What IS he doing?

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Donut POV:

"What are you doing?"

It was Leafy, or at least we thought it was. Gelatin and I glanced at each other, not knowing what to say.

She spoke again: "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Her voice was calm and hushed; she almost seemed scared, as though she was the one who was about to be cooked alive and eaten.

I began to open my mouth, being cautious as to not get us into any more trouble: "Uh, hi. My name is Donut and this is my friend Gelatin." He gave an innocent smirk and waved. We sat there nervously, waiting for her response.

Surprisingly, she smiled back: "Oh, hi! I'm Leafy. It's nice to meet you both!" She exclaimed, shaking our hands. "I'm guessing you guys came after the announcer left, so we never crossed paths, but it's always good to make new friends!"

Woah. She was oddly kind, which was unexpected, considering we were going to be her dessert. I wondered if this was some sort of trick, so I put my guard up and focused on getting out of here: "We don't mean to cause any harm," I started, "but we do need to leave."

She tilted her head in confusion: "why are you in such a hurry?" Gelatin and I glanced at each other again, implicitly wondering what we were supposed to tell her.

This time, Gelatin answered the question, still out of breath from heroically saving me. "Well, I'll tell you why we are in a hurry," he said sassily.

Oh no. Gelatin was going to get us tied up again with this attitude. I clenched my teeth as I watched him angrily explain our situation:

"It all started when Donut and I were minding our dang business, and all of a sudden, your fiance, or whatever, dragged us over to this room and tied us up." I glared at Gelatin, signaling for him to shut up, but Leafy was still curious:

"Why would Firey tie you up? Did you guys break a rule or something?"

Now that made me pissed: "Did WE break a rule?! If anything, I think you should ask your fiance, the one who literally wanted to feed us to you!"

Leafy gasped. "F-feed me?"

Shit, shit, shit, why did I say that? What had gotten into me?

Before I had a chance to clarify what I meant to say, she ran off.

"Leafy, wait!" I yelled, but she was already too far gone.

"Donut?" Gelatin said, surprised I had irrationally blown up at the innocent leaf as well.

"Yes, Gelatin?"

"I don't think Leafy was supposed to know about this. We need to get out of here, NOW!"

We bolted out the doors as fast as we could, constantly looking behind to make sure Firey wasn't there. We had no clue where we were going, but somehow we needed to find an exit.


I followed Gelatin to a grey door and pushed it open. I looked down and there were seemingly hundreds of flights.

I quivered: "Gelatin, we aren't gonna make it out of here alive," I admitted, scared to death.

He held my hand and looked me straight in the eyes, almost as if he sensed my fear:

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