Snickers bar

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Intro: Ian is a single dad to a little girl named Everly.
The alarm clock by his nightstand woke him up like every morning. The time was around 6:30, which meant he had an hour to wake Everly up, get her dressed and breakfast, and get off to school.
He got up from the bed with a yawn and pulled on some sweatpants and some hoodies he found on his chair. He washed his teeth and used some mouthwash to clean his teeth, and he was off to Eve's room.
He turned on and off the lights, knowing she would be awake from that.
"Hey monkey, it's time to get up," he signed as she nodded and hugged him. He smiled, pulling away slightly to sign again.
"Do you want pancakes or eggs for breakfast?"
"Pancakes!" She smiled
"Alright, go get dressed!"
Everly made her way downstairs, finding her dad flipping pancakes. She knocked her feet against the floor to get his attention before signing, "What do you think?" and spinning around to show her dress.
"Gorgeous," he signed, "sit down; food is ready. Do you want to take some to school for lunch? Or do you want me to pack you something else?".
"Can you maybe make me peanut butter and jelly?"
"Sure, get the jelly and the peanut butter from the cupboard." and she nodded and pulled out from the cupboard the jelly and the peanut butter and put them on the counter. And then she walked to watch some TV before the food was ready.
They ate some breakfast together, and Ian helped her put her last-minute thing in her bag.
"You got everything?" he signed.
"Yes," she signed back, and he nodded, taking his keys and wallet and exiting the house, not forgetting to lock it behind him before making their way inside.
They arrived at 'Lee Elementary School' in ten minutes and said their goodbyes before Ian made his way towards the shop to get some groceries to make dinner. Tonight Everly asked for some chicken nuggets and mac'n'cheese, one of her favourites.
"Hey Dino!" he called as he walked inside, seeing the usual old man in his seventies with his coffee and newspaper smiling at him. "Got any chicken nuggets and American cheese?"
"Third freezer on your left!" Dino said, nodding towards the spot. Ian walked towards the freezer and pulled from the first one the chicken nuggets and from the second one the pack of cheese that should last him for some grilled cheese for the girl for school tomorrow.
"Thanks, man," he said as he pulled everything to the counter to pay up.
"Found everything you need for the girl?"
"Think so. Maybe I'd get her one of those chocolate bars she likes; she has some big tests today, and I bet that would cheer her up."
"Snickers bar on the third aisle," he explained, and before Ian could say another word, he added, "Only got the white chocolate one that she likes; she is the only one that eats that, her and another guy," and Ian smiled as Dino started to scan the items into a plastic bag.
"Hey Dino, got the Snickers bar?" a voice of some guy called behind him.
"Third aisle, Mickey," he called as the guy walked towards the aisle to grab his snack.
"Ten fifty." Ian pulled out a fifteen-dollar bill from his wallet and handed it to Dino.
"Keep the change, man; have a good day."
"You too, ginger, sign hello to Eve, would you?"
"Of course." He smiled and waved goodbye to the man before catching a glance at the guy with the Snickers bar in his hand.
He made his way back to his car and managed to put the groceries back in their place and clean up the rest of the mess they left this morning before jogging to pick up Everly from school.
"Hey, how was school today?" he signed
"Good," she signed back. "Mrs. M, let us watch 'Inside Out' during class today, and she even remembered to put on the little woman so I could understand," she smiled.
The little woman was the ASL interpreter who translated to sign-language TV shows and movies for people like Everly. Most of the time, they would forget to put it on, and Everly was too shy to ask for it. Sometimes they would remember beforehand, and it would make her day.
"Awesome monkey!" he cheerfully smiled. "And how was that test of yours?" He signed as she pulled a single sheet of paper from her bag and handed it to him. An A+ was marked on it with a little heart from the teacher.
"Omg Eve! Good job, monkey. I'm so proud of you.
"Thank you," she signed and smiled at him.
"Then I think you deserve that present I got you from Dino." Ian smiled.
"Is it the white chocolate Snickers bar?" She signed in amazement, hoping she got it right.
"Damn right, I got you two of these, one for today and one for your birthday tomorrow. I can make you some pancakes. What do you say?" Her jaw dropped.
"Omg! Yes, Dad, please," she begged.
"Anything you want, monkey," he said, smiling at her.
