Reunited [Lando Norris]

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Walking through the luggage claim section of the airport you kept an eye out for Lando as he said he would be waiting to collect you and true to his word you spotted him from across the room. In the 5 years since you'd last saw him, he hadn't changed much; still had curly, brown hair, still short and still had the most unique and easily recognisable laugh. You picked up your pace as you ran over to him.

"Lando!" You shouted happily to get his attention (and questionable looks from those around you). Lando's head snapped up from his phone and a large grin appeared on his face. You threw your arms around his neck and squeezed him tightly as he equally did the same. Pulling away, you rested your hands on his shoulder and just stared at him, wanting to take every possible second to admire him and memorise every detail about him so you'd never forget when you inevitably had to leave again.

The two of you grew up together, attending school together until your father received a promotion that required the family to move to Germany and as much as you protested and argued, it was no use. A month later you were starting your new school in Germany, but you never forgot Lando and you were beyond happy when he messaged you on Instagram inviting you to visit for a week which you accepted without a second thought.

Staying with Lando at his home in Guildford was amazing. The two of you had spent the last few days having so much fun reminiscing on childhood memories and he'd even taken you to his parents' home as they were excited to see you after so long, as were you. You'd just returned from his parents' house, Lando exhausted from the 2 hour drive was resting his head on your lap as you absentmindedly ran your hand through his curls as you watched TV, pausing only when he winced as your hand had gotten caught in his hair. It was silent for a while until he leant up and without warning he placed a hand on your cheek and leaned in further, placing his lips on yours. You immediately responded with ease to the kiss, placing one hand behind his head to support it as the other held his cheek. The kiss grew more heated and when you woke up the next morning in a tangle of limbs, you didn't regret a single thing.

"Fuck," You whispered as you stared at the stick in front of you. This was not ideal. Not ideal at all. Your visit to Lando's had been extended for the foreseeable future as COVID took its toll and grounded all flights home. You didn't have a problem with this and neither did Lando, sure your parents were worried, but you phoned them every night and that eased their worries. But now you have a problem, one that involves 2 parallel lines on a plastic stick. You had nipped to the pharmacy while Lando was too distracted with his stream to notice and as soon as you returned you made a bee-line for the bathroom to quickly take the pregnancy test. How were you going to tell Lando? It was basically a one night stand (ok – it had turned into a multiple night stand but still.)

"Y/N?" Lando called as you heard him walk down the stairs and you quickly ran from the bathroom to the living room to make it seem as if you'd been there all along. "Where did you go? I heard the door slam." So much for being discrete. Your mouth opened and closed a bit as you tried to figure out the best way to tell him that he was a dad and presumably noting your confusion, Lando began to speak, "You can tell me anything and I'll never judge you, you know that right? Don't you? Like seriously you can tell me anything! Any-" You cut him off before he could finish the sentence, "I'm pregnant." Lando's eyes widened in shock and he fell back against the sofa. "What the fuck." He whispered.

"You said you wouldn't judge." You whined with furrowed brows.

"I'm not. Is it mine? It's mine, right?"

"What do you take me for? Of course it is, you absolute nitwit."

"Well shit."

"At least try and act happy you little shite. Are you happy?"

"Of course I am! I didn't expect to be a dad this young but I'm happy it's with you." Lando replied grabbing your hand and you smiled at him in return as he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand.

Going into labour without Lando by your side was scary. He was in Paris attending the FIA Prize Giving as he was up for Best British Driver and you were unable to fly due to being too pregnant but you had insisted that he attend as you were due for a few days yet so you felt that it was ok for him to go. How wrong you were. It was just after dinner when you felt some cramps in his lower abdomen area and you yelled out quickly for Cisca, Lando's mother, who was staying with you while Lando was away and in an instance like this you couldn't have been more relieved. She quickly assessed the situation and decided immediately it was best to go to the hospital and get checked out and upon arriving and being examined by a midwife it was decided that you'd begin delivering the baby as your water had broken on the way over and you were already 7 centimetres dilated. In the midst of preparing you, Cisca sent a quick message to Lando.

The awards presenter was getting ready to announce the nominees for Best British Driver when Lando read the message from his mother and with no doubt to his mind, he turned to Carlos who was sat beside him. "If I win, you need to go up and accept it for me." Carlos stared at him in confusion and Lando simply showed him the message before he nodded in understanding and indicated for Lando to go. Just as Lando escaped, he heard the presenter begin to announce the winner. "And the winner for Best British Driver ... for the second time in a row, it's Lando Norris!" The audience clapped but it slowed to an awkward slow clap as Carlos appeared on stage instead of Lando. "Carlos? Where's Lando?" The presenter asked.

"He just left. Y/N went into labour ... he's away home." The audience cheered at the news and Carlos could distinctly hear Alex and George let out a 'whoop' and a 'Wow'.

You stared at the beautiful, bundle of joy, wrapped in a swaddling cloth in your arms. She was beautiful. Lydia Cisca Norris. She already had so much hair and the deep, brown eyes of her father. A tear of happiness slipped down your cheek and Cisca handed you a tissue to wipe the stray tear. As you went to give Lydia a kiss on her forehead you were distracted by the loud footsteps that were coming from the hallway but they stopped in front of your door and Lando appeared.

"Y/N, is that Lydia?" You gave him a sarcastic look as if to say 'well duh'. He came to your side, half sitting on the bed and you passed him Lydia, fixing his arms so that he was holding her properly and supporting her correctly. "She's so beautiful. Just like her mother." He sent a teasing smile your way and you giggled. "What a day. Best Britisher Driver and a daughter. Wow, doesn't get much better, does it?"

 Wow, doesn't get much better, does it?"

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