soul coffee, Mr. Milkovich," Ian said, rolling his eyes at the man.
"It is, and you know it," he mimicked, and Ian scoffed.
"I'm going to get Aurora to bring me one from Blue's," he informed him, and then walked away.
"Wait, I'll come with you. I want to get something to eat."
"Fine," Ian said, sighing and walking away with the other man.

They arrived at the place a few minutes later, and it was this little, cute cafe. decorated beautifully, and the song "Into You" by Ariana Grande was playing in the background.
"Welcome to Blue's. What can I get started for you today?" The guy asked, standing next to the cash register.
The guy slowly raised his gaze over the man and stopped in shock when he saw the redhead's face.
"Ian?" he asked.
"Oh hey..Dylan How's it going?" He asked nicely.
"I'm good; I'm working at my parents' cafe." He smiled at him as Mickey fixed his gaze between them, trying to see the connection.
"What about you?"
"I'm working at a high-tech company just down the block."
"Smarty, I like it," he smirked at Ian, who looked extremely uncomfortable with the situation.
"You know," he started, pushing his body towards Ian.

"Babe, maybe we can just get the one with the olives; it's much cheaper," Mickey said, taking Ian's hand in his and gazing at the guy.
"Sure, why not?" Ian replied, looking over at Mickey with a smile.
"Oh, are you two a couple?" Dylan asked with a raised brow.
"Yeah, got a problem with that, Jazzy?" Mickey asked, glancing over at him.
"Not at all," Dylan started. "Well, you know how to find me if you're up for a threesome now," he smirked.
"Okay, if you don't mind fucking away and getting us our order, that would be great," Mickey faked, smiling.
"And what seems to be the problem here?" A girl who looked a bit older than them came around as she heard Mickey's raised voice. She was dressed in a black kind of style with the name tag 'Lola' pinned to her shirt. She was the only one who wasn't wearing the cafe's signature apron, so Mickey guessed she was the boss.
"Yeah, your employee is not getting us our food while being completely unprofessional." He spoke with anger that was dripping through his body.
"I'm sorry, sir; we will get your order right away. What was it that you wanted?" She asked nicely.
"Two salad bowls with extra cheese for him and black coffee and crotons on mine, to go," he demanded.
"Of course, that would be 20 dollars," she smiled at him. Mickey pulled out a twenty from his pocket, handed it to the lady, and then spanned away with Ian towards the pickup area.
"You didn't have to stand up for me, Mr. Milkovich," Ian pointed out.
"Nonsense, a guy that talks like that should work in a strip club, not in a precessional cafe," he explained.
"Still thank you; I don't know what I'd have done. I thought I could've ended it with him like the last time." Mickey shook his head at him, waiting for him to continue.
"With me punching him in the face after fucking another guy in our bed and then saying he was waiting for me to join him in a fuck group with the other guy."
"Geez, guys never knew how to grow up, I see. That's why I don't do dating," he pointed out, and then seconds later he was gone, taking their food and Ian's drinks and leaving the cafe back to the office.
"Thank you, by the way, for the food. How much do I own you exactly?"
"Nothing on me," said Mickey before entering his office and disappearing between meetings and calls until the end of the day.

Ian had today to stay extra time for starting late after the so-called breakfast with Mr.Milkovich.
So when the time hit 6 and Mr.Milkovich was the last one at the office, he didn't bother to start singing.
Every time he has to stay extra early, he finds himself with his headphones on, humming to the music.
Today's choice was "Cigarette Daydream," his current favorite song (to the cover of the song by Cameron himself, I put a link for you to hear). He hummed to the tone, hearing the melody pass from one ear to another until the words came out of his mouth perfectly.
Singing was one of his hobbies, and he even considered himself not to be bad at it.

Daydreaming in his singing, he didn't notice someone leaving his office and sneaking behind him until he heard him speak.
"I didn't know we opened an opera room here, Ginger."
"How much of it did you hear?" He asked, embarrassed.
"Enough to get it on video to show your friends," he smirked, shaking his head and walking past him to get some water.
"Why are you still here, by the way?" Mr.Milckovich asked, taking a sip of his water.
"I came a bit late after we got the food this morning, so I had to stay extra to cover the rest so you wouldn't be mad at me, Mr. Milkovich," and Mickey nodded.
"Good. It seems like you changed your habits. I like it."
"Well, I had a good example." Ian grinned at him.

The air was thick between them. One moment they were talking in the office about some paper, and the other Mickey was struggling with Ian's hips while kissing him passionately.
"Fuck," Ian moaned under his breath as Mickey snacked a hickey over his collar.
"Fuck me, ginger," he demanded between moans.
"Are you sure?" he asked softly, gazing at his baby blue eyes.
"Bend me over the desk in my office, and you won't hear me yelling at you for being late."
"As you wish, boss," he snickered, picking Mickey from his lap and caring for him towards his office. putting him down and bending him over the desk.
"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about," Mickey groaned as Ian pushed his index finger inside of him. working him open, with two more fingers falling along as he pulled more of these delicious sounds from the guy.
"Fuck, you're so hot," Ian groaned.
"Shut up and fuck me ginger," Ian smirked and pulled the rest of his clothes off, coaxing his dick in some spit before grabbing a condom and pushing fully into the man. That winced for the sudden jolt.
"Shit," he cursed under his breath as Ian slowly pulled out until the tip of his dick was still in him before pushing right back in.
Creating a rhythm between them, both were lost in their little bubble. Ian is fucking Mickey tough and good while the other boy tries to suck hickeys over his freckled neck and collar bone.
"Fuck, you're so tight taking me so good, so good around my dick," Ian patented his words, which came on as a loud groan.
"Keep on going, Ginger," Mickey moaned.
He thrust a few more times inside the man before hitting his prostate dead on.
"I'm coming," Mickey called.
"Don't you dare." Ian moaned, continuing with his thrust against his prostate.
"I'm the only one that can give you orders, not the other way you hear me," he asked, holding Mickey's hips in place, stopping him from meeting Ian's thrust.
"Please, Ian," he begged, filling the overstimulation spaying in his body and getting tired at the same time.
"Keep on going, Prince." Ian commended him for moving his hands from his hips, letting him keep on fucking himself over his dick.
"May I come?" Mickey asked after a few more seconds when Ian managed to create more love bits over his body.
"Now you may come for me," and he came, and boy, he came so hard and good that he was afraid he might pass out from his orgosma. Ian came inside the condom a few seconds later, staying in place for a few minutes before pulling out of him and flopping to his chair.
"Fuck, that was good," Ian called, getting up from the chair after his breath calmed down.
"Yeah, it really was," Mickey smirked, getting up from his desk to get some tissue to clean himself off.
They both pulled their clothes back, keeping their small glances as minimal as possible so the other wouldn't notice.
"Guess I'd see you tomorrow, Mr. Milkovich."
"See you, Ginger," he snickered as Ian chuckled softly and left.
Hiya guys long time no see hoped you missed me like I missed you
Part three would be out soon
Hope you are doing good
Love ya❤️

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