For an eight-year-old girl, Everly Gallagher was pretty mature. She knew that when they got home, she would have to help her dad do the laundry because he would always get it wrong. Then she would go to her room and spend the rest of her afternoon doing her homework. And when dinner was ready, they would sit together, and then she would help him clean off the kitchen. After that, they would watch some movies until one of them fell asleep.
Around one a.m., Ian woke up, looked over the situation next to him, and saw his baby girl sleeping peacefully.
He kissed her forehead and whispered "Happy birthday, monkey," then picked her up and carried her to her bed, tucking her in before leaving his room and falling asleep for the rest of the night.
The alarm clock went off around six a.m., five hours later. He had half an hour to decorate the house for the girl and then get her up for school.
He pulled out of the cupboard all the balloons he made earlier and the cake he got for her. Strawberry cheesecake is her favourite flavor. The only thing she has in common with her other dad, Harvey,
Harvey is Ian's ex-husband. When Everly was born and didn't pass her hearing test, Harvey took off with another man, saying that the girl was deaf because of him, as she was biologically his.
After he left, Ian was lost. He didn't know how to raise Everly all by himself. He was twenty-five and a half years old at the time, a kid by himself with a deaf newborn. He had to return to his old house and live with his family while taking care of the little girl and learning sign language.
When Everly was about three years old, Ian managed to swipe a big promotion at his job and managed to buy a place for the two of them.
Now, four years later, Everly is turning seven today, and Ian celebrates another year of being single.
At six o'clock, he went towards Everly's room and turned on and off the light to wake her up. As she opened her eyes, she smiled, seeing him with balloons and a birthday crown for her to put on.
He put the things down and started to sign and sing for her.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday! Happy birthday Happy birthday, Everly. Happy birthday, my little monkey."
"Dad I'm not little anymore; I'm seven years old! I'm a big monkey now."
"Yes, you are," he smiled, bending over to her level, "my seven-year-old monkey," and tickled her as she laughed.
"Dad, stop," she tried to sign, but it got mixed up with her laughter.
"Okay, okay, how about we go down the stairs and have some breakfast? What do you say? And then, after work today, we will go out tonight to have some dinner at Pearl's. What do you think?" Everly, after that, jumped out of bed in no time and ran to her bathroom to get ready, as Ian chuckled softly.
Everly finished getting ready in no time and put on her new outfit that her aunt Debbi helped her to pick. Ian put her curly red hair in pigtails, and she looked hella cute. They ate some breakfast, and Ian gave her a slice of her cake and added it to her school lunch. Then they exit the house and drove off to school.
"Thank you so much, Daddy, for all of that," she said as he helped her out of the car.
"You're welcome, Eve; it's your birthday after all; you've deserved to be treated as the princess you are." He smiled and bowed, and she chuckled and hugged him, kissing his cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you too," he signs back. "Don't forget, Debbi will get you today from school so you and Franny can play together. I'll be back around five tonight and pick you up from there," and she nodded in reply, walking away and waving towards him as he waved back.
He arrived at the office around seven a.m. and found Dona already at her desk.
"Good morning, Ian."
"Morning, Dona," he smiled as she handed him his cup of coffee.
"You're a lifesaver, you know that?" he asked as he took a long sip from the hot beverage.
"I know you say it every morning," she chuckled softly. "You've got some files you need to sign on that are waiting on your desk. And Mrs.Morris should be here in half an hour. Her files are as well in there, and you've got a meeting with Mr. Smith at ten; his files are in there as well," he nodded, replied, and smiled. "Thank God for you, Dona," and she chuckled.
He walked past her, and inside his office, the golden, curved words were shining from the sunlight hitting them.
"Ian Gallagher lawyer" read how proud he was of himself to get that title.
It had been a long way since law school; he managed to get into Harvard right after high school when he discovered he was mentally sick and couldn't pursue his career in the military as an officer. His life turned upside down, and with the help of Lip, he somehow got into Harvard. It was actually when he met Harvey for the first time. They had some classes together and worked a few times on some projects. By the end of the first year, they were dating and living together off campus.
When they graduated law school, Harvey proposed to Ian on the same day off stage, obviously too afraid to get shot in the middle. They got married two months later, and they brought Everly into the world that year.
They were happy and all, but something was a bit off about Harvey. Something Ian couldn't put his finger on until he left him.

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