Pirates of the Dream Island

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Fries POV:

"Keep digging, Barf Bag! Firey's food is probably underground!" I yelled, making sure she wasn't slacking off.

Working in the garden sucked, but at least I was with my friends, Donut, Gelatin, and Barf Bag. Besides, I can already see my beautiful grow-tatoes blooming. I sighed, feeling content with where I was in the process for once.

It had been a couple of weeks since Puffball's strange disappearance, and it seemed like everyone forgot about her except me, of course. Ever since the whole Leafy contest happened, people just stopped looking for her, and it made me mad.

How could you care so much about someone who stole an Island, but not care about someone who helped you win contests and solve conflicts with her kind heart? People just focused on gossiping about our new visitor and Puffball was gone from everyone's mind. But weirdly, I wasn't sad about her disappearance.

Back then, people would send me their condolences, including King Firey himself, since they all knew we were close. I mean, we would practically do everything together, dating back to BFDIA. But deep inside, I knew she was still out there somewhere.

I once told Donut this, but he just gave me his stupid sad eyes and told me to let it go. I mean seriously, people, there was no way she could've possibly died since she could fly, so why is it so crazy to assume she just wanted to escape this hell island?! Ugh, I'm getting all worked up again; I could feel my fries steaming up. Gelatin also noticed this:

"Mmm..Fries...your fries look so good right now," he said, unable to resist temptation.

I gave him a little smack on the face: "What did I tell you about taking my fries?" I asked, giving him a threatening glare.

"To never touch them unless you want to end up like Coconut," he sighed.

Gelatin was literally like a child, and I practically had to raise him on this Island. Everyday, I'd order him saying things like don't stab Pencil, don't lick Lollipop, and my most common phrase of all, NO THROWING FORKS! Whoever gave Gelatin those forks in the first place deserves to end up like Coconut.

Anyways, when Gelatin wasn't being scolded my me, he annoyed Donut with his stupid jokes. I never knew how Donut had the patience to tolerate Gelatin, and I was truly impressed by his skill to be a dick to everyone else but his squishy friend.

Watching Gelatin and Donut's friendship made me miss mine even more. One thing I always got a little upset about was the fact that Puffball never asked me to come with her; she was there one day, but the next she was gone. I sighed, as I kept digging. Then, I noticed something odd; Gelatin, Donut, and Barfbag had suddenly stopped working.

"What are you guys doing! We still have to harvest food for Firey's resort!"

"Hey, Fries, you are definitely gunna want to see this," said Barfbag.

I slowly walked over to see a hole in the deep, brown mulch. "And what am I supposed to be looking at?"

"Don't you see the big brown box?" asked Donut. "Heheh..it looks like your shit," Gelatin joked. Donut gave him a flick on the head as I leaned in further to inspect the hole. It was a normal brown box, but there was something carved into it. I looked closer, trying to read the dirt-covered letters:

F o r F r i e s,  <3

I immediately stepped back, in shock.

A box? For me?

This was really creepy..

I saw Gelatin go up to the box, trying to read it as well, but I stopped him: "Whatever this box is doesn't seem like our business so let's just dig around it. Now, you three, go back and do your damn jobs!" Maybe that was a little bit extra of me.

As the three were retreating back to their shovels, Gelatin nudged Donut: "Doesn't this make us like the Pirates of the..DREAM ISLAND?? HAHAHAHA"

"Gelatin, shut up before I shut you up myself," threatened Donut.

Pencil POV:

We were waiting at the entrance, either for bossy-bitch Pin or needy-ass Firey to request something. That's when Match turned to me: "Pence-Pence, I'm like so scared."

"Why are you scared, Match?"

"Well, like, Firey heard me shit talking Leafy, and we both know that him and Leafy used to be like super close back then, so what if he's super pissed at me now? I don't want to be taken by Loser and Cake!" She exclaimed, frantically.

"Omg, Match, calm down," I said, holding her hand. "Firey already let you off the hook, so you have nothing to worry about. Besides, do you really think I would let Firey do anything to you?" I said, gripping her tighter.

She smiled, and it comforted me to know that she was feeling better.

"You are so right. He's probably too busy dealing with Leafy right now, so as long as I'm like nice or whatever, I should be fine. I just wanted to make sure, because honestly, Idk what I'd do if he took me away from you, Pence-Pence." Match had never been this deep before.

We heard some footsteps from above, and I could tell this made her a little nervous. "Match, I know how to cheer you up! Let's play Spongycake!" So we played our fun little game, keeping in mind that Firey also killed Spongy:

"One, two, three, FOUR, who did we used to hate but not hate anymore? SPONG-"

Before we could finish, the phone started ringing. Match picked it up, hesitantly: "Hello? This is Match. How can I help you?"

"H-help me.."

Firey POV:

"Blocky delivered this from the lab," Loser reported to me. I grabbed the thin, black leather out of Loser's hand, and felt a spike poke my finger.

I looked at it in awe, as blood ran down my finger.

I saw Leafy out of the corner of my eye; she was still in a deep sleep.




So I thought it would be fun to introduce some new characters in this chapter. Also gives me a chance to do some cute Gelanut shipping in the future

I wonder what happened to Puffball.

I wanted to add some of Pencil and Match's ✨perspective✨ on the whole Pin thing, so even more fun stuff to come in the future (future as in like next 2 chapters LMAO)

Also we reached 640 reads today (I'm shocked) and we are #3 for the bfb hashtag which is honestly so cool

I wanna know this tho: How are you guys spending your quarantine?

Anyways, if u need me u probably already know by now:
-Insta: @bemorediya and also @mermaidiya_418

Have a great day!

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