She is Where?

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Firey POV:
It was another day on my own glorious Island. I looked outside the window of my room to see everybody working in harmony: objects were climbing the palm trees, working in the garden, and just strolling along the shoreline, looking for any treasure to report back to me. But as I noticed them, I also noticed how happy they looked. They were getting lazy.

I sighed as I dialled the room service on my phone. "Hello King Firey. What do you like want," said Match. Although she was annoying, she did a good job of ordering around the other resort workers.

I rolled my eyes and responded "Is THAT how you talk to your leader, Match?"

"I'm like so sorry. What do you need?"

"I'd like some Yoyleberry pancakes for my room right now." "Yes, your honor. I'll call the chefs and get your food ASAP"

My chefs, Stapy, Foldy, and Marker, were the best of the best, though they fooled around half the time. I often caught them playing games in the kitchen, in which I would threaten to call my guards to take them away. That would shut them up.

As Match entered my room with the food, I thought about what I would do today. I didn't really have lots of friends after becoming king, as they were always so busy with their jobs.
What I really needed was a companion; someone who knew me and I could spend my days with.

I chuckled to myself, as I knew the only one who really cared for me was Leafy. Even though I had everything I could've ever wanted, getting Leafy back was always something which had been on my mind.

Ugh, my stupid grip. If I hadn't got all sweaty from holding her palm, she would be with me right now, talking about who knows what. She'd recognize how much I was doing for my own personal kingdom, unlike those other snooty peasants who just complained and complained.

Hmm..I wonder if she was near us right now.

I thought to myself a little bit. The farthest she could ever go is Yoyleland, and contestants could easily fly or drive there. Maybe, there is a way to boost motivation throughout my people, and also give myself some much needed interaction. I knew what I had to do.

I stepped out of my room, and asked Match and Pencil to make an announcement to the entire Island. "All objects please meet in front of the resort for an announcement from our much beloved king."

I stepped out of my room, and down the stairs to the resort entrance, as I watched everyone crowd around me. They all knelt down to bow. I waited for the last few people to join the rest of their friends on the luscious green grass.

"Good morning everybody." "Good morning, King Firey," the contestants said blankly. "I hope all of you have been productive over the last few hours."

They nodded their heads, getting up from their bowing position. "Today, I brought you all here to propose a challenge." Heads turned and there was quite a bit of chatter amongst the objects.

"SILENCE!" Everyone immediately hushed. "I noticed that things were getting a little repetitive around here, and I thought we could look back on our past Battle for BFDI days, and fight for a prize." I could see how hungry for a break these contestants were, and I knew just the incentive they needed. "I will choose 5 random contestants. The first person to complete the challenge gets to stay with ME in the resort."

Everyone gasped. Nobody got to ever enter the resort, unless they worked there. People usually slept in overcrowded rooms, or just on the ground itself.
"And the challenge is??" Eraser yelled from the back row. I shot a deadly glare at him, which immediately prompted him to say "I apologize for my actions, your honor."

"Since brave Eraser, here, is so eager to find out what the challenge is, he can be our first contestant. Now for the challenge. I want you to go on a search for my dear friend Leafy."

Everyone's mouth opened wide. The last time that name was mentioned was months ago, it was basically taboo at this point. "The first one to find her and bring her to me alive wins."

I took out a colorful wheel and spun it. The first spin landed on Pen. The second spin landed on Ruby. The third spin landed on Pin, and the final spin landed on Teardrop. "You have 15 minutes to get ready for this trip and you have 12 hours to find her. The challenge starts NOW."

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