teamwork makes the dream work

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Flower POV:


The tall, red box stood to the side and pointed his flashlight to the ground. We all stared at eachother for a couple of seconds, obviously confused.

Finally, Fries spoke: "Uh, hi guys."

"Hello," Snowball responded awkwardly.

Another minute of silence.

"So, uh, lovely weather we're having?"


I had enough of the awkward silence, so I spoke up: "Oh my petal, you guys can't even have a proper conversation! Let's just cut to the chase: Fries, why are you here?"

"Why are you here," he replied with a hint of attitude in his voice.

"We asked you first! I'll have you know that I am a guard here, so I can, and will, report you to Firey if you don't give us an explanation," Snowball snapped back. He was good at threatening people.

"Okay, jeez, dude. I just needed to have a quick talk with Firey."

"In the middle of the night?"

"Well, yeah, it's kinda important."

"This talk is so important that you brought a stick with you?" I gestured at the brown twig he was holding in his left hand.

He immediately hid it behind his back. "Oh, this? I was just borrowing it."

"Cut the crap, tater tot," Snowball rolled his eyes. "Obviously you've come here to hurt Firey or something."

"W-what? How did you know?"

"Well it's not everyday you see a depressed potato carrying a sharp twig around, sneaking into a resort owned by a mean king."

Fries let out a stifled laugh: "Heh, mean is an understatement."

SB and I gave each other a glance, unsure of what to do.

"Okay well obviously we both have some stuff to explain," I started, "so why don't we just sit down for a couple minutes and take a little breather."

"Good idea, Flower," SB smiled. At least he wasn't in as bad of a mood as Fries.

We put our backs against the wall and slid down into a sitting position.

"So give us the rundown. What's with the murderous attitude towards the king?" SB asked.

Fries sighed and began to speak: "Well, long story short, Firey killed both of my friends. He wrote a letter saying he wanted me to suffer for some reason, so I decided, about a couple hours ago, to kill him in his sleep," He blurted out way too casually.

SB and I gave yet another judgemental glance as Fries continued: "How 'bout you guys? Never thought I'd see you two doing something together."

Firey's ReignTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon