Bet [Daniel Ricciardo]

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Your eyes lit up as your request to video call Daniel was accepted, "Hey Danny!" You smiled with an enthusiastic wave at the camera to which Daniel let out a loud laugh and waved back. You and Daniel had been friends for a year or two having met at the birthday party of a mutual friend in Perth and you had made a habit of video calling him whenever the both of you were free.

"Congratulations!" You said, he had qualified in P4 for the Hungarian Grand Prix, just behind the two Mercedes and Vettel's Ferrari. You could tell by the wide smile that he was pleased with his qualifying position even though it was pole. "Thanks Y/N. Not pole but I do love having a bit of a fight on track." His smile morphed into a smirk. "What's your day been like?" With a long, exaggerated sigh you rolled your eyes, "Ugh ... I had to watch these cars drive on my TV all evening!"

"I forgot you're like 6 hours ahead. What about this morning?"

"So thoughtful of you ask, I was babysitting Chloe all day – only got rid of her about an hour ago. Is it bad of me to put it like that? I love babysitting her despite what it sounds like." You giggled. Daniel shook his head with a laugh, "Nah, don't worry about it. I won't rat you out." It was silent for a bit while Y/N started to put some dishes away and Daniel was too caught up in admiring you to notice that you'd finished and was watching him stare off into space. "Earth to Daniel?"


"I called your name like ... twice." You said with your eyebrows raised and a small smile evident on your face. He was enamoured by you, you always appeared so calm and collected and in the best way possible, you always had your shit together.

"Can I ask you something?" Daniel asked with a nervous expression on his face as he scratched the back of his neck. Y/N gave a hum of agreement as she focused on some paperwork in front of her. "Would you like to, would you like to go out with me sometime?" Daniel asked with a red face. Y/N head snapped up from the paperwork in front of her to Daniel face on her phone.

"Daniel Ricciardo are you asking me out on a date?" Y/N teased with a smile. Daniel let out a nervous laugh and nodded. "Hmm ... let's make this a bit more interesting, shall we? If you win the race, then I'll go out with you when you get back to Perth."

"And if I don't?"

"You'll have to wait and see." You said with a teasing smile on your face. "Deal?"

"Deal." Daniel loved a challenge and is history repeats itself then this should be no bother and the Hungaroring has been one of his more successful tracks. Daniel let out a guffaw as they bid each other goodbye and hung up, either Y/N didn't believe he could actually win the race without some sort of reward like bribing a child with sweets or she wanted to purposefully lose the bet so that he could take her out.


Secretly, Y/N hoped that Daniel would win the race even though you knew either way you'd go out with him when he returned home for the Summer break and so there you were, your attention captured by the TV screen as Daniel began his last lap in P1. You were sat on the edge of the settee, fist clenched in anticipation but that all ended when Daniel crossed the line and won the race with Lewis and Sebastian coming 2nd and 3rd respectively. You had lost the bet, but you didn't care about that because you were excited to congratulate him on his win and more importantly go on that date.

An hour later, after the interviews and press conferences were finished, Daniel rushed back to his hotel room so that he could get ready to celebrate his win with his team. Throughout his media duties, he'd been busy texting Y/N and the smile couldn't be wiped off his face even if it was forced.

It seems you won

You had text him after the race. Daniel was quick to text back.

It appears I have. Date?

You replied within seconds.

Is that any way to ask someone on a date, Ricciardo?

With a smile and a small laugh, Daniel shook his head slightly as he replied.

Would you like to go out together when I'm home next week?

If you insist.

You had replied and suddenly Daniel didn't even want to go out anymore. He just wanted to get home so that he could go on a date with Y/N, however, before he could even voice his opinion, he was dragged out to celebrate his 3rd win of the season.

 He just wanted to get home so that he could go on a date with Y/N, however, before he could even voice his opinion, he was dragged out to celebrate his 3rd win of the season

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