Yes Mr.Milkovich-part 3

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Part three and the last one!!!
Since that night together, the situation between them has been kind of intense.
They would always still get casual glances from each other during meetings and lunch. And when no one was around, they wouldn't be afraid to be too touchy with each other behind closed doors and blinds.
Some days Ian would stay after work and have some private time with Mickey in his office after everyone left.
And some days they would meet at some restaurant down the block from Ian's place, afraid to be seen together in public and assuming anything between them.
When Independence Day came around, Mickey decided to give everyone a day off, so they went out and spent it with their families and loved ones.
Ian walked inside Mr.Milkovich to greet him with a proper good morning kiss but was greeted with an awkward silence from Mickey and someone from HR.
"Ian Gallagher, please have a seat," she said. Ian nodded, closed the door behind him, and sat in the chair in front of the woman.
"I'd be very straightforward; if you and Mr.Milkovich don't stop seeing each other, we would have to let one of you go. You have an hour to decide. Until then, you are both going to stay out of the office," she told them as they nodded along and left the office.
Before Ian could say another word, Mickey spoke.
"I'm going to fucking kill him! Who the hell does he think he is? Fuck!" he yelled, banging against the glass door.
"What are you talking about, Mickey?" he asked.
"The CEO is my fucking dad!" he yelled.
Mickey sighed and sat down against the wall as Ian sat next to him on the floor.
"Your dad is the actual CEO?"
"Unfortunately yes. When he got sick last year with cancer and it got too bad for him, he sent me to run in it.
"And you never did anything like this before?" Ian asked, amazed.
"Never. When I was twelve, my two idiot brothers died from an overdose, and I had to step up to take over the throne. So when he got sick, he put me in charge, promising me that he wouldn't interrupt me as a boss, and so he wouldn't watch the cameras in the office."
"So how do you know it was him we got notice for?"
"Cody from HR?" he asked, and Ian nodded. "He is my cousin; my dad put him in charge of me, making sure I don't do gay stuff."
"I didn't know my name was stuff, but cool," he snickered, and Mickey chuckled and hit his hand.
"So he is homophobic?"
"He is a homophobic, syctic prick; he is a neo-nazi that hits and rapes everything that doesn't come his way."
"Jes," Ian sighs, "and I thought my parents were the worst."
"What the Gallagher's?" Mickey asked unimpressively, "They are barely one step above the Milkovich. You have some potential."
"Noted that," Ian smiled, and Mickey chuckled.
They both lowered their gazes, smiling to themselves, as Mickey tried to wipe off the blush from his face.
"So what do you want to do? Are we going to break up?" Ian asked, looking over at Mickey.
"I guess we have to," he shrugged, and Ian nodded sadly as Mickey sighed and looked away. "Or we can wait for him to park out."
"That can take years," Ian whined.
"Not with what he has, he can die at any minute," he explained in sympathy as Ian looked over him and chuckled.
"Is he sick that bad?"
"Badly," Mickey replied.
"Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?"
"Not as bad as I want to."
The kiss was sweet with passion. Sure, it wasn't the first time that their lips locked together, but it sure as hell won't be the last one.

They eventually went back to the office and made their decision in front of the woman. I explained to her that it was a time thing between them, that it wouldn't happen again, and that they were breaking up. It was obviously a lie; they couldn't let Cody or anyone else see them from now on. So they stick to dates at their place and sometimes at the restaurant as a double date with Mickey's sister and Ian's brother.

