Sincerely, F

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Hi! It's Diya, your author, here and just before we jump in I just wanna let you guys know that this is another half chapter! Wattpad has been down for the past couple of days so it was really hard to get this posted, especially since I had to go off my 4 day schedule. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy :)

Fries POV:

"Took you long enough..."

"F-firey?!" I whisper-yelled. I was stunned; how did he know I was going to be here?

He sighed and rolled his eyes: "Will you hush up? My fiance is in a deep sleep, and I'm sure you don't want to wake her up, unless you want to end up as a 3 course meal," he threatened.

My prior confident, badass look turned into a wimpy, taken-aback one.

He yawned, clearly exhausted from being woken up this late at night: "Anyways, I didn't plan for you to come at this time of day..." He paused, as his eyes glanced at the large stick in my hand; "...and I certainly didn't plan on seeing some useless twig in your hand."

I began to slowly lower my hand, embarrassed at the sight of my so-called weapon.

He sighed: "Let me guess; you got all whiny about something useless, and you wanted to kill me." He said, rubbing his forehead. It almost seemed as though this wasn't his first rodeo.

"Something like that," I muttered. I took a shallow gulp when Firey lightly closed the door behind him, as to not wake Leafy up. I had no clue what was going to happen at this moment. Without a strong weapon, I was practically defenseless. I inched backwards, trying to regain my confidence.

"Ok, let's make this quick; what silly problem are you complaining about now?"

"Silly?! This isn't anything close to a laughing matter. You are literally psychotic if you think you can just get away with what you did," I scoffed.

"Oh, you mean your little, goofy friends?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, not just them. It's everything. You are cruel and evil. I mean, you first take my friends and murderously slaughter them. Then, you kidnap your own civilians and keep them locked in a basement!" I blurted out, letting my anger flood. Firey's eyes widened at the mention of the basement.

After about a couple seconds of silence, he gave a sick smirk: "Oh, so it seems that not only did you come up here to kill me, but you also found out about my little secret room down there. You're quite the curious one, aren't you?"

Shit, I shouldn't have mentioned the basement.

"I thought I could find her there," I said softly.

I almost shed a tear remembering the despair I felt 20 minutes ago. He stepped closer to me as I stiffened up. But instead of hurting me, he started to chuckle.

"Huh? What's so funny?" I asked.

"Do you hear yourself right now?" He wheezed, as I stared at him in confusion. "How ironic it is that you are accusing me of being a terrible person when you were the one who was about to kill me."

"T-that's different, and you know it is!"

"How so?" He crossed his arms, seemingly intrigued. Was this all just a sick joke to him?

"I needed to do this. You had left me no other choice. I was alone, and all my friends were gone. I needed to avenge their deaths; I needed to avenge her death."

"Ah, so you have a thing for lady Lollipop, I see."

"That's not who I'm talking abo—"

"Look," he interrupted, "I knew you were going to come, but I do have to admit, I was surprised it was for Lollipop out of all the others."

Others? What did he mean by that? Was he talking about Puffball?

"I-I went into that room that day, only to see her smashed into thousands of candy shards. How can you live with yourself knowing you killed two innocent lives?" At that point, all my anger was gone, and it transformed into numerous questions circulating in my mind.

All of a sudden, his evil grin melted away, and Firey looked as confused as me.

"What do you mean by two lives?"

"Y-you killed both Lollipop and Puffball." I whispered, feeling my heart break at the mention of her name.

"Puffball?" He tilted his head.

My heart stopped, as the noises around me faded.

"Y-yeah? I received your box; that's why I came. S-she was my closest friend and you took her from me."

"Good lord," he exhaled as he put his head in his hands. "You think I was the one who killed your worthless little pom-pom?"

Trying to ignore his rude remark, I answered him over the deathly silence: "Is this supposed to be some kind of truck? Of course you did it; you wrote the letter and everything."

"Heh, well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I can tell you for a fact it wasn't me," he said plainly.

I still refused to believe a word which came out of his mouth. It was him. The letter said it was from 'F.' It had to be him, right?

"But, if it wasn't you, who was it?"

"Why, it was Fanny, of course..."


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