Miscarriage [Daniel Ricciardo]

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Finding out you were pregnant was the kickstart that yourself and Daniel needed, the season thus far had been worse than Daniel expected as he was struggling to qualify and stay in the points, and hadn't been on the podium once during the season but, during the summer break you had noticed that your period was late which prompted you to take a test and low-and-behold, you were pregnant and 5 weeks at that.

Telling Daniel you were pregnant was one of the most special moments in your life thus far, you'd watched enough pregnancy reveal videos on YouTube and that was enough to persuade you to document this occasion so that you could show your families his reaction as knowing Daniel – it would be something special. And it was. He was ecstatic when he found out. You enjoyed doing an occasional jigsaw puzzle and often had to bribe Daniel to join you and it was not so dissimilar on this occasion, but his face was priceless when the full picture was revealed; you had gotten a personalised jigsaw puzzle to announce your pregnancy.

Pregnancy was well pregnancy. You had morning sickness and mood swings and had developed an odd craving for gherkins which Daniel found disgusting but still succumbed to your will and bought them for you. It wasn't until the week of the Russian Grand Prix that you had concerns as you'd found some blood in your underwear, but your midwife had said that bleeding could occur as the egg made itself at home in your womb. But you pushed it to the back of your mind as you headed to the Renault hospitality to watch Daniel have his pre-race press conference with some other drivers. You enjoyed watching Daniel in interviews as he was a genuinely funny person and he always let his personality shine through. You watched the race peacefully with Aurelie, his press officer, when you noticed your upper thighs getting slightly wet, worried you decided to go to the bathroom and where horrified to see the blood coat your thighs and with shaky hands you stumbled back to Aurelie and whispered your issue to her. Her head snapped to round to see you before calling some of the Renault hospitality staff to look after you and ring an ambulance while she went to fetch Daniel.

Daniel was in the middle of his press conference with Sebastian, Lando, Lewis and Kimi when Aurelie stormed onto the stage to whisper into his ear that Y/N was being rushed to hospital. He didn't think for a second before jumping up from his seat at the table, removing his microphone and following Aurelie off the stage to run to his wife's aid.

"I'm not sure what that was about but we'll continue onwards and hope we get an explanation at a later stage." The main questioner commented and quickly asked for any more questions as to pull their attention away from the escaped driver. Daniel reached the hospitality in time to see Y/N sitting in a wheelchair ready to be taken to the hospital by one of the local ambulances that were stationed here to look out for the fans.

It was tense the entire way to the hospital but when they arrived, and Y/N was examined the worst was revealed. Y/N had had a miscarriage. Even though the baby wasn't much at this stage, it was all they'd dreamt about for years and for a short while it seemed that it was finally coming true. They had even been planning on telling the family over the next week that there'd be a new addition but now they had to tell them all that the baby had died.

Over the course of the next few days, Y/N struggled as did Daniel. How do you cope? How do you make the pain go away? The truth is the pain will never go away you just learn to cope. By the time of the Japanese Grand Prix, you and Daniel both decided to only bring it up if it was asked about as you hadn't told anyone but family about the miscarriage. It was during the pre-race press conference with Max, Carlos, Sebastian and Robert that the dreaded question was asked.

"At the Russian pre-race conference, you left midway through and didn't attend any other media for the rest of the weekend ... could you expand on that?"

Daniel knew he should've been prepared for this question but hearing it threw him off a bit and he struggled for a second or two to figure out how he was going to approach the question, "Uh ... I discussed this with Y/N to see if she wanted this to be public knowledge and we decided that we wanted to be open with you guys. Y/N was pregnant and unfortunately she had miscarriage," From beside him Max wrapped his arm around Daniel's shoulder and gave him a comforting squeeze while other drivers gave a quiet sound of condolences.

"Sorry for your loss, Daniel and, how are you?"

"It's difficult. We'd been preparing for 7 weeks knowing that we'd be having a child and so know that it won't be happening is ... it's difficult." He finished and looked down, silently signalling that the conversation was over. When the conference ended 15 minutes later Daniel walked off stage and straight into the arms of Y/N, hugging her tightly as drivers walked past and squeezed his shoulder in reassurance that they'd be there if he ever needed them.

"This isn't the end. In a few months we can try again." Y/N said, a smile finally appearing on Daniel's face in what seemed like the first time in forever.

" Y/N said, a smile finally appearing on Daniel's face in what seemed like the first time in forever

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