Two weeks later, they were lying peacefully cuddling close in Ian's bed. Mickey's phone interrupted their sleep.
"Who's that?" he asked in a sleepy tone. Ian moved his hand from under Mickey's body and grabbed the phone from the nightstand, tossing it to him.
"It's my dad's nurse," he explained to him. Ian nodded and helped Mickey sit down as he moved away to the bathroom to give him some privacy.
"Hey Vicky, how may I help you?" he asked
"Oh, Mr.Milkovich I'm so sorry to tell you your dad passed away last night," she said softly. She didn't sound angry or sad, just pure relief. Which was totally okay considering who she had to take care of.
"Thank you, Vikey. Me and my sister would be there shortly," he replied to the woman, who then hung up.
He got up from bed and ran towards his lover, calling out his name.
"What what?" Ian asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Instead of explaining himself, Mickey just kissed him.
A sweet, innocent kiss similar to the one they had a few weeks ago outside of his office when he told him everything.
But this kiss was a bit more serious, a bit more intimate, and more than anything, it was love.

A year later, Mickey managed to buy all his dad's shares of the company and became the official CEO. He had a major interest in changing the company atmosphere and work environment.
With the help of Ian and Aurora, they pulled a 180 over the place.
And by the end of that, he had named Ian as the new COO after kicking his cousin out; that was the COO himself.
Then they pulled Tom and Aurora to Mark, which helped increase the income of the company by 80 percent.

But they didn't stop their changes.

Every morning, when Mickey was already in his office, Ian would come in first thing in the morning to greet his boyfriend with a morning kiss and a cup of coffee. And in return, Mickey would get their breakfast from Blues as a tradition. Sometimes they would even manage to eat together.

Ian walked inside at seven thirty with two cups of coffee in each hand and a smile plastered over his mouth.
"Morning, babe," he smirked, seeing Mickey already drowning in his own workload.
Mickey smiled upon hearing the voice of his boyfriend and raised his head to look over him.

"Damn, looking good, ginger."
"Well, thank you, Mr. Milkovich," he said, stopping up close and putting the cup in front of Mickey as he quickly kissed his lips.
"Well, thank you for that," Mickey smirked at him, then bending down to get the bag with food for him.
"Got tike this morning to eat with me?" Ian asked, taking a sip from his own cup.
"It took an hour and a half before Mr. Grouchy Smurf got here."
"I hope he will be late," Ian smirked as Mickey chucked.

Ian pulled out the bag of food and sat down next to Mickey. He was hoping Mickey would get them the salads he wanted, but instead he found a little velvet box. He pulled it out of the bag and looked at it, confused. He turned his head to look over Mickey, but he was on one knee in front of him.
"Mickey," he gasped. Mickey then took the box from him and opened it up, showing a singer's silver band that was shining in the room.
"I love you, Ginger. I never loved anyone the way I do. Ever since I met you in the office, I thought to myself that you were just another annoying coworker that I'd have to work with. You have proved me wrong. You have helped me so much that I can put into work how much I'm thankful to have you in my life. And I'm planning to keep you in it for the rest of it, if you say yes."
"YES!!" Ian yelled and smiled, jumping over Mickey, who quickly pulled the ring over his finger.
"I fucking love you, Mickey."
"I love you too, Ginger. I love you too," he replied.

Ten years later
"Morning Mr.Gallavich"
"Morning, Mr. Gallavich," Mickey replied, walking past Ian towards his office, not forgetting to kiss his lips as a proper greeting between them over the past eleven years.

A young woman walked inside the office and moved straight towards Aurora, asking her something that Ian couldn't understand before she stepped up closer to him.
"Hey, I'm Remi Knox. I'm new here. Do you know maybe where I can meet the boss? I'm supposed to have a meeting with him in his office, and I've no idea where that is."
As he was about to respond to the girl, Mickey exited his office towards his secretary.
"That's him," he pointed, and Remi moved her face to look over the model-looking boss.
"Would that be bad if I said he was hot?" Ian chuckled, not even mad anymore when people praise Mickey's beauty. The man was a literal angel-looking guy with a bad boy image.
"Not at all. That's what I thought at first when he started working here. And then, eleven years later, I found myself married to him for nine years with a kid."
"Omg, I'm so sorry, Mr."

And bang! Four days later, we got the final part of it!
Sorry for the people. I'm stuck at work most of the day and barely have time for anything.
I hope you all stay safe!
Love you ❤️

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