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Fries POV:

It was Firey.

It had to be Firey.

I hesitantly grabbed the fur which was in the box; it felt soft and warm. I could almost feel the peppy, cheerful presence which once belonged in that fur.

That presence could've been with me right now, watching over the garden, singing her tunes. That presence would have flown in to check on Gelatin and Donut, as who knows how long they have been gone in that hideous dungeon that monster has the audacity to call his own resort. That presence would have sat on the bench with me and Lollipop that day, making sure that she didn't go to her room until I properly apologized to her.

And finally, that presence, Puffball's presence, would have stopped me from doing what I was about to do.

I held the fur against my heart and slowly put it back in the box. I placed the box in the hole I had found it from and did what I did best; I kept on digging. I pierced the ground with my sharp shovel and poured it on top of the hole, each stab growing angrier and angrier. When I was finished, I threw the shovel on the ground and slammed the garden gate behind me. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note to Gelatin and Donut, just in case they decided to finally show up.

And just like that, I was on my way.

For what, you ask? Well, I had to do the only thing I could do in that moment:

I needed to avenge my friends' death.

I tried to ignore all my feelings, as they were useless in this situation. The only feeling I needed right now was hatred. Pure hatred. I began my walk to the resort. I kept my head down and focused on what I needed to accomplish. I just needed to find a way to make him pay. Was he a powerful guy? Maybe, but I was willing to risk it.

Suddenly, I stopped in my place.

Fries, you are such a fool. You can't just go in there empty handed!

I needed to find some type of weapon, and I needed to do it fast. I thought the best place to go was Yellowface's store, so I took a detour in my path and headed to the glass doors. Hanging my head even lower to avoid suspicion, I carefully entered the store, unaware of my surroundings.

I walked through the first couple of aisles, but I couldn't find any item murderous enough. I went up to the register, but Yellowface wasn't there.

"Where is Yellowface?" I asked, hoping someone was around to hear what I said.

Everything was quite a blur, and another person asked something along the lines of "he's on his break"

I tried to snap out of my foggy mindset, but my mouth had a mind of its own.

"What did you need?"

"A baseball bat."


Fuck, I screwed up. I wasn't supposed to say that. I needed to leave. I slammed the door behind me and ran back to the path I was on. So far, I was tired, lifeless, depressed, and worst of all, weaponless. I was not off to a great start, but I was hoping I would find something along the way.

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