MY Boyfriend [Charles Leclerc]

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"Sorry I'm late!" Y/N said in lieu of greeting. Y/N was ten minutes late to their meeting. They (Y/N and her group) had decided to meet at a local café so that they wouldn't have a time limit on how long they could work for and, more importantly, they could get food. They were meeting to plan a presentation for their Manufacturing Technology module and so far, they had nothing.

"Don't worry, we haven't started," Lauren gestured to the pile of books sat in the middle of the table, still closed, "we were discussing our placements – you'll never believe where Hannah is going!" Y/N turned to face Hannah who was sitting beside her and nodded for her to spill.

"Don't even ask how I got it ... but I'm going to Bombardier!" Y/N cheered for her happily as getting a placement was difficult and getting a placement at an aircraft manufacturer was exciting. If truth was told, Y/N wasn't that friendly with her presentation group but she didn't get to choose her group, over the past two years she had talked to the girls as they were in her tutorial group, however, Y/N hadn't developed the same bond that they had with each other as when she wasn't at University she was rarely in the country. She'd rather spend time in sunny Monaco than gloomy London.

"Where are you going Y/N?"

Y/N was a bit weary to tell them, she didn't want to feel like she was boasting, "I'm actually moving to Italy for my placement." Hannah's jaw dropped, Lauren dropped her phone onto the table staring at her with a shocked expression, Maia, the final member of the group, simply stared at Y/N with widened eyes.


"I applied for Ferrari and I was accepted."

"I wish I had thought of that. How exciting would it be to work with one of the Formula One teams? Did you see the Spanish Grand Prix?" Maia and Hannah nodded in response to Lauren's question, Y/N nodded shyly, she was unsure if they knew that she was Charles girlfriend. The two had been going out since last October just after the Russian Grand Prix, having met during August where Y/N had spent her summer holiday in Monaco. She hadn't been to a Grand Prix as Charles' girlfriend yet – Monaco would be the first. "Lewis drove so well."

"Obviously I appreciate the driving, but I also appreciate the drivers." Maia smiled cheekily causing the girls to giggle in agreement. "See!" She flapped her arms around her as if proving a point. Y/N leaned back on her chair she was interested to see where this conversation was going. "Like Daniel Ricciardo? Beautiful."

"Yeah, Hannah's already planned her wedding to Charles Leclerc." Y/N's head snapped in Hannah's direction. Charles was her boyfriend and she was not up for sharing. Y/N could forgive them for not knowing that he was her boyfriend as they hadn't really put anything out of social media other than the fact that they had a partner.

"No need to expose me." Hannah laughed, "I've dm'ed him, but alas nothing." Y/N couldn't believe that Hannah had had the gall to do such a thing as she herself could never imagine messaging someone with a known partner and asking such things.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Really? Dammit!" Hannah cursed. Y/N could forgive her as she was oblivious to the fact that; 1. Charles had a girlfriend, and 2. Y/N was that girlfriend. The conversation moved onto Lauren's latest conquest, Y/N smiled at the girls, ready for some gossiping, it was a boy she'd met during a night out and has kept in contact with.

"Have you been learning Italian?" Lauren asked, obviously in an attempt for the topic of the conversation to move from her.

"Yeah, my boyfriend's been teaching me. He's fluent." Y/N shrugged, she was able to speak it, but there was a long way to go before she'd be able to speak as good as Charles.

"Ah yes, the elusive boyfriend." Hannah snorted holding up imaginary speech marks around the word boyfriend. "You've mentioned him a few times, but I have yet to see any pictures or even him." Hannah gave her a pointed look which Maia copied, the two of them looking at her with raised eyebrows. Y/N didn't see an issue with not over-sharing loved-up photos of her and Charles, she had seen the hate and awful comments that the other driver's girlfriends that been exposed to and she really didn't want to experience that. Y/N could admit that the girls in front of her were so much more beautiful than she was, they had bodies to die for and always dressed to impress, whereas if Y/N didn't have anywhere important to go then it was a loose t-shirt and leggings – like she was wearing now.

"We bonded over our love for Formula One." Y/N mentioned, "He works for Ferrari too."

"As what? The cleaner?" Hannah said in a sweet but condescending voice.

"Perhaps a cook?" Maia added cheekily.

"Ye of little faith." Y/N replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Sorry, it's just we have nothing to go on. Give us something!" Hannah waved her hands around to emphasise her point, so much so that he nearly knocked an ornament off one of the shelfs above their table. "You should come out with us tonight!" Y/N racked her brain thinking of her plans for later that evening, other than a FaceTime with Charles, nothing was planned. Charles was currently in Maranello doing work for the Monaco Grand Prix and Y/N would be flying out on Friday to meet him in Monaco.

"I hope you aren't planning on ditching our FaceTime later." A voice said from behind her. Y/N grinned. Not only was this a wonderful surprise from her boyfriend, but his timing was perfect and the looks on the girls' faces weren't ones that you could imagine. They were beyond shocked, a few millimetres of outright gaping at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, "I thought I was flying out to Monaco on Friday to meet you."

Charles fidgeted with her fingers before intertwining them, "I finished early in Maranello, I'll to go back next week for a day or two, but I thought I'd surprise you." He gave her a quick peck and Y/N shuffled further along the seat to make room for Charles. "I also wanted your opinion on these." He handed her his phone which was loaded up with photos of a gorgeous apartment which Y/N could only assume was in Maranello. "For your placement you'll need to be close to Maranello so I'm going to buy an apartment there so we can live there during the year." Y/N caressed his cheek and lightly kissed.

"You're the best. This is beautiful."

"I'll leave you to it. We'll go out for dinner tonight." Charles gave her one last kiss before he left the café picking up his coffee to-go on the way out.

"Looks like I can't go out tonight, girls." Y/N giggled but stopped when she saw that none of the girls had laughed, in fact they almost seemed frozen.

"Charles Leclerc is your boyfriend." Hannah mumbled gripping Y/N's hand tightly. Y/N pulled her hand from her grasp. "He's my dream guy."

"Really? Well he's my actual boyfriend."

As if thinking for any reason to doubt their relationship, Hannah asked, "How serious are you two?" causing Y/N to stare at her as if she had 2 heads, "Did you not just hear that he's bought us an apartment in Italy?" Y/N had to laugh at her. Her remark had even caused Maia and Lauren to stare at her with bewildered expressions.

"Hannah ... what the fuck." Lauren said, "You don't say that."

"Hannah, four words for you – love of my life."


Omg, I made the McLaren brownies ... so delicious! 10/10 recommend.

 so delicious! 10/10 recommend

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