New Year's Eve [Daniel Riccardo]

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Y/N's friends were almost the complete opposite to her, they loved spontaneity whereas Y/N liked to have trips and outings planned in advance so that she could prepare for them, but nothing prepared her for when her friends barged into her bedroom on the morning of December 31st to announce their plans for the night (plans that hadn't existed the previous day).

"We're taking the train into Monte Carlo. Emile's got tickets for Jimmy'z!" Y/N's mouth dropped when she heard this. Jimmy'z is infamous for their nightlife and for New Year's Eve, Jimmy'z was the place to be. It had everything – including the A-List guests. Y/N didn't even think to object, this was not something you objected to. "Get ready, girls. We're in for one hell of a night!"

That was how Y/N found herself dressed up and ready to party. Spending New Year's Eve in Monaco was something she had always wanted to do but had never, even though it was just a short train journey from Nice. Jimmy'z was huge and extravagant, with a view overlooking the sea. Y/N's eyes wondered around the club; she could spot so many celebrities already, it seemed as though celebrities flocked to this club and NYE was no different, it was crowded but there was still room for people to walk around with hitting shoulders with every step. Martin Garrix was the DJ for the night. The music wasn't too loud but due to the shape and material used to build the club, the music echoed around the room.

"Let's get some drinks! Let loose ladies." Emile shouted over the music, Y/N shook her head at her works but offered no objection. The four of you journeyed over to the bar, Y/N had to refrain her jaw from dropping as she looked at the price of the drinks; they were extortionate.

Multiple shots later and Y/N's friends were beginning to pull her away from the bar, she had definitely had enough for the night (though Y/N wouldn't object to more drink). "I think you've had enough" Louise shouted over the music into Y/N's ear who simply let out a breath as if to say 'whatever'. Together the four of them danced in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by hoards of people as they waited for the countdown to begin. There were only a few minutes left until the new year and so far, Y/N didn't regret this night at all, regardless of how spontaneous this was. 

"You going to kiss someone at midnight?" Emile asked with a smirk. She knew that Y/N wouldn't be up for randomly kissing a complete stranger.

"No!" Y/N immediately objected holding her hand up to gesture her disdain.

"Be more spontaneous!"

"You're crazy!" Y/N laughed while shaking her head at her friends' actions.

"Come on! After tonight, you'll never see them again." Y/N let out a breath, this wasn't a foreign conversation. In fact, it was one that occurred nearly every time they went out together, her friends seemed determined to get her a boyfriend or at least a one night stand. To be honest, Y/N was debating it. She wouldn't see them afterwards; she didn't even live in Monaco and with the amount of alcohol she had consumed, her mind was feeling more spontaneous and the liquid courage was truly setting in.

"If I kiss someone, you all have to promise that you'll drop this whole act of trying to get me with someone. Deal?" The girls all grinned widely and shook on it. The countdown was beginning, and Y/N looked around her, trying to find someone who didn't seem to be in a relationship – last thing she wanted was to ruin a relationship. She eyed the guy to her right. He didn't seem to have any girls around him, just guys. From the lighting, Y/N could tell that he was tall, much taller than her.

"Ten!" The crowd began counting down as a timer appeared on the wall. Y/N glanced at her friends who all shoo'ed her to make a move by motioning with their hands. "Seven!" Y/N rocked side to side as if debating if she was really about to kiss a random stranger. "Three!" It was now or never.

As the countdown reached one and shouts of 'Happy New Year' erupted around them, Y/N spun on her feet and wrapped her arms around the stranger's neck, pulling him down to her level and pressing her lips to his. She could taste the alcohol as their kiss deepened. She felt the guy wrap his arms around her waist as they continued to kiss.

"Happy New Year." Y/N mumbled as she untangled herself from his grasp and returned to her friends who seemed to find this situation to be the best thing to happen all year. But then she felt someone grab her hand and yank her backwards. Y/N came face to face with the guy she's just kissed. She felt her cheeks heat up, somewhat fearing that he'd out in front of everyone, but he didn't. He kissed her, this time deepening the kiss with his tongue as Y/N was surprise by his movement as gasped, allowing him to slip his tongue in through her lips. Y/N had never been kissed like this before, she was dizzy when they finally separated. She stared at him with an open mouth as she caught her breath.

"Happy New Year. I'm Daniel." He whispered into her ear as he held her against his body.

"I'm Y/N."


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