Magazine [Charles Leclerc]

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"Right folks, we need to get an interview for the cover. Any Suggestions?" The editor in chief, Lawson, said with a clap of this hands as he opened the floor to any suggestions that his staff may have had. Y/N had worked as a writer for the magazine for the past year and had slowly been making her way up through the ranks, and now finally, she was a lead writer for the magazine and was able to attend meetings about the magazine content, which was exactly what she was doing currently along with the other lead writers and Lawson, their editor.

"I mean," Lily, a fellow writer, started, "it is the Grand Prix this weekend, maybe we could get an interview with a driver?" Lawson seemed to mull over the idea before nodding in agreement, "Yes, that would be good."

Mae, another writer who primarily wrote about fashion, piped up, "Will we get an interview slot this late, though?" This seemed to provide a sense of reasoning to the group and they got back to brain storming on how to fill in the cover feature and the 2-page spread that was currently blank. Y/N was hesitant to speak up as this was only her 2nd meeting and she didn't want to seem pushy or over-confident, but she knew that she'd be able to get an interview with one of the most popular drivers.

"If I'm able to get the interview, can I do it?" Y/N asked timidly with a shy raise of her hand. The other occupants of the room turned to stare at who with mixed reactions, ranging from confusion to a hint of humour at the thought that this writer who didn't have the most notable reputation could think that she could get an interview with a Formula 1 driver at almost no notice, but what they weren't aware of was the fact that she was currently in a relationship with one Formula 1 driver, Charles Leclerc, but since they had wished to maintain some sense of privacy, they hadn't told anyone but their families about the relationship. The writers shrugged and looked to Lawson who had the final say. "I mean, sure, but how?"

"You'll see." Y/N had a small smirk on her face and began to pack up her belongings that she brought to the meeting room.

Lawson clapped his hands with a smile on his face, "Ok, let's get to work. We'll need that interview by next week at the latest. Meeting adjourned." As soon as he spoke those words, everyone vacated the room and dispersed to continue work for the upcoming issue that would be published in a fortnight. Y/N returned to her desk, packed up her belongings and said goodbye to her colleagues as Lawson said she could go home and work on getting the interview from there. She knew they doubted that she could get the interview, but she was happy to prove them wrong. Upon entering her flat in London, it was quiet, which was odd as Charles was staying there until after the British Grand Prix.


"Yes?" Y/N walked further into her apartment only to discover Charles laying on the sofa, feet resting on the coffee table as he watched what appeared to be 'Money Heist' on the TV. "How was work?" Y/N flopped down onto the sofa beside him and fidgeted with his hand.

"Grand. Want to do me a huge favour?" Charles eyed her from the corner of his eye, paused the TV and turned his attention to focus on her. "Can I interview you for the magazine?" He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "We need something for a cover feature and what with the Grand Prix this weekend, it would be a huge opportunity for draw in some new readers."

Charles shrugged, "Sure, I don't mind. Will you be doing it?" At her nod, he continued, "Sounds good, though you'll have to contact Mia, but I can give you her number, so it won't be lost in emails." Y/N nodded happily, and Charles quickly read her a phone number which she immediately got to work with contacting his PR manager and after promising to record the interview for their records, Y/N was given the green light to conduct the interview there and then. Y/N began thinking of some questions that she hadn't heard him answer before, which was a more difficult task than she first thought.

"I got it! Ready?" Y/N bounded into her bedroom that Charles was currently laying down in, phone in one hand and, a pen and pad of paper in the other. She jumped onto the bed beside Charles, who sat up to lean against the headboard. It was late, nearly 10 o'clock, but Y/N really wanted to get the interview done as soon as possible to prove her colleagues wrong; that they were wrong to doubt her ability to get an interview – even if she did have quite the advantage.

"Now? Sure." Y/N set up her phone and pressed record. She introduced herself and her magazine so that Ferrari could update their records and began the interview.

"Do you consider yourself a title contender this year or is this more of a preparation year?" Y/N began her interview. She wasn't worried about the order in which she asked her questions as she'd be typing them up into an article and she could switch about the order while doing so.

"Obviously, I'm going to go for it anyway. It's my first year in a top team and I've still got a lot to learn, and I want to get the best results possible. I'm sure if we have some good results in the next few races then I don't see why not." Charles answered relaxed against the headboard of Y/N's bed. Y/N could tell that Charles was relaxed in this environment which would allow her to get some good responses from him as no one else was watching them and he could be himself. The interview continued and Y/N couldn't help but smile as Charles responded to her questions. Judging from his answers, she knew that this would be an amazing interview as he was very happy and chilled throughout which was allowing his entire personality to slip into his answers.

"And done." Y/N ended her recording and set her phone on the nightstand beside their bed before rolling over into Charles arms which he gladly enclosed around her as she nuzzled her face into his neck, breathing in his scent. Charles giggled slightly as her breath tickled his neck and pulled Y/N to lay on top of him. She lifted her head up and using her hand, pushed herself up his body so that she could reach his lips and press hers against his in a deep kiss. She felt him smile against her lips and she pulled away. "I need to type this up for tomorrow."

"5 minutes." Charles pouted but Y/N proceeded to move from his grasp and get up off the bed. Charles watched from the bed as Y/N walked out of the room to sit at the dining room table and type up her interview. By the time Y/N had finished typing up her interview to a suitable format for the magazine, it was nearly 4 o'clock in the morning and she couldn't wait to jump into bed and snuggle into Charles' chest and spend what remained of the night, sound asleep.

Five and a half hours later, Y/N strutted into the office with her interview article in hand, ready to prove to her colleague that she had done what they had deemed impossible. She walked into the conference room where another meeting was taking place and slid her article across the table so that it sat in front of Lawson. "There you go. An interview with a driver." She sat on her designated chair and crossed her arms.

"What? You got an interview! With who?" Lawson read the start of the articles and his mouth fell open. Lily and Mae leaned across the table, intrigued to see who Y/N had managed to interview, "No way!" Lawson exclaimed.

"Who did you interview?" Mae began, "Who did she interview?" She asked Lawson who finally looked up from the article, "She interviewed Charles Leclerc!" Lily's eyes went wide as did Mae's as they both stared at the article and then at Y/N. "How?"


"How did you get an interview sorted with Charles Leclerc so quickly?" Lily asked astounded.

"Pretty easy when you live with him." Y/N smirked and giggled as her colleagues all stared at her with gaping mouths as they understood what she had just said.

" Y/N smirked and giggled as her colleagues all stared at her with gaping mouths as they understood what she had just said

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