Chapter 8

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It's nine o'clock and Louis wakes up from the sun shining fully into his room. He groans when he throws the blanket from his body, cursing to himself he didn't close the curtains at night. He takes a shower, puts on a random t-shirt and puts on his flamingo swimming shorts and his flip flops. He takes his pink pair of sunglasses and puts it into his hair. His towel is hanging over his shoulder and he walks over to Harry's room. When they don't sleep together they always wake each other up so they can go to breakfast together.

"Hazza!" Louis screams while knocking on the door. No reaction. Louis knocks again, this time a bit louder but still nobody opens the door. After ten minutes of knocking, Louis' knuckles are sore and he decides to wait for Harry outside. He can't wait for this boy forever. He is probably in a very deep sleep.

"Morning everyone!" Louis smiles when he enters the terrace. Liam, Zayn, Gigi, Sophia, Kendall and Caroline are sitting and eating eggs on toast with freshly made orange juice.

"Wow, that looks amazing. Who made this?" Louis asks looking at the breakfast from the others. "Harry, he is in the kitchen." Liam answers, mouth full with toasts and eggs. Louis raises his eyebrows. Harry? But they always go to breakfast together...

Louis decides to walk to the kitchen where he sees Harry doing the dishes. He silently walks up to the curly boy, putting his hands on his shoulders and screaming 'BOO!'.

Harry jumps up and lets out a small squeak which makes Louis laughs loudly.

"Oh, Hazza you should have seen your face!" The older boy laughs.

"It's not funny, it's childish." Harry snaps.

Immediately Louis' smile fades and he looks with sad eyes at the boy in front of him. He decides to ignore the snappy comment and start a nice conversation with him. Maybe Harry just didn't let to get scared.

"So that breakfast that you made looks really nice. Is there still some left for me?" Louis' head is leaning on Harry's shoulder but he stumbles when Harry puts a step aside to put a plate into the cupboard.

"No there is not. We're out of eggs."

"But it looked so nice and I'm hungry." Louis pouts.

"There is a pack of cereals on the top shelf. Just take a chair you