Hair [Various Drivers]

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Lando, Alex and George

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Lando, Alex and George

"I definitely don't have the hand co-ordination for that." Lando said from behind Y/N causing her to jump slightly in surprise as she hadn't heard him approach her. A small smile appeared on Y/N's face as she turned to face the Brit while she tied the plait in her hair, Y/N had stopped in the middle of the paddock to plait her hair for Free Practice Two as that was the only way to control the shear amount of it so that it'd fit in her helmet.

"It's not that hard." Y/N said with a roll of her eyes, having plaited her hair for years on end it was second nature to her now and was her preferred way of styling her hair quickly.

"Oi, George, Alex! Look at this witchcraft!" Lando called out to the two drivers who were approaching them. The boys stopped beside Lando looking expectantly to him as Y/N had already finished her plait and so it appeared as if Lando had called them for no reason. "You missed it," George let out a puff of air, "but Y/N was plaiting her hair and I was amazed by it."

"You called us over here to tell us that Y/N plaits her hair? We know that." Alex asked quizzically. It didn't seem like such a big deal to him, his sisters had plaited their hair for years.

"But look at it! Look at it!" Lando said reached behind Y/N and gently grabbing onto the plait to show it to the boys. Lando held onto her hair even after the boys had voiced their amazement. Alex and Lando, despite having sisters, were amazed by her hair, while George simply looked to Y/N and rolled his eyes, causing her to have to stifle her laugh at the Brit.

"Can I have my hair back?" Y/N asked reaching up to grab Lando's wrist and pull it away from her hair which he released without further ado, mumbling a quick apology.

"Y/N's room tonight. Hair plaiting competition." Lando announced walking off leaving Y/N with a gaping mouth and what she'd just been dragged into.


Y/N's eyes snapped open at the sound of someone rapping on her door, she stumbled to the door, half asleep as she'd been in the middle of a much needed nap, and threw it open, ready to chew off the faces of those who dared to interrupt her sleep, but she was greeted by the smiling faces of Lando, Alex and George.

"Finally! We've been here ages-" began Lando before George took over, "It's only been a minute or two really." Y/N gave an exasperated look but opened the door wider regardless, allowing them into her hotel room. She closed the door after them, following them and taking a seat on her bed against the headboard. "Ah, ah, ah." Lando tutted pulling her off the bed and onto the desk chair that he had pulled out from the desk. "hair time." Y/N groaned loudly however she didn't object. If she was being honest, she liked it when people played with her hair.

"What are you doing? Put that away!" She shouted when she saw Lando lift her hairbrush, he dropped it frantically before looking at Y/N with bewildered eyes. "Are you trying to make my hair go frizzy? Only brush when wet, duh!" He put his hands up in mock defence. Lando wasn't as bad as she thought he'd be, but he did pull her hair very tightly which was quite painful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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