Preferences [Lando Norris]

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How They Met

Formula 1 was weird this season. The Coronavirus pandemic has postponed the season until July and once it finally had gotten underway, the drivers and team members had to undergo covid tests twice weekly. That was were Y/N came in. As newly qualified nurse, this was the perfect job for her straight out of university. Covid had destroyed any plans she had for the summer and so working in Formula 1 allowed her to travel (for free!) for work. She was enjoying it, to say the least.

"Alright, next one come on in!" Y/N called from her make-shift covid test centre near to the McLaren hospitality. There was a noise and shouts before  Carlos and Lando appeared, trying to beat each other through the door; Carlos won though. "I can only do one test at a time boys!" Y/N laughed at their antics, the two of them got on like brothers and certainly enjoyed each other's company.

"Me first!" Carlos gave Lando a final shove into the corner before taking a seat in front of Y/N. She was dressed in PPE (as she had to be when doing tests) while Carlos and Lando were simply dressed in their McLaren teamwear and mask.

"open wide and say ahh," Carlos did as he was told and Y/N stuck the swab down in his throat, rubbing it gently along the back of it, "Now your nose," He tilted his head back and she gently swabbed his nostrils. "All done."

Carlos' eyebrows rose in surprise, "That was quick and very gentle," a small smile appeared on Y/N's face, though it couldn't be seen through the mask her eyes certainly showed happiness. "Your turn, mate." Carlos slapped Lando's shoulder and left.

"That didn't look so bad." Lando commented. He'd had a test done before he left the UK, but this was the first one since then.

"They really aren't that bad, and I'm very gentle." Y/N reassured him. Lando sat down in front of her and as she did with Carlos, she did the test on Lando. "There!" Lando's eyes widened, it seemed that he too seemed to think it'd last longer, Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"You have a nice laugh," Lando blurted out, his cheeks immediately turned red and he ducked his head down in shyness.

"Thanks" Y/N spoke softly, a soft blush covered her cheeks as well. Lando mumbled a good bye and blitzed it out the door, but not without sneaking a glance back at Y/N, who offered him a shy wave in return.

How they confirmed their relationship

With the F1 season finally over Y/N was back to work in a more normal setting. It was stressful to say the least and everyday she was thankful that she wasn't in a covid ward in hospital, but rather in a covid-free nursing home, she had to admit that she loved it. The residents were lovely and always cheerful despite the current circumstances. Nevertheless, Y/N was exhausted when she arrived at Lando's house that night. After a 12 hour shift she wanted nothing more than to climb into bed and sleep, but Lando had text her during her break to ask her to stay the night at his – Y/N couldn't object, she knew she'd get a great sleep at his.

Her ford fiesta rolled to a halt outside his house and Y/N trudged inside, dragging her bag behind her. She could hear Lando in the kitchen and secretly, she hoped he was making her food. She was starving! Without a second thought, Y/N walked into the kitchen and up to Lando, wrapping her arms around his waist and snuggling her head into his neck. He stumbled back slightly from the surprise, he hadn't heard her come in, but wrapped his arms around her body and pressed a kiss to her head.

"Y/n?" She hummed in response, " I'm live," Y/N's snapped open and she stepped backwards, she turned around and saw his phone perched up against the wall. She could see herself in the view and she knew that all his viewers could too. In the 3 months they'd been together they felt no need to confirm their relationship just yet, no one had guessed anything.

"Hi everyone," She waved nervously at the camera quickly going to walk out of the kitchen and, more importantly, out of view. Or well that was her intention until Lando grabbed her hand and pull her backwards, wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her in place.

"So chat, this is my girlfriend  Y/N," He announced and immediately the chat came alive and dozens of replies flooded his phone screen. Y/N could read a few of them from where she was stood and they all seemed to be nice which calmed her down. She'd seen fans of Lando on Instagram and twitter go crazy about him and, if she was being honest, she feared how they would react to her.

"A few questions maybe?" Lando glanced down at Y/N to see her nod, "Right, how did you meet? Well, she stuck a covid test swab up my nose in Austria," Y/N laughed at hoe eloquently he put it. "Does she live with you? No, she's just staying the night tonight. What does she work at? Wha?" Lando said confusedly, he didn't understand the relevance of the last question, or well he didn't until he finally acknowledged that Y/N was still dressed in her blue nurse tunic. "Oh, she's a nurse in a care home." The chat continued to ask questions until Y/N began to yawn and Lando decided to end the stream and together they headed to bed.


It was days like these that made Y/N glad that she had a day off. The first and second day of her period where the absolute worst and this month was no different. Normally, it was just heavy with slight cramps, but this month the cramps were dialled to the eleven and she hadn't been able to move all morning which was not suitable because Lando was meant to be coming over, but she was just not in the mood to deal with his chirper personality when all she wanted to do was cry and sleep while high on paracetamol.

"Y/N!" Lando had let himself in, "You ready? I was thinking we could go out and get some breakfast." He walked in her room and stopped in his tracks when he saw that she wasn't ready, normally she was ready half an hour early and was always patiently waiting on him. "Well, up an' at 'em!" He tore her curtains opens and slammed his hand on the mattress while all Y/N did was stare at him.

"No," She moaned.

"Let's go!"

"Lando! No! What part don't you get! I don't want to go!" She shouted. Lando recoiled with wide eyes and held his hands up in defence.

"Alright. I'll just go then." He walked out of the room without further comment and then she heard the door slam. He was gone. Y/N lay back and covered her eyes. She couldn't believe she'd just spoken to Lando like that. She'd never snapped at him before and now she'd probably scared him off. A tear fell from her eye and she used her duvet to dry them before turning on her side and clutching her hot water bottle closer to her abdomen to help with the pain.

The next time she opened her eyes she found Lando stood at the door, slowly opening it. "Lando?" He head snapped in her direction as he'd been caught out. "I though you left?"

"Only to get supplies." He walked further into the room, he slipped his shoes off and sat down beside her in her bed and then heaved a shopping bag onto the bed in front of him. "I bought you some chocolate, some hot chocolate powder so I can make some later and I refilled your hot water bottle," He said pulling out the goodies as he told her.

"You're the best. What did I do to deserve you?" Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face into his chest. "I love you, you know that right. Ignore the majority of what I say on my period."

"I already do. Why do you think I came back?" He smiled cheekily, "I love you too."


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