Bubble wrap

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No intro this time; you'd just have to read and see promise it's a good one.
As dinner was done, Ian and Mickey allowed the three little monsters to play upstairs while they clean the kitchen.

It's been half an hour since the three disappeared up stairs, and it's been weird silence.
"Where did they go?" Ian asked Mickey once they finished outing the last of the dishes in the dishwasher.
"Probably just playing or something," Mickey shrugged.

"Daddy! Dad!" the voice Rylie called from the stairs as she ran towards them. "Look what we found."
Mickey's jaw dropped, seeing on each of his daughter's fingers a single condom lying.
"Me, Rowan, and Ryan found those bubble wraps in the bathroom. Is it cool?" She asked, amazed, showing off her condom-wrapped fingers.
"Omg," Mickey whispered.

Just as that stumbled Rowan and Ryan as well, with their fingers full of condoms.
"How come we never saw it before, dad?" Ryan asked.
"It's so cute," Rowan called, clicking them together as the three dashed with their bubble wrap.
"Dear god," Mickey mumbled under his breath.

Let's just say the kids spend the rest of the day dancing around with their bubble wrap.

"Why are your kids dancing around with condoms?" Debbi asked as she came to drop off Franny for the night.
"They found them in the bathroom and have been dancing with them since then. They think it's bubble wrap."
"Thank God I'm not dating men," she called, shaking her head.

So hey people
Hope you all having a great time and stay safe
Love ya ❤️

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