I'm Sorry [George Russell]

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                     "You're an arsehole, George!" Y/N shouted as she stepped into his bedroom having heard his conversation with Alex and Lando. George's head snapped upwards from his phone to Y/N with a horror struck look on his face, "Y/N!" He briefly eyed his phone again before turning his attention back to her, "Wha-what are you doing here?" Y/N just eyed him before turning on her heel and storming out the door. George could hear her footsteps as she charged down the stairs and leapt from his bed, racing after her. "Y/N, wait!" Y/N stopped at the top of the driveway and gazed up at George, a few tears had escaped her eyes as she began to frantically wipe them away.


"I'm sorry." George mumbled taking a step closer to her but stopped when she began to back further away.

"That doesn't explain why you made a bet with Lando and Alex about me!" She shouted, her hands wild with hand gestures, this time she didn't give George a chance to explain and simply climbed into her car and drove off while George stood and stared after her with a sad expression on his face.

George knew he would live to regret making a bet with Lando and Alex, but that didn't stop him from doing so. He thought it to be a harmless bet. Simply one that would force him to grow a pair and finally ask Y/N out. It worked. They'd been dating for almost a month; possibly the best month of his life, it'd been the Summer break and they'd spent most of the entire break together – taking day trips away and simply spending time together. Y/N had been in his primary school class but the two of them went to separate secondary schools and had only reconnected in the past few months when she moved back into the village.

If George was going to be honest, he had never anticipated telling Y/N about the bet as he hoped it would just become a funny story, they'd tell their children when they got older. "Mum, I've messed up." George moaned as he sat beside her on the settee and leaned his head on her shoulder.

"What's happened, Georgie?" she asked wrapping an arm around her son so that he could cuddle closer for some comfort. "I made a bet with the boys that I could get Y/N to go out with me." George felt his mother stiffen and he spoke quicker in an effort to ensure he could voice his side before she interrupted, "But I really liked her, it was just to give me a bit of courage, you know?"

"Oh Georgie ... I ought to slap you round the head," She said softly before reaching up and giving his head a whack. George let out an indignant noise, but remained where he was, "did you tell Y/N this?" George shook his head. "Well, you know what you need to do." That was all she said before she stood up and walked out of the living room leaving George alone with his thoughts. He remained there for a few more minutes before rushing up and grabbing his keys, he shouted a goodbye to mum and ran out the front door desperate to save what was left of his relationship. George was lucky no one reported him to the police for exceeding the 30mph speed limit through the village but that was the last thing on his mind, all he cared about was getting to Y/N.

George pulled into her driveway and jumped out of the car he ran up to the front door of her house and pressed the doorbell. It was the longest few seconds of his life as he waited for someone to answer and thankfully someone did; Y/N's mum. "George! Fancy seeing you here. Y/N's upstairs – go on up." George stood and stared at Y/N's mum for a few seconds with furrowed eyebrows, surely if your daughter's boyfriend caused her to go into a frenzy, the last thing you'd do is invite him in, right? He stopped outside Y/N's bedroom door and gave it a gentle knock before stepping inside. She looked up and let out an exasperated sigh when she saw it was him. "You didn't tell your mum?" He asked.

"And have them think of me as a fool? Ha, no!" She said with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I want to explain everything." George said and leaned against her wardrobe feeling it wasn't right of him to make himself at home in her room like he usually would. Y/N glanced up at him and George could see the hurt and heartbreak as clear as day in her eyes, she didn't oppose him, so he began talking anyway. "I never wanted to hurt you," He began, Y/N let out a humph full of doubt. "Honest! When we got in touch again, I was really nervous because I liked you and so Alex and Lando made a bet with me ... to encourage me to ask you out, but it was never just a bet to me! I never thought of it as that – I was scared." George defended his actions. "Please understand that, please" He said softly.

"Ok, I understand why you took the bet but how can I trust you? Why should I invest so much in you, if you'll be tempted by so much as a bet?" She asked as she stood up from her seat at her desk and leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the room. She raised an eyebrow, expecting a response.

"I'm sorry." George made an effort to move across the room towards her, but she held a hand up, stopping him in his tracks.

"I think it's best you go, George. I need to wrap my head around all this. I see you soon." She whispered and indicated for George to leave. He gave a slow nod and let out a breath. "I'm sorry, Y/N." He whispered with one last look to her before he left, a stray tear slipped down his face. He said goodbye to her mum and clambered into his car to drive home, taking a longer route so that he'd have more time to wrap his head around the whole situation. He knew he couldn't be angry at Lando or Alex because he was the one who accepted the bet, it was all on him.

When he arrived home, he greeted his mum in the kitchen and she gave a tight hug as he explained all that had happened at Y/N's house. It was later that night, however, when he was going to bed that his phone binged. Glancing at the screen to see who was texting him at midnight, he was surprised to see that it was Y/N. In a rush, George unlocked his phone at lightning speed and quickly read the message, a sense of relief filled him as he finished her message. She forgave him. She forgave him! That's all he cared about. He could have to retire from the next race, but he didn't care as Y/N forgave him. It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders and for the first time since she'd overheard him and the boys, he could finally relax.

 It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders and for the first time since she'd overheard him and the boys, he could finally relax

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