Insecure [Charles Leclerc]

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"Charles could do much better."

"Why is Charles even with her?"

"She's not even that pretty."

Y/N couldn't tear her gaze away from her phone as she read the latest comments on her Instagram post. It wasn't the first time that Y/N had gotten caught up reading the comments on Twitter and her Instagram posts. For the most part, they were positive comments from Charles' fans who wished them well and Y/N loved reading those ones and liking them, but there were the few that said horrible things about her. Y/N could feel herself getting more upset, all she wanted was a hug from Charles, but he wouldn't be home until tomorrow night as he was in Maranello for simulator training with Ferrari. Y/N hated getting Charles involved in her drama and even though this was about their relationship, it was clear that his fans weren't particularly fond of her and the last thing Y/N wanted was to be the reason that Charles was losing fans.

"Honey, wait until he gets home and talk about it." Y/N's mum told her on the phone after Y/N had voiced her fears, her lips quivering as she listened to her mum reassure her.

"I just want to come home for a bit, I can't bear the guilt that I'd be the reason that his fans hate him." It wasn't long after that Y/N bid her mum goodbye and hung up. Y/N didn't want to part with Charles, but he had an image to uphold and none of his sponsors would appreciate it if he began to lose supporters.

An hour later, Y/N had packed a weekend bag to take with her as she travelled home to her parents house in Marseille. It was a two and a half hour journey, but it would certainly provide ample time for Y/N to think – to think about her future, her relationship and what she wanted right now. Y/N was glad that it was nearly 22:00 for the traffic from Monte-Carlo to Marseille wasn't busy and she reached her parents home by midnight. "Honey," Her mother started before deciding to simply wrap her daughter up in a tight hug.

"I just want to go to bed." Y/N murmured stepping out of her mother's embrace and walking up the stairs to her bedroom.

Y/N slept into the late morning only awaking when her mother entered her room, "Honey, time to get up." Y/N groaned and pressed her head further into the pillow, almost begging it to swallow her, "I don't want to." She moaned.

"There's someone here to see you," Y/N heart jumped when she heard this. She heard some shuffling and some footsteps approach her bed, but only turned over once she felt the bed dip down beside her as someone sat down. "Hey," Y/N rolled over immediately as she heard Charles voice, his gaze set firmly on Y/N. Her eyes widened momentarily, her lip quivered slightly as she stared at him. Charles' eyebrows furrowed as he watched her, confused as to way she seemed so upset. "Y/N?" She sat up leaning against the headboard, her slim frame encompassed by his large hoodie that bunched up around her waist. "What's the matter?"

"I'm just feeling really insecure. The comments on my Instagram are just horrible." Charles opened his arms for and she collapsed into them, from how they were situated it was awkward and so Charles lay down beside her on the small twin bed and pulled Y/N closer to him, she threw her leg over his hip and lay her head on his chest using her fingers to drum along over his chest as he used his to play with her hair.

"You have no reason to feel insecure," He began to rub his hand up and down her back, calming her down as he whispered into her ear while she moved to rest her head in the crook of his neck, "look at me?" Y/N pulled her head up and sat up slightly so that she could look at him. "You're my beautiful girl, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met and you're perfect just the way you are."

Hearing Charles say those words brought a smile to her face. She leaned to closer to him, pressing her lips to his. His lips felt warm on hers and she felt herself completely melting into the kiss as she rolled on top of him again. She pulled away from him, but not without giving him a chaste kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too and I'm going to fix this"

Liked by arthurleclerc, pierregasly and 378,934 others

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Liked by arthurleclerc, pierregasly and 378,934 others

charles_leclerc my beautiful girl, the most beautiful girl in the world and the best thing to ever happen to me.

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