Labour [Multiple Drivers]

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George Russell

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George Russell

Y/N woke up in the middle of the night, her pyjamas drenched in what she hoped was sweat, but she could assume that her water had broken. With a start she sat up and frantically shook George awake from beside her, "George, George!" He awoke startled and immediately sat up seeing his fiancée holding her hand on top of her stomach.

"Are you okay? Is it the baby?" He questioned.

"My water's broke." George's eyes widened considerably, and he threw their duvet off themselves as he leapt out of bed and struggled to put his jogging bottoms on, hopping around the room trying to push his feet through the trouser legs. "I've got the hospital bag!" George shouted midway down the stairs. Y/N stared dumbfounded after him. Her midwife had told her that she should go to the hospital once her water breaks, but her contractions where over 5 minutes apart and weren't as strong as she'd heard her friends say there's were. With a deep breath Y/N stood out of bed and changed into some fresh clothes, comfortable enough to travel to the hospital in.

10 minutes later George appeared at their bedroom door, slightly out of breath from running round the house preparing everything they might need, "Are you seriously curling your hair?" Y/N stared at him through the mirror, "Obviously, I can't go looking like a troll." George blinked slowly at her response.

"You're going to have a baby. Not going to a fashion show."

"This may be the last time I have time to myself to curl my hair. I am going to take-" She stopped midsentence to clutch her stomach causing George to run over to her and grab the curling wand before she burned herself. "Let's go now."

Lewis Hamilton

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Lewis Hamilton

Y/N stared at Lewis from her hospital bed. He was pacing back and forth at the foot of her bed, mumbling to himself. He had been like this since they had arrived at the hospital 30 minutes prior. "Babe, sit down. You're going to wear a hole in the floor." Lewis stopped short and stared at her.

"What if I need to run and grab a nurse." Y/N held up her nurse call button, and before Lewis could come up with another excuse Y/N patted the chair beside her bed that her midwife had pulled up for Lewis to sit on while they waited for Y/N to dilate a bit more.

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