Let's Go for a Walk...

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Tree POV:

"Hey! Stop speeding up! You guys are getting seaweed on my branches!" I yelled as Pen, Bottle, and Pie ran across the strip of sand.

"Sorry Tree! We don't want your leaves to die," replied Bottle.

All was good on our daily walk along the shore. We had just finished drafting an article about Lollipoop's miraculous Fork Repellent, and how it saved lives back when Four was around. I felt accomplished and proud of my fellow friends, but even more proud than me was Pen:
"Guys! Our article is so good! I feel so-wait, Tree, what's that word that means lucky again?" Pen asked.

Pen was, well, a dumbass. But he was my dumbass. "Pen, the word is fortunate. I've told you like 10 million times."

"Sorry, Tree. I'll remember next time," he said with a smile.

I liked how he always persevered, despite his inability to think critically. Although we didn't exactly choose him to be a part of the DEATH pact at first, Pen actually turned out to be one of my favorite members of the team. At first glance, he just seemed so manly, as he would always talk to Eraser and Blocky about "bro" shit or whatever. But, since our team was and still is "anti-death," we were able to pry him off of his bros and find out a little more about his real personality.

It turned out that Pen was more useful than we thought. He might've sucked at some stuff, but he was really good at motivating us in times of distress. When we moved onto the Island, none of us were super excited; we didn't have any purpose anymore, especially since our dear friend, Black Hole, vanished after Four's disappearance. But, when all of us were down, Pen gave Firey the idea of making us workers for protecting the Island from any danger or death. This was one of Pen's best ideas yet.

Ever since then, we've been practically unstoppable. We planned most of the devices used on the Island, and we worked alongside both the nerdballs (TB and GB) and the guards (SB and Lightning).

Our work process usually involved getting a request from Firey, asking the nerdballs to create a mathematical plan, building the object, and writing about our newest inventions. While the system worked well, I noticed yesterday that Pen was working on something else, so he was still next to me on the beach, I took the opportunity to ask him about it: "Hey, Pen."

"What's up, Big T," he said, pointing finger guns at me.

"Never, and I mean never, call me that again," I threatened with my serious Australian accent. Pen tried not to giggle, as I continued: "Anyways, I was just wondering what you were doing yesterday. I noticed you weren't helping us with the conclusion of the Fork-repellent article."

"Yeah," Pie agreed, "It took us a whole hour to find out how to write our first sentence without the words 'in conclusion.'"

"Well," Pen responded, "Firey gave me a personal request." We all looked up at him, confused. We rarely got personal requests from Firey, and even if we did, why Pen?

"What was the request for?"

Pen sighed, seeming to contemplate whether to tell us or not. Finally, he started to speak: "He asked me to make a leash. He said it was just in case someone unexpected happens, he didn't really explain what exactly, but it was probably for self defense."

"Pen, why would we need a leash? That makes zero sense," I asked, rolling my eyes.

"I honestly have no clue. I mean the leash was hella scary. He asked me to add spikes onto it and everything! But hey, at least we now have a plan for when one of our friends goes crazy and becomes a psycho-killing murderer who plants our limbs in a garden."

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