Nora [George Russell]

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Finally after so many weeks apart unable to see each other, Y/N and George were going to be reunited. It had been a busy season – full of triple headers and nights away from home. This night was highly anticipated. Y/N had a countdown on her phone counting down to the day that she'd see George again and for the occasion she had organised a night in for them. While George slept his jetlag away this morning after his flight from Italy, Y/N had been busy perusing the aisles at Tesco and ASDA searching for snacks and goodies for their date night.

She had kept George up-to-date on all her plans. The night would start with pizza which Y/N was going to collect from Pizza Express on the way to his, they'd watch a movie while cuddling and snacking on all their goodies. Y/N was definitely not going to be Aleix's favourite person in the morning.

Y/N let herself into George's house, knowing exactly where to find the spare key meant that she didn't have to wait for George to get up and answer. "George! I'm here!"

"I'm in here!" He called from his sim room. Y/N let out a quiet groan. She loved George, really she did, but he'd been racing for weeks and here he was, day one at home, and he was racing again. He really couldn't have a day off. She set the pizzas on the coffee table in the living room and followed the sound of his voice to his gaming room. He was intensely focused on the sim (which shouldn't've surprised her), but as she entered he told her he'd only be 5 more minutes and so Y/N went to dish out the pizza and drinks.

She was not happy as she re-entered the living room. The scene before her was her boyfriend cuddled up with his family dog. Now, Y/N loved his dog, she was a gentle, gorgeous golden retriever called Nora, and normally she wouldn't mind giving her all the attention in the world, but tonight was a night for Y/N and George.

"I thought this was you and me night, not a you, me and her night?" Y/N teased with a sly smile on her face while wiggling her finger at Nora.

"There's still room for you," George smirked patting his lap. With a giggle, Y/N strolled over to his lap and perched herself upon it. She pressed a kiss against his cheek before resting her head against his shoulder. It was quiet for a few seconds until Nora jumped against George and licked his face.

"Nora!"He laughed

"Nora!"He laughed

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