Visiting Hours

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Hey! It's prewriting Diya here at 12:10 AM woohooooo! This chapter might be a little bit shorter, but trust me, it's pretty important and there might be some foreshadowing so let's just get right into it :)
Update: lol nvm this is still long

Fanny POV:

Everyday, I visited my spot on the hills to find Bubble there, sulking as usual. "What's wrong NOW," I asked, rolling my eyes. "Yoiu doin't have to be mean!" She exclaimed. "Okay, okay, sorry Bubble," I loosened up a bit.

Ever since we started talking, Bubble's cheery influence was definitely starting to rub off on me, and now I was actually trying to be nicer to her. I honestly felt bad: she started off strong in an alliance with all the friends she needed, but she lost them. This was different from my story, as it doesn't hurt when someone loses something they never had.

Growing up lonely isn't as heartbreaking as it sounds. Even when no one was around me, I always had myself, and I got to form a deeper connection with the voice inside me. Sometimes, me and the voice in my head would even have little chats! Damn, I sound so fucking stupid. Well, it wasn't like I was always alone my whole life, but I didn't share my life story with a lot of people, though it did explain how I became so, well, negative.

Suddenly, as though Bubble could read my mind, she asked a question: "Uh...if yoiu doin't mind me asking, why are yoiu so mean anyways?"

"Well, Bubble, I infact DO mind you poking your soap into my personal busines-" I saw her face. She began to turn away from me, looking like she was tearing up. Ugh, why am I such a dumbass? If I knew she was sensitive, why would I say stupid shit like that? I thought about that little bit: maybe opening up to Bubble might make me less mean...

I went up to Bubble and sat closer to her, making sure she didn't pop. "I'm sorry, Bubble. The truth is, I wasn't always this way.." This intruiged her. She turned around and looked me in the eye. I continued, as she listened to my story: "Basically, I, like you, was also betrayed, but it wasn't by any alliance; it was by someone who I thought was my friend."

Bubble tilted her head in confusion, hinting at me to go on with my story. I sighed, nervous to let the truth spill out. "Well it all started when the object was thrown into the TLC with me. At first, they were so nice to everyone, and I wanted to be their friend. So, we would hang out all the time. We would do lots of stuff together and annoy the other contestants. But what they didn't tell me was that they had already made so many friends outside the TLC, and one they got let out, I never heard from them again. And all I thought of was how clingy I was back then, so I distanced myself from everyone and everything. Slowly, that distancing turned into pure hate, and well, I did some horrible thing after tha-"

I stopped myself, knowing that some stuff just had to stay between me and that voice in my head. Phew, that was a lot to get off my chest. I couldn't bring myself to look at Bubble. I just made this new friend, and now I'm going to lose her too. Suddenly, she lightly placed her hand on mine: "Hey, Fanny, yoiu're not clingy," she reassured, "and yoiu are woirth moire than what that friend made yoiu feel."

I smiled, almost forgetting the part when I-oh well, it was the right thing to do in that moment anyways...

Pin POV:

I got up from my comfy bed, and rolled over to the door. I sighed, as I remembered it was Coiny who gave me the idea to roll instead of walk. Although the resort was amazing, it was getting kind of lonely here without my friends.

Oh well, I thought, as I crept out of the door to look for Leafy. The halls were empty, as I made my way through the fuzzy, red carpet. I passed multiple paintings on the walls. It was surprising how well the announcer planned this out. There were old photos from the balance beam, goiky canal, our handstand contest, our one legged race, and even a picture of the W.O.A.H Bunch. Wait, how did he get that? Wasn't he dead? Whatever, I thought.

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