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Gelatin POV:

Donut and I finally arrived back at the garden after like a week of hiding in the woods, far away from that cannibal demon who wanted to eat us.

When we reached the gates, the sun was setting, and the garden itself was looking pretty eerie.

I turned to Donut: "Uhhh where is everyone?"

"They're probably in the back somewhere. Let's head on in."

We opened the gate and walked around. The place was looking the same as before, except for the fact that it was completely deserted.

"Yeah I don't think this is normal, Donut."

"You're right. Fries usually spends the night here. And what about Lollipop? Did she decide to go home after we left?"

"Not sure, but hey, what's this?" I noticed a sticky-note fallen on the ground.

"Probably some grocery list that blew away from the wind. We should focus on finding
Frie—" Before he finished his sentence, I walked away from him and ran over to the note, causing him to facepalm himself.

I picked the note up and began to read.

Dear Donut, Gelatin, or any other people who have come to check up on the garden,

I have gone over to Firey's resort for emergent reasons. I can't talk about what happened, but you should know that it's bad. Once I come back, if I even manage to come back, I will explain everything. Until then, don't worry about me.


"What the heck..." I tilted my head, handing the note to Donut.

"Gelatin, you know you're not allowed to say heck," he lectured before skimming through the paper. "Oh my..."

"Yeah, I know."

"Why would he do that? Does he not realize how powerful Firey is? If we barely managed to escape that horror of a hotel, how will Fries get back?" Donut asked.

"Dude, we have to go back and save him."

"What? Don't be silly," Donut rolled his eyes.

"But he could be eaten!"

"Fries is a smart man, he can fend for himself."

"But he can't go in there alone!"

"Gelatin, It's not safe for us. We can't go near that resort ever again. End of story."

Pencil POV:

Being locked up in isolation was hard, but being locked up in isolation without any food, water, or entertainment was even harder. The moment that Firey locked the door on us was the moment when I lost all hope of ever coming out. I knew trying to fight our inevitable death was pointless, and there was nothing we could've done.

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