Drunk [George Russell]

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Y/N sat up groggily, wincing at the bright light being emitted from her phone as the sound pierced her ears. She lifted it up to see who was disturbing her at this ungodly hour. Her eyes widened, suddenly feeling a lot more wide awake, as she saw George's name on her screen along with his contact photo; one where he was pulling a silly face and Y/N couldn't help but put it as it contact photo. It had been a week since they'd broken up; they didn't have enough time for each other as they did when they began dating all those months ago, the racing season had driven a wedge between them, and the distance didn't help either. Y/N's heart raced slightly as her finger hovered above the answer symbol before she tapped it and held the phone up to ear, only to recoil and pull away as George screamed through the phone.

"Y/N!" He shouted. His voice was slurred, and she could hear shouting through the phone. Y/N held her hand to her chest at the thought that he may be in trouble.

"George... what are you doing? It's half two." Y/N asked, double checking the time herself by glancing at the clock on her bedside table.

"I need you," Y/N felt her breathing quicken at his words but that was short lived as he continued speaking, "I need to you ... I need you to bring me home. I lost my wallet. I have no money for a taxi." Y/N nodded along as he spoke, she asked him were he was (as if she hadn't seen his location on his Instagram story) and told him to wait where he was exactly.

"I'll be there soon, stay put." Y/N hauled herself out of bed, pulled her dressing gown on along with her slippers and grabbed her keys before leaving her apartment to collect George. This was her first time seeing or talking to George since they broke up, and Y/N would be lying if she said she hadn't missed him.

George stuck out like a sore thumb outside the club. His height meant that he towered over nearly everyone around him. Y/N practically abandoned her car in the taxi zone, hopped out of her car and walked over to him. "Let's go." She grabbed his hand, though clearly, he hadn't noticed her as he jumped before staring at her.

"Y/N!" He shouted throwing his arms around her and squeezing her tightly. Y/N breathed against his chest, she'd missed this, but she was not about to do this when George was half paralytic. She pushed herself out of his grasp, moving to hold onto his wrist as she dragged him to her car, helping him get in and buckle his seatbelt. Y/N had decided to just bring him back to her flat, if he'd lost his wallet, goodness knows what else he's lost. "I kissed someone tonight." Y/N had to bite her lip to stop it from quivering. She hadn't expected him to move on as quickly. He giggled quietly to himself, but then, as if a switch had flipped, he faced her, "but she wasn't you." Y/N felt her heart flutter, the possibility of rekindling their relationship felt all too real, she kept her attention on the road though she could feel George's eyes staring at her, waiting for her response.

"I'm not talking about this while you're drunk." That was the end of the conversation as they had arrived at Y/N's flat. George had somewhat sobered on up the way home and so, getting him out of the car was much less of a struggle. He sat on the sofa and watched as Y/N gathered a pillow and blankets for him, she wished him goodnight and headed off to her own bedroom. A part of him hoped that she'd welcome him with open arms, and they'd continue their relationship from where they left off.

An hour later (or what felt like an hour later, there were no clocks in Y/N's living room) and George was still awake, blankly staring at the ceiling. He took a deep breath and swung his legs off the sofa, he stood to his feet and walked the familiar path to Y/N's bedroom. He knocked lightly on her door and peaked his head in to check if she was awake, the small light illuminating her room told him so.


"George? It's nearly four, go back to bed." Y/N lifted her head off her pillow, using her elbows to hold herself up.

"I can't get to sleep." He admitted walking further into her room, by now Y/N had switched on her bedside lamp, allowing George to take in her appearance. She was dressed in on of his tops and an involuntary smile overtook his face. He took a gamble as sat on the edge of her bed, feeling his confidence build when she didn't kick him off. He could tell that she was thinking about something, overthinking more likely. "Don't overthink it." He told her; her gaze snapped to his face. She was amazed that he could tell what she was doing all the time. She nodded with a shy smile on her face and threw the other side of the duvet over so that George would be able to hop in, which he didn't waste a second in doing. They lay down facing each other, thoughts flashing back to when they use to stay up to all hours simply talking to each other.

"I missed this."

"So did I."


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