Gela-RUN (pt 1)

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Donut POV:

"I'm tirrrrrreeeeeedddddd. When can we stop, Donut?"

"Shush, Gelatin," I rolled my eyes. We had been digging for what seemed like years, and planting all of Fries' growtatoes. It wasn't helping that Fries was literally bossier than Golfball, which was probably one of the worst insults you could ever give a person. I mean, I was still pretty salty that Fries was the boss of me. I was literally the most responsible person there, so I should've obviously been the one giving out orders, not the saggy potato box.

I sighed as I watched Gelatin dig. He was going in all sorts of directions, and he was getting dirt everywhere. Classic Gelatin. I guess it was nice to be the boss of him though.

Gelatin and I had been friends ever since BFB, and although he was pretty much the dumbest person I've ever met, I guess our opposite personalities did attract. He was immature, but he would always be there to brighten my day with dark humor and puns. The only thing I really despised about him was his damn forks. I swear, forks were like dolls to him; he just collected so many.

My arms started to ache from all the digging, so I slowed down my pace. But Fries, as usual, stopped me: "Hey! Donut! Keep digging! THe ingredie-"

"The ingredients are probably underground...we get it," Gelatin joked sarcastically. This pissed Fries off, which gave me instant satisfaction.

I gave Gelatin a little smirk: "Thanks for having my back."

"It's no biggie," he smiled. "Anyways, why do you think Freaky Fries won't let us touch the spooky box in the dirt? He like closed it off completely," I asked, staring at the hole taped off. It was so tempting to open that box.

"Well, I guess he wasn't cool enough to be a pirate...he's more like a...FRY-rate," he laughed, pointing finger guns in my direction.

"If you don't put those fingers down in 5 seconds, you'll find out what fried Gelatin looks like." He crossed his arms, a little embarrassed.
Haha, that was adorable.

I saw that he was starting to get tired too, so, without warning, I walked to the other side of the garden and stood behind him: "Hey, mind if I-"

"AHH!" He suddenly screamed. He grabbed one of his forks and jammed it into my leg.

"OUCH!" I jumped up, wincing in pain. "Gelatin, what the hell was that for?!"

"oh my gosh, I thought you were an intruder-"

"So you jammed a FORK into my LEG?!"

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't even thinking I just grabbed the item closest to me and-"


I snapped. This made everyone's head turn.


I never cursed, especially to someone like Gelatin. I didn't even know why I was so mad. I could tell this scared Gelatin, as when he spoke again, his voice was hushed: "Donut...I'm sorry. How can I help?"

"I think you've done enough," I said angrily, turning my back on him.

A couple minutes later, when the situation died down a little, Fries was getting me all patched up, trying to understand what just happened: "Dude, what was that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you blow up like that at Gelatin?"

"Are you kidding me? He stabbed me! With a FORK!"

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