The cop and the singer- part 1

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So hey firstly haven't been here in a while.. sorry about that I had work in the past two weeks and I was deadly tired after that, working with the kids at the kindergarten isn't always easy 🫠
Anyhow enough with me whining let's get into this story show we?
Mickey Milckovich wasn't your typical cop kind of looking. He grew up on the south side of Chicago, leading his early life to be filled with drugs and guns and all the unfriendly cop environments. But all of this took a turn when he found out he was gay at the age of 17 after finding himself staring too much over a hot guy's ass. Since that day, he has decided to save up whatever penny he could find and get himself away from the shithole he was supposed to call home. He even managed to get enough money to get himself a decent place in the big apple. He worked day and night until he managed to figure out what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. Because working at McDonald's until he parks out isn't much of an option. So he enrolled in the police academy. He passed whatever tests and training he needed. And in a year, I was stationed at the 108. He worked as a cop for three years before becoming a detective. He helped work on a case that called him a pushy buster, and he decided to take the detective to an exam. Which was the second big test he ever passed in his life.

Two years later, Mickey became one of the best detectives in the department and in NYC. But the only thing he had missing after all his great achievements was someone to share them with. He left all his family back in Chicago; Mandy was long gone, and he was all by himself. So that's how he found himself scrolling through TikTok and not Grinder because he got tired of meaningless sex and nothing more.

"What about him?" Hen asked as she stopped on a video of some hot guy flexing his muscles with the gay #gay #bimam.
"Nope, been with a bi man once that all he tried to accomplish was revenge on his ex." He replied, scolding down more until his eyes landed on a hot redhead boy singing "cigarettes daydream.".
"Holy sh*t, that ginger can sing!" Hen called, grabbing the phone from him to get a better look at his face.
"And he is hot! You should totally DM him."
"I'm not going to hook up with some random guy from TikTok; that place is crazier than Grinder," he called as Hen rolled her eyes.
"I recall back on Evan."
"Fuck you"
"You know what? If you won't text him, I'd."
"I don't recall you being a guy  or even gay," he smirked, and Hen tucked her tongue out, readjusting herself in her seat to look at him.
"Give me your phone!"
"And why would I do that? "When he started getting cupped off by his phone ringing,.
"Saved by the bell," Mickey smirked as he stood up, taking the call.

Later that day, he was back home and again found himself scrolling through TikTok and accidentally clicking on the redhead's profile. I found many videos of him singing with a guy playing the guitar or dancing with a little girl who was grinning madly at him. He lifted her up in the middle, dancing with her around, making her crutch hit the side of his body, but it didn't seem like he cared.

He then scrolled through the comments, seeing people talking positively about the apparently young dad and how happy little Rylie was dancing like that.
He smiled softly and kept scrolling down his page. Apparently the redhead, Ian, was 25 and a single dad to a girl with ALS who was 7 years old. They live in New York as well and work as an EMT. A very hot one, Mickey might add.
Well, an EMT guy that can sing and dance, a good dad, Mickey just hoped he was gay.

He was back at work the next day and getting his first call to a burned house, which seemed like an arson.
He pulled into the scene just as the firefighters were almost finished putting out the fire. And when his eyes locked with those marvel green eyes, his breath hitch.
His body moved in a tendency to treat every patient with patience and compassion.
He didn't notice he was drooling over him until Hen shook him out of his own thoughts.
"Yo Milkovich, you drooling over the hot redhead," she smirked, and he rolled his eyes, moving towards the people he needed to interview.

It went on like this for weeks. Mickey saw Ian in scenes, getting called out by Hen, blushing, and then walking away to his destination. Until it was enough for her.
So the next time they were in a scene together, Hen decided to take matters into her own hands.
As she made sure Mickey was good with whatever he needed to do, she walked towards the EMT guy, seeing him just looking around casually, giving a few sassy glances in Mickey's direction.
"Yo, Redhead guy!" she called, and he snapped from his thoughts.
"Listen, that cop over there," she said, pointing at him, "is head over heels for you."
"Really?" he asked, surprised, looking over at her with a grin.
"Yes, he binged on watching your videos on TikTok all yesterday, and I know also at night," he blushed, covering his face with his hands embarrassed.
"You think I should talk with him?"
"Fuck yes! but I've got something better you can do," she smirked.

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