Chapter 3

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Harry and Louis are chilling in Harry's room, not knowing what to do. According to Niall they have a kind of cocktail party in an hour when the girls arrive. They will come up on by one, introduce themselves by one catchphrase and if they are all there the party starts. The boys have the chance to talk to the girls all night, get to know them and by the end each of them has to choose their favourite girl. That's the person they will share their first date with on Temptation Island.

The boys considered dressing up but honestly they don't really care. They are wearing a simple jeans and a t-shirt. They don't have to seduce anyone. They are both in a happy relationship.

"Are you nervous?" Harry asks after a moment of silence.

"I honestly don't know. I don't think I am. It's not like I care what those girls think about me. They have to act nice to me anyway." Louis jokes.

"True shit. I just hope they are nice and not those bitches that will throw themselves at me."

"At you, huh? Why you think they walk straight to you when there is standing a hot piece of meat beside you?" Louis smirks.

"The fact that you called yourself a hot piece of meat is exactly the reason why they will come to me."

Louis rolls his eyes, takes one of the many pillows and throws it in Harry's face.

"You are really aggressive you know?" Harry says laughing, throwing the pillow on the floor.

"So I've been told. But don't act like you are innocent, mister Curlypants. You are the definition of violence."

Harry gasps, putting his hand over his mouth.

"Me, the definition of violence? Please do elaborate, princess."

Louis scrapes his throat and starts talking.

"First you randomly knock on my head, than you drop me in the ocean, you splashed me and you call me names all the time."

"Okay 1: I wanted to check up on your brain, which is really kind. 2: That was entirely your own fault. Again, nobody jumps while saying 3. 3: It was only one, small splash and 4: Calling you innocent names isn't violent."

"Words can hurt."

"So can my fist in your mouth if you don't shut up now, shortlegs."

"See, that's what I mean. This is verbal abuse." Louis does his best to sound as serious as possible.

"That's not verbal abuse. That's stating facts. How tall are you?"

"I'm 5'9"

Tears are making their way down on Harry's cheek as he is rolling over the bed, hands clamping on his stomach.

"5'9? You? HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Tomlinson, you barely come with your head on my shoulder. You are one of those tiny humans!" Harry is still laughing and Louis gives him an annoyed look.

"Are you done yet, curling iron?"

"Curling iron?"


"Are you making fun of my curls?"

"Are you making fun of my height?"

"I don't make fun of your height. Your height is cute."

"Well, so are your curls."

The words leave Louis' mouth before he could stop them and he is trying not to blush. Did he just called another boy cute? No, no he didn't. He called another boys' curls cute, that's a lot different. And in Louis' defence, Harry called his height cute. He was the first one to mention the word cute, not Louis.

A cocky smile appears on Harry's face. "They are charming, I know shortlegs. Now leave my room, I need to get ready for the cocktailparty. I'll knock on your door when I'm finished so we can go together."

Louis nods in agreement and leaves his new friends' room, changing into a t-shirt that at least looks a bit decent.

Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis are sitting at the bar, waiting for the first girl to arrive.

"How do you guys feel about it?" Liam asks the three others.

"I'm honestly not really bothered. None of them will be like El." Louis is the first to answer.

"I have to agree with shortlegs here. Those girls can be damn pretty but nothing can beat my Tay. I hope they are nice though and I won't close myself off. I hope I will meet a lot of new friends here."

Louis doesn't know why, but he has that strange feeling in his stomach. Meeting a lot of new friends? Is Louis not enough? He thought they already built quite a friendship in this short time. Louis' jaw clenches and he looks at the other side, away from Harry.

"Although none of them is probably as cool as Shortlegs here." Harry pulls an arm over Louis and Louis' sour mood leaves immediately, a smile covering his face.

"No need to use the word probably, Curling Iron. They won't be as cool as I am, that's for sure." Harry fondly rolls his eyes. When the boys hear a pair of heels clacking on the floor, they focus again on the red carpet leading to their barstools. This is the moment. They are going to meet the girls.

Is Louis impressed? Not even the slightest bit. They all had those awful catchphrases like:

'My name is Gigi and you can always take me' After saying that she winked at Zayn and for the first time today the boy showed a reaction. It pisses Louis off a bit. He won't speak to the boys but one cheap catchphrase and he smiles? Ugh.

Now the cocktail party is going on and Louis politely chatted with every single girl. He just wants to go to Harry and chill in his room, just the two of them. He misses Eleanor and he wonders what kind of catchphrases the boys have planned to try to seduce his girlfriend.

And for some reason it only hit Louis now. Eleanor is surrounded by 8 boys that try to get her in bed. Why the hell did he even think about participating to this tv show? Suddenly he doesn't feel as confident as he was before and he feels his breathing fastening.

"Louis, are you okay?" Danielle, one of the seducers walks towards him. "Water." Is the only word that leaves his mouth. The brunette nods and runs towards the bar, quickly taking a small bottle of water out of the fridge. Louis grabs it and starts taking big gulps, slowly calming down again. Danielle's hand is on Louis' shoulder, comfortably rubbing his back. She doesn't have any extra intentions, just wants to calm the boy down.

"Lou, what happened?" Harry comes running towards the smaller boy and pulls him in a hug.

"Just a bit dizzy. I'm fine now." He smiles weakly.

"You are not. Go to your room. You should rest. It's already been a long day." Harry's eyes are full of worry for his freshly made friend.

"I can't. I still have to pick a date for tomorrow." Louis uses as an excuse . It's not like he wants to stay here, but he also doesn't want to be alone in his room. He will definitely start crying and have a proper panic attack thinking about Eleanor surrounded by boys that are way better looking than Louis himself.

"Just pick someone and then I'll walk you to your room. I'll even stay with you." Harry suggests.

"I can't ruin your first night, Curly. Don't mind me."

"Of course I mind you. You are my friend. Now, choose someone for tomorrow and we go."

"Can I choose you? I really appreciated your help." Louis says to Danielle. The girl has a smile on her face and nods.

"Yeah, it would be nice. Have a good night rest, okay Louis?" The brunette is worried about the boy as well.

"Thank you, see you tomorrow Danielle."

"And I choose you!" Harry says pointing to a random girl. He doesn't really care with who he goes. He didn't like any of them.

"With Kendall?" The girl next to the one he pointed asks.

Harry only nods and then puts his arm around Louis, helping him towards his room. He really couldn't leave the boy alone like this and secretly it's also just an excuse to be able to spend more time with the intriguing boy he befriended today.

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