it's okay to feel loved

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Snowball POV:

Together, Flower and I came up with a plan in hopes to recover Ruby.

"Ok, so, as a guard, I know that the back of Firey's resort is nowhere near his room, so that would be the best place to enter from," I said, laying out the blueprints of the resort so she could see.

"Okay," she nodded her head. She was being so...compliant. It was refreshing to see this new side of her; one that didn't only care about being pretty.

I continued my half-plan: "So I'm guessing there'll be some basement or secret hiding room down there with the master recovery center, so I guess we can just search for it while Firey's sleeping." I didn't really have an exact plan, as I've only seen parts of the resort, but I could tell Flower was beyond pleased with my knowledge, and that alone gave me confidence that it would work.

Besides, if Flower didn't try so hard to become pretty, she'd realize that she was beautiful to begin with...


After the whole Coiny and Pin thing, GB and I decided that it was best they stayed in a spare room upstairs, just in case Firey tried to take her back. They seemed to be up there for a while, and I knew they had no intention of coming down anytime soon, so I sat next to my partner in crime; or at least my old partner in crime.

Although the chaos had finally resolved, GB and I still hadn't gotten around to discussing my whole "confession." I, to this day, had no idea why I thought it was a good idea to say those things in front of her. I guess I was just trying to help out Coiny, but I let it go too far.

All these years we've spent being research buddies, and now I've ruined it with my stupid, bottled-up emotions. But, even though it was irrational of me, everything I said that day was true. I guess overtime, I began to process that odd chemical imbalance, and I realized that it was GB who I, well, favored.

At this point in time, I had no clue how she was feeling; was she confused? Angry? Enraged? Was there a chance she would have felt the same way?

Oh racket, what am I thinking?!

Why would such an intelligent girl like her ever like me? GB would never prioritize feelings in front of logic, and the logic was that I would clearly be a terrible boyfriend to her. How did Coiny do it? How was he so brave to climb a building for the girl he liked?

I sat and pondered these questions, but what I hadn't realized was that GB was yelling my name: "TB! EARTH TO TENNISBALL! I AM IN NEED OF YOUR ASSISTANCE!"

"Huh?" I fumbled over to her, ready to help.

"I need you to take this little patch of seaweed and get him OUT OF HERE! He's interrupting my research!"

I tilted my head: "Oh! You mean Grassy?" Grassy gave an innocent wave in my direction.

"Yeah, same thing."

"Why can't Blocky or Basketball do it?"

"Because, they've gone out to get more paintbrushes for Grassy's doodling. Now please, TB, get him out before he contaminates my project!"

I sighed as I walked over to the little plant: "Hey, come on buddy, let's take you back to your room," I smiled, placing him on the top of my head. GB rolled her eyes. What did I do this time?

I went to Grassy's room and placed him on his bed: "Don't worry little fellow. Blocky and BB will be back with your coloring supplies soon."

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