Gela-RUN (pt 2)

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Fries POV:

Gelatin and Donut had been gone for a while. I wonder what they are up to. Firey had better not given them a promotion or something, because after THAT fight, I'd probably fire them if I were him. It's not like I was any better, though; I still blew up at everyone for all the commotion and Firey was literally standing behind me and observing my bad temper.

With the injurer and the complainer gone, I had no clue who was going to help me with this garden. I would've asked Yellowface, but I didn't want to disturb him from his business or whatever. Firey had given Yellowface the job of owning a store where he could sell all his own products, plus the products the DEATH Pact made.

I sighed as I took another glance at the box. Don't open it, Fries, I told myself. Whatever was in that box was definitely going to ruin my day even further. Besides, I still had so much gardening left to do alone.

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me: "So are YOU going to purchase my fork repellent, greasy-tot?"

Ugh, Lollipop was still here.

"Why haven't you left already? Don't you have better things to do than to harass me?"

She rolled her eyes: "the only thing I'M doing is saving your ass from being stabbed. And also, for your information, I do have better things to do, but alas, I've come here to bless you with my presence," she smirked.

I opened my mouth, about to kick her out, but I realized that she definitely didn't have anything better to do, so why not put her to good use? I sighed: "Well, I mean, since those two rascals are gone, I could use some help gardening."

"Hmph. Well, if you insist," she said, grabbing a shovel. We dug holes in silence for a while, until it got to the point when it became awkward.

"So," I started, "what made you want to make a fork repellent anyways?"

"I mean, I was pretty bored one day, and I saw Gelatin throwing forks at people, so I just wanted to see him complain."

I chuckled: "That'd totally be something I'd do. Objects these days are like children!"

"I know, right," she smiled. That was odd. I had never seen Lollipop smile before. I guess boredom was really getting to her, especially since I saw she had already dug 2 *wince* holes: "Woah, you dig faster than anybody in this whole garden!"

"Thank you. I had practice from digging Taco's grave when we all thought she was dead."

"Hey, what is your job anyways?" I always knew of Lollipop, but we never really interacted, so maybe now was a good time to get to know her.

"Well, I work for Dora's stupid piehole in the language department, though I couldn't care less about her or her peculiar ways of communicating."

Hmm...she did hate her job AND she was really good at gardening.

I had an idea.

"Hey, maybe you could spend a couple days here for a change. I mean, you don't wanna go back to Dora, right?"

"Yes, I suppose you are not incorrect. Therefore, I will stay here and help you until Bagelbrain and Soggyface come back.."

Gelatin POV:

"Ugh, there's nothing here to help us!!" Donut yelled in frustration. "It's all just empty space. Nothing. ZERO!"

Ugh, could he shut up? I was trying so hard to ignore him, but he was so chatty it became annoying.

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