How it all Got Started

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After 4 and X mysteriously went missing, the contestants were left without a purpose, feeling emptiness day by day, waiting for something to fight for. Needless to say, after everything happened, morale was pretty down.

Feeling the most down was Firey. He hadn't seen Leafy ever since the day he won the contest. He remembers her standing at the golden gate, right behind his nemesis, Coiny. He remembers swooping in, saving her from obliteration, only to drop her from his hang glider. The last time her name was even mentioned was when the team had chased her, making her transport to Yoyleland. The objects saw Leafy as an outsider, and it was all his fault.

Everyday, Firey would sit and look out in the distance, wondering if she'd ever come back and forgive him. Oh, what Firey would do for her. He'd practically make her royalty if he had to. He thought to himself how he would tell her all the adventures he had with 4 and X and loser, and maybe, just maybe, they could be best friends again. Maybe even more than that.

Firey cleared his thoughts and paid attention to the other contestants. These bored objects needed a leader, and they needed one quick. They needed someone who could take charge and take matters into their own hands, yet let them live and have fun.

Firey decided that he had to take a stance. "Contestants!" he yelled. Everyone glanced his way. "Fellow Friends! I have decided that we need to go on a hunt. A hunt for Dream Island." Everyone gasped.

Suddenly, Golfball stood up. "How would you even know where Dream Island is," she questioned.

"I-I don't," Firey admitted "but I do know that together, we can find it! I, as the former competition's winner, shall lead this team of sad little objects to find what we came here to get in the first place!"

At first everyone was silent. Then, suddenly, they all clapped and cheered Firey's name. He liked the attention. So the objects followed Firey, and yes, they did eventually find Dream Island.

The contestants came to the mutual decision that Firey should be their rightful leader, though Pin and Golfball did put up quite a protest in the beginning.

So Firey led his team contently, building new structures and assigning jobs to his people, as all good leaders would do. But, there comes a time where even the greatest, humblest leaders become obsessed with their role, and Firey, being praised by everyone, took advantage of the power he had. He made the objects endlessly work and work, and if they didn't obey, his guards, Loser and Cake, would take them away.

This was no longer a peaceful community, it was a reign. Firey's reign. 

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