Sunset [Marcus Armstrong]

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               Y/N pressed down harder on the accelerator prompting the car to speed forward and causing Marcus to release a string of swear words as he pressed his hands down harder on the dashboard and leaned back further into his seat. "Holy Shit! Slow down woman!" He screeched, holding on tighter as if it was necessary for him to survive. This was the first time that he was allowing Y/N to have a joy ride in his car – namely because Marcus' car was his pride and joy and Y/N's driving was questionable sometimes at best.

"Quit whining!" Y/N laughed but slowed down anyway. There was no need to cause Marcus to go into an early retirement. From the corner of her eye, Y/N could see Marcus visibly relax in his seat, his hands moving from gripping the dashboard to resting peacefully in his lap. Y/N had her suspicions as to why Marcus had all of a sudden allowed her to drive his car as prior to this Y/N had pleaded and begged him to let her drive, her biggest suspicion had to do with the fact that Marcus hadn't been able to see her for a few weeks now due to racing. Y/N wasn't able to attend the races simply because she had university to attend in New Zealand, and the races weren't a quick flight away – they were at least 25 hours away!

"Turn at the next left" was all he said after she'd slowed down, she looked over to him with a raised eyebrow, "You going to tell me where we're going?" He shook his with determination, however, the smile on his face told Y/N that it would be a good location, "Eyes on the road." He pointed forward. Y/N rolled her eyes but did as he said anyway.

Left. Left. Right. 15 minutes later Marcus gave Y/N her final instruction and she lulled the car to a stop. It was a lay by. Y/N rarely doubted Marcus, but she had to admit that she was doubting him at the moment, she didn't understand why he'd told her to stop here; there was nothing for miles bar fields.

"What are we doing here?"

"We're going for a walk." Marcus gave her a hand a squeeze and indicated for her to get out of the car. She looked at him with a puzzled expression but none the less she copied him, grasping his hand when they met in front of the bonnet. It was silent for around 50 metre until they reached a gate leading to a field, Y/N made move to continue walking but Marcus' grip on her hand stopped her movement and pulled her back towards him. "In here." Y/N looked to him questionably, even more so when he let go of her hand ad began to climb over the gate.

"What are you doing?" Marcus smiled at her and simply indicated for her to join him on the other side. Y/N looked up and down the road checking to see if any cars were coming, it wasn't too late, and the sun was about to set so Y/N suspected that he wanted to watch the sunset which she wasn't going to object to.

Y/N clambering over the gate was not something that needed to be discussed and frankly she was glad that only Marcus was there to witness it. She would never live it down if her family were there, though that wasn't to say that Marcus would let her live it down either. "Don't laugh." She mumbled as she joined him by his side, his face told her that he found it hilarious, "I'm not" He held his hands up in mock defence before grabbing her hand and pulling her along. Y/N looked around her, it was a large expanse and there really wasn't much to see, there was a bit of a hill at the back of the field and she suspected that that was where they were going.

She was right. At the foot of the hill Marcus stopped and turned to her, "Close your eyes." Y/N let out a chuckle, the field was quite uneven, and she had no doubt that if she tried to walk blindly that she'd probably break an ankle, "Excuse me?"

"Close your eyes." He grabbed her wrist and brought them up to her eyes, she sighed dramatically which Marcus tutted to and she could guarantee that he had rolled his eyes. He walked behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, guiding her forward.

"You better not push me down the hill." Y/N mumbled.

Marcus gasped and choked out a laugh, "Never!"

Ten minutes later, Marcus once again stopped Y/N in her tracks and gently pulled her hands away from her eyes. She let out a gasp at the sight before her. Christchurch had never looked so beautiful before. The sunset provided a beautiful backdrop to the city. Y/N couldn't believe that in all her life, she had never made the journey to watch the sunset from the hill.

"How did you find this?"

"I used to come here when I was younger, and I wanted to share it with you." He had a soft smile present on his face, "You're so sappy!" Y/N teased, wiggling a finger in his direction. "Stop it!" He laughed. He sat on the grass and leaned back on his hands, he used one hand to latch onto Y/N's wrist and pull her down to sit beside him. She practically fell onto the ground, but after a slap against his chest, Y/N rested her head on his shoulder and together they watched as the sunset.

"It's getting a bit dark, isn't it?" Y/N mentioned as the sun continued to disappear.

"You scared?" Marcus joked.

"No, but did you bring any torches?"

"Was I meant to?" He asked but quickly got his answer as Y/N hit his chest once again, "Ow! Stop that!" 

"Was I meant to?" He asked but quickly got his answer as Y/N hit his chest once again, "Ow! Stop that!" 

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