She IS Here.

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Tennisball POV:

I sat in the lab next to Golfball. We had just finished sketching out plans for a sturdier gate, and we sent Blocky out to deliver our plans to Pen. We sat in silence for a while, and I could tell something was wrong with my friend.

"Golfball, what is going on with you today? Are you feverish? Hot? Sweaty? Col-" before I could finish, Golfball answered: "No, TB, I have a normal temperature. I'm just thinking." "Thinking about what?" I asked. She paused a bit, questioning whether to tell me or not. "...The Science Museum," she hesitated. She never hesitates.

I gave her a confused look, as back in Yoylecity that day, she told me to never bring up that subject again. "What about it?" I asked, concerned. "Well, the truth is, TB, I've been meaning to go back there and visit it again." This intrigued me. "Ooo, I'd love to come along if Firey would let us. We could say it's for some research and we could explore galleries 1115-1137-" "No. I need to go myself," she said coldly.

Did I say something wrong? Golfball was usually mean to everyone else, but I had never seen her use that tone with me before. We used to have so much fun together; we would solve puzzles, invent ideas, and most importantly, actually talk to each other. It wasn't that difficult for us to analyze subjects, but when it came to feelings, none of us knew what to say to each other, especially since I was always so awkward around her.

My awkward personality had always been my biggest flaw: it stopped me from making friends and having a likeable personality, and it stopped me from forming meaningful relationships with people. That's why I had to do everything I could so I wouldn't lose Golfball.

I know at first she seems like a "bossy-bot," but she was the only one who saw me for who I was and accepted me. So, I let her take charge of things and I let her teach me new things even to this day, and honestly, she is the best thing that has ever happened in my life.

Was that too much? Maybe I should tone it down a little and be more rational: without Golfball, I wouldn't be the person I am today, so, the least that I owe her is to man up and show her that I care about her feelings too.

As she began to get up from her seat, I slid my foot into hers. "What do you think you're doing?" she questioned, as I felt her tensing up. "I know you don't want to tell me what's wrong, but whatever you're dealing with doesn't have to be dealt with alone. Please, GB, let me do this for you just once," I said, gripping her tighter.

I had never been so bold in my life. The tension which was once in her foot loosened, and she let go, only to pull me in closer. I felt her head rest on me, while she began to cry. This has never happened to me before. Golfball? Crying? Never thought it was possible. I thought it was best to stay quiet, so she could just let her feelings out.

My stomach was tingling, as I pulled myself closer to her dimpled figure. Although I was always awkward and all, I couldn't help but think to myself, why do I feel all warm? And why are my cheeks burning? What is this feeling? I looked down. And what is that on my—oh shit...

Pin POV:

I couldn't believe this was happening. I entered the sliding doors of the resort, and "OH MY PIN FACTORY!" I screamed out loud, causing Match to glare at me again. This was no ordinary resort, it was practically a castle. I looked around and noticed the bright marble floors, the shiny leather couches, and the palm trees, growing what seemed like fresh, juicy, coconuts. Too bad we had to kill Coconut to plant her pits on the Island grounds...(Idk let's pretend Coconut is a BFDI character)

I marvelled at the beauty, amazed at how well the Announcer kept to his promise. Interrupting my thought process was Match, throwing my luggage in front of me and handing me a room key. I headed up the elevator to the 2nd floor, and went to room #17.

It was a shame that we all couldn't enjoy this large resort, as there was enough space in this building for all the contestants to fit in each room, well except Spongy, who was sadly used to fuel our golf carts to get around the Island. Oh well, at least I can enjoy it.

I unpacked all my stuff, including a photo of the W.O.A.H Bunch in its prime, and got comfy. I ordered room service, and by no surprise, was rudely greeted by the Freesmart Cult leader, Pencil. "Here's your food. I hope you don't enjoy it," she said snarkily.

I rolled my eyes, asking myself when they were going to forgive me for something that wasn't even my fault in the first place. Of course, some may call me insensitive, but I tend to not dwell on the past and focus on the present.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps outside. The footsteps, belonged to Loser and Cake, and I could her a tiny voice going "get your hands off of me! Who even are you?!" It was Leafy. She was in trouble. Though it wasn't really my business, I thought about all the times we would talk, and how we bonded ever since the first contest. I sighed, knowing I had to leave the room to see what was going on out there...

Bubble POV:

I sat on the top of the hills (Islands can have hills right?) overlooking the entire Island. It was usually quiet in this part, except for the occasional fan or windmill twirling. The hills are where the electricity runs. Surprisingly, I haven't popped yet, and this is the safest spot for me to just be with my thoughts alone, not that anyone would ever come looking for me anyways.

I was kinda useless to everyone. After being kicked out of the alliance, I didn't really have any other friends to turn to, and Firey didn't really have any job for me which wasn't dangerous, so I basically just became a wanderer. Every so often, Lightning visited this area to get all charged up, but we barely acknowledged eachother. So, today, just like any other day, I was alone...or so I thought.

Fanny POV:
I climbed up the hills to go to my favorite spot. Wait a second. What's this? What is this weird Bubble thing sitting in my private spot? I hate this. This was MY private place to just relax and feel the breeze on my back.

I didn't contribute much to the Island besides some AC in hot days, but I was surprised when I saw THAT in my exact spot. She looked pretty lonely up there. Oh well. Not my problem. I tried to get closer to her spot but then-"AHH! Yoiu nearly popped me!" she suddenly yelled.

"Jeez, sorry," I responded, rolling my eyes. I turned around to find another spot, but the Bubble stopped me "noio! Doin't leave," she said. "What," I replied, having no fucking clue what she just said. She tried again, attempting to fix her mistake I guess. "D-do noit leave, please," she begged.

"You have an accent?" I asked, unenthused. "Yes...not many poiple loike it." "Well they're right," I responded "It sucks. I hate it." She sniffled. Ugh, why is my consciousness so annoying. I felt bad and took a seat next to her.

You'd probably not believe me when I say this, but I am TRYING to be nicer. I noticed that not many people like me besides Snowball, but he just likes that I'm mean, so that doesn't count. Maybe hanging around someone as sensitive as Bubble will help me be more likeable, I thought.

"So, what's your name?" I asked, trying to sound interested. "Oh, moiy name is Bubble." I could tell she was trying to hold back on her strange accent, so I tried to make her more comfortable. "Oh, cool I guess. So, Bubble, why are you here in MY spo-" I stopped myself, "I mean, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Wow, I was doing good. "Well, noit really. I doin't really have a poirpose oin this Island and all my friends left me because I broke too many rules and wasn't alloiwed to be in their alloiance." Hm..maybe Bubble and I have more in common than we thought.

thank u guys so much for voting this FOURTEEN times already.
Okay so as u can see from the first part, ever since 3rd grade I have been a TBxGB shipper and nothing will ever change that.

I thought maybe I could change things up and add some Fanny and Bubble, just in case ppl like the ship, and I thought opposites attract so maybe they will also have some cute moments later on.

Also, fun little cliffhanger there with Pin, I hope u enjoyed that ;)

hopefully y'all couldn't tell how bad my grammar was this entire chapter, It's been a long time since I had actual English class.

See ya next chapter (which I'll probably post tomorrow or the next day)

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