Chapter 39

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That night both boys slept on the tiny couch in the hiding room. Louis was begging Harry if they could sleep there, wanting to be able to just kiss randomly Harry without a million camera's pointing to them. They made love about five times and barely slept but they were happy that they were laying in each other's arms again. Louis wanted to have it this way for the rest of his life. He couldn't believe that this was real. Harry Styles is his boyfriend. He came to this island together with a girl that has been cheating for him for the past seven years and he will leave this island having a sweet, loving boyfriend by his side that made Louis feel things he has never felt before. He would have never thought this would happen but he is happy.

"I don't want to go out..." Louis moans while he rolls on top of Harry, laying his head on top of his bare chest and giving it small kisses.

"We'll have to, baby. We can't stay in here for three days."

"Why not? If we do I can suck your dick all day. I don't need no other food." Louis' hand slowly moves towards Harry's crotch, caressing it teasingly.

"As tempting that sounds, boo, I think people will notice if we stayed in here. Doesn't mean we don't have time for one more round though." Harry places his finger under Louis' chin and leads him on his level, kissing his lips softly.

"I can't wait for this three days to be over. I just want to kiss you whenever I want you know. Your lips are so kissable." Louis pecks Harry again while making himself comfortable on his lap.

"I don't mind kissing you outside, you know...." Harry says carefully.

Louis shakes his head.

"No, baby. I would really like to be able to do that but it's only three more days of hiding. I can't come out on national tv. I can't do it to my mother and my sisters. They deserve a decent explanation. They have been having Eleanor in their life for seven years as well. Our mothers even went on holiday together. I'm sure this situation will be harder for my mom than it is for me. I'm quite sure she will be more heartbroken over this. If she just sees me kissing you without knowing the whole story that El has been cheating for so long, she will not accept you and I can't risk that baby because I'm planning to keep you for the rest of my life. You mean the world to me and so does my family and I desperately need you guys to like each other. How much I want to go out there right now and kiss you in front of everybody, it's not fair to them. I don't want my family to hate you before they even met you and got to know you. I don't want your family to think that I'm some stupid guy using their Harry for sex or something. I want to properly meet them and introduce myself. I don't want to be that guy 'Harry hooked up with on temptation island and brought home'. I want to be known as Louis Tomlinson, the boy that is lucky enough to be in a serious relationship with the amazing Harry Styles."

Harry gives a small kiss on Louis' collar bone.

"I hate it when you are right." He mumbles, lips still touching Louis' hot and soft skin.

"I'm just smarter than you."

"You've been right for one time, that doesn't make you smarter."

"I'm always right."

"Are not."

"Yes I am."

"If you were really smarter than me, you would be dating yourself, yet here I am, dating you, which makes me the smarter one." Harry says proudly, sticking his tongue out.

"You are such a dork."

"You just say that because you know I am right."

"No I say this because I genuinely think you are a dork."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"You are hurting my feelings."


"Because you call me a dork."

"You are a cute dork."

"Doesn't cut it, Tomlinson."

"What about this?" Louis pushes Harry down again, starting to kiss Harry's neck and slowly grinding on him.

"No, not yet." Harry is trying to keep his voice stern.

"And this?" Louis starts sucking on the skin on Harry's neck.

"N-no." Harry stutters, overwhelmed with pleasure.

Louis bites his lip, sliding his hand into Harry's boxer.

"What about now, baby?"

"Stop teasing, Lou."

"Say you are a dork." Louis says, slowly caressing Harry.

"No, I'm not."

Louis removes his hand and Harry whines, grabbing it back and placing it on his crotch. Louis just leaves it there, not moving.

"Louis, please don't do this."

"You know what to say..."

"Fuck, Lou...."

"Harry... Words baby."

"Don't be like this."

"Like what?" Louis squeezes the bulge in Harry's boxer, making the boy moan.

"Fuck it! I'm a dork, Lou okay. I'm a fucking dork. Just fuck me already."

Louis connects their lips roughly, giving the boy what he so desperately wants before they have to leave the hiding room.


Right now Louis is around the pool, waiting for Harry to come back from his shower. When Louis sees a black haired guy sitting on the terrace, he immediately stands up.


The black haired guy looks up at the smaller boy standing in front of him.

"Hey, Louis. Can I help you?"

Louis just puts his arms around the boy and pulls him in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you so much for everything, for coming with Harry to the other side of the island. I appreciate it so much and I definitely didn't deserve your help at the time. I am so sorry I accused you, I never apologised and I really acted like a dick. I didn't mean the words I said. If you ever want to talk, even though these are our last hours here in this hell hole, I'm here. Also, if you ever want to meet up after the show I would like that. I could use a friend like you in my life."

Zayn smiles at the boy. "It's fine, Louis. I gave you reasons to doubt me. I haven't been really supportive. I'm glad I could help you and Harry make up. It's some weird soulmate shit you guys have going on, not even sure if it's just friendship or more but you guys are fucking soulmates the way you react on each other.

Soulmates. Louis really likes that word and he thinks it fits him and Harry. He believes they were destined to meet. He has never felt a connection like this before. He didn't even know a connection like this existed. He remembers reading a book for English literature once with a quote that he thought by the time was really weird and confusing. His teacher was obsessed by it though and she kept telling how it expresses love. No one in his class was really impressed and the teacher promised that if one day they find true love, they will understand it. Louis always thought it was the biggest bullshit because he had Eleanor and he felt nothing. Yet he still remembered the quote by heart.

Whatever our souls are made off, his and mine are the same.

And finally Louis understands the quote, feels the quote. Because he and Harry share a soul and  it's the best feeling in the world. 

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