She is There?

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Chapter 3:
(No POV)
The Five contestants, Pen, Pin, Eraser, Ruby, and TD, were all packed and ready to go. They walked together in a group, as all the other objects watched in envy...possibly fear.

It had been a while since anyone had exited the gates to Dream Island. Pin, being the heroic leader she was came up with her own plan. "I say we all stick together. We don't want to find the wrong Leafy." The others shuddered at the thought of Evil Leafy.

They all agreed to start the search together, except TD of course, until they needed to split up. So, they started their journey.

Pin POV:

It was getting a little bit awkward walking with these people. I mean, we were never really close to begin with. Eraser and Pen always hung out together, Ruby had her alliance, and Teardrop, well, she was Teardrop.

We didn't really know where we were going, but I decided to go in the direction of Yoyleland. These people were indecisive, so I had a great chance of winning.

"So, guys. If you won this contest, what would you be most excited for in the resort," I asked, breaking the silence. "Well," Ruby said, "I might have to check in with Match and Pencil if it was ok for me to stay there, especially since they'll be serving me. I don't want to be demoted to Bember!"

I rolled my eyes. This stupid alliance had been going on for way too long, tormenting so many people like Bubble, who didn't deserve any of the hate in my opinion.

"When I win, I want to show Firey all my plans on how to prevent death. I'll have his personal attention, and I have been working with tree, GB, and TB to find ways to protect Bubble, Ice Cube, and Woody." I had to give credit to Pen. After joining Death PACT, he had become way more sensible and actually started to have a brain, which I never thought was possible.

Then there was Eraser. "Booooorrriiinggggg. When I win, I'll be eating anything and everything. I will boss Match and Pencil around to the max too, obviously." Ruby gave Eraser and stare, which thankfully made him stop talking.

Eraser was simple-minded. He didn't really add much into the contest, but he wasn't unlikeable either.

"Pin, what do you want to do?" Ruby questioned. "Uh..well..I don't know. (BFDI episode 1 reference hehe) I mean, I don't really see the appeal in the resort. I guess I'll know once I go inside," I said.

Suddenly, we approached a stop in the road. There were 2 paths, both leading up to different places. "I think we should split up," Ruby said. I agreed with her and we chose our sides. Ruby and I took the left path, while Eraser and Pen took the right path. And Teardrop, being Teardrop, ran back to the Island a while ago, afraid of dying. "May the best pair win," I said to Eraser and Pen, as we took our separate paths.

Pen POV:
Eraser and I have always been close. Ever since the beginning of time, practically, we would hang with Blocky and talk like bros, but recently, I have been discussing the meaning of life with Tree, so this was our chance to catch up.

"Long time no see, haha," I said. "Yeah, I can't believe we got chosen for this contest. It's like crazy," he replied. I missed his voice. We walked in silence for a bit, unsure of what to say to eachother. I miss the old times, when we were so comfortable around each other.

Eraser noticed the frown on my face and asked "hey, whats wrong, Pen?" "Well, ever since King Firey found dream Island it just hasn't been the same. I miss Snowball, but all he ever does is guard the gates with Lightning now. And I miss Blocky, but he's too busy taking care of Grassy with Basketball. And most importantly, I miss you Eraser-" I blurted out of my mouth, stupidly. It was awkward enough for us to talk to each other about our emotions, but now it's even more awkward that I mentioned his name.

Eraser slowed down, coming to a stop. "Why did we stop," I asked. "Because. This contest doesn't even matter, we can find Leafy later. What's really important is you, Pen." I began to feel flushed. He put his hand in mine, interlocking our fingers together.

Bros do NOT do that..

"Even though we might have drifted apart, just know that I'm still here, bro. Now that he's not here, we both can agree that ever since Firey became king, life has sucked. But this contest is a good thing because honestly, I've been feeling the same way and I miss you to-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Eraser POV:

It. Was. A. PENTAGON. With LEGS. Chasing US. "Pen, run!" I screamed. Where did this even come from? How did a walking Pentagon appear out of literally nowhere? Damn, this just ruined my pep talk with Pen.

As we ran closer to the Island, I thought about what Pen said. He missed me the most. As much as I hated to admit it, I've grown pretty soft. And NO, it isn't because of my *very masculin* pink color. I just wondered why I missed Pen so much, and why I was so happy that I held his hand like that. I guess I just missed his goofy smile, or the way he terribly drew me, or how he cares so much about protecting his friends. It was cute.

WOAH, did I just think Pen was cute?

Before I had the chance to process that thought, Pen pulled me aside: "I think its gone, Eraser, lets just sit under the shade for a while." So we sat together under a tree, huffing and puffing after running so fast. Pen leaned his head against my shoulder. I didn't stop him...

(Pin POV)

Ruby and I walked, looking left and right for any signs of Leafy. Nothing. I was getting kinda bored, so I turned to Ruby to start a conversation. This shouldn't be too hard, I thought. "So, Ruby. How's the alliance going?" "Well honestly, not so great.."

She went into this long rant about how Pencil and Match wouldn't let her in on a secret or something. Ruby talking just made me even more bored.

"...and then I tried to talk to Flower about it," she said. Now THIS caught my attention. I never thought Ruby and Flower talked to each other. "She told me I didn't have to worry about it, and that I was better than them. It made me feel so happy. I love having someone like her around to make me feel better. Besides, she's so pretty!" Wow. They obviously had some sort of chemistry.

As Ruby went on and on about her life, I looked around for any devices we could use to track Leafy down. I thought about Leafy's interests. I didn't really remember much about her, except the fact that she was annoyingly nice to everyone and that she was obsessed with Yoyleberries.

"That's it! Yoyleberries," I yelled out loud, interrupting Ruby's thoughts. "What do you mean," she asked. "We can grab a bunch of Yoyleberries and use them to lure Leafy towards us. "OMG that's such a good idea Pin. I'll start searching right now!"

We both scattered amongst the trees, grabbing all the Yoyleberries we could. Ruby found a tree with basically a JACKPOT full of the sweet, juicy, fruit. "Ruby, that's great! Just bring them here and-"


Omg hey people reading! Ik theres not a lot of you but if you are reading I just hope you are enjoying this so far! I would rly appreciate it if you would share this with your friends, as I already have about 15 more chapters outlined and reading to start drafting and I would love for more people to see some of the stuff I've been working on.

Sorry for the cliffhanger oopsies

Anyways, if u have any questions, reach out to me on Instagram @bemorediya or comment on any of my chapters!

Again, another huge thank you to IIeMintFreeze and ClownTownUSA for inspiring me to write my own BFDI fanfic!

See y'all next chapter 👁👄👁

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