A letter to the sea-part 1

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Couples of years ago, a new system to get couples together called'sailor' was invented. The system is based on the same idea as Tinder, but differently. While Tinder connects people online, Sailor connects people through letters.
You see, in the Navy, there are many people who are on board basically 24/7 and only get off board once every few months. So their social life and romantic life are a wreck.
Therefore, this system was invented.
Every sailor at the start of his career gets to choose if they want to get attached to someone through letters or not.
If they agree, they get a letter two weeks later to their cell with the contact information of someone they can talk to.

Ian, when he got the letter a year ago, agreed. Knowing that the next time he is going to see his home or people other than his crew members,
Two weeks ago, he finally got a letter back with information about a guy named Mickey Milkovich.
Thank God for the gay supporters in the Navy. He nags to ask to talk with a guy.
Mickey was 25—just two years older than him. A picture of the man was attached, and he was so beautiful that Ian wanted to cry.
He had the most gorgeous-looking eyes that fit his face perfectly.
He seems to have a toned body and muscles in his arm that could be seen through the picture.
In three words, he was perfect.

The first letter came two days later with contact information for Mickey, his address, and a phone number if he needed it.
In the evening, when he had finally turned to himself, he sat down in his room and got to writing. But what are you supposed to write to someone you never met or probably would never meet who lives across the sea when you live on it?
It took him all night, but he finally got around to it and sent it over the next time they were around town.

Dear Mickey,
My name is Ian Gallagher, and I'm a Petty Officer second class.
I'm 23 years old and originally from the south side of Chicago, which you seemed to be from as well, from your tattoos and all (which I think is pretty hot).
I've been in the army since I was 17, but I did ROTC way back.
Kind of an addict, if you want to say that.
I hope you liked me until then.
Write me back if you are interested.

It's been two weeks since he sent that letter, and he still hasn't received a letter back.
'Maybe he just decided against it or something' he thought to himself. He got his hopes high after seeing the picture of the man he sent the letter to.

The following day, as a call from God or whatever was up threatening that he believed in, he called us to the chief's office.
"Captain," he greeted as he walked inside the office as he was allowed to.
"I got your letter from the 'Sailor' app; they got mistaken with the names, and it got in here," Captain Noah said, and Ian nodded before leaving the office to his room to put the letter on his bed before leaving again for practice.

Around midnight, Ian returned to his room. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he tried to calm his breath down. He took his water bottle from his nightstand and took a big sip from it.
Then he sat down on his bed, took the nicely folded letter in his hand, and opened it.

Hey, sorry it took me so long to respond. I had some sh*t to take care of but finally managed to get back to you.
So my name is Mickey Milkovich, and I'm 25. Born and raised on the south side, she currently lives in New York, working as a banker (I actually own the place, but whatever).
If you have more questions, feel free to call Freckles.

The letter was actually very nicely written; his writing style was a bit messy but fit his work style. He would definitely write him back, though the phone number won't help that much as he doesn't have any WiFi connections in the middle of the sea. But he would save it just in case.
Their letter exchange kept going back and forth. Sometimes when Ian was close by, they would manage to talk via phone, and they would talk for hours until Ian's captain would call him back.
"So why did you exactly join the military?" Mickey asked during one of their phone calls.
"Well, since I was a kid, I always wanted to become an officer. I don't really know what led to this dream, but it was always in me. My family wants me to be really supportive, that I was crazy like my mom.
"The one who kept running away from her family." Mickey asked
"And the sick one, she has something called bipolar disorder, something I got diagnosed with in high school."
"What's that?" Mickey asked with a raised brow.
"It's a mental illness," Ian said, "something that ran in my family for years before my mom got it."
"Oh" was the only sound Mickey made, and Ian was afraid for his dearest life. He knows that Mickey can't do anything to him right now, as they are so far apart. But he can choose to end whatever is going on between them.
"Alright," he said eventually, and Ian's eyes widened.
"Are you okay with that?"
"Are you going to cook me and eat me alive when we meet?"
"Then we are good."
"Alright. Then, after I learned that being an officer was off my plan due to that, I went into therapy, pills, or whatever else could help me keep this diagnosis under control. When I was ready to go by my doctor, I applied to become a sailboat, which was my second choice for my career in the first place, and ended up here."
"So from an officer to a sailor, pretty big jump you made in their freckles," Mickey replied, chuckling softly.
"What can I say? The sea was calling me."
"Fucking Moana"

One year later...
"Mickey?" Ian asked as his phone was pressed against his ear.
"Open the door," he replied as Mickey, with a raised brow, stood up from his place over the couch, opening the front door, seeing the redhead boy that he had been talking nonstop for the past year.
"What are you doing here?" he asked as he put his phone down.
"I got an early release from the ship; though I'd come and surprise you, why? Do you want me to go?" He asked, a bit confused, but smiled at him.
"Never, the sea can wait," he replied, being close to Ian for a kiss before closing the door behind them.

Hey guys! And welcome back all 22 thousand of you!
Can I say holy shit? I'm fucking lost of words to say how glad am I to keep on seeing people actually like what I'm writing and doesn't say shit about it.
So thank you and I wish there was more words for that but that you.
Love ya❤️
Part two?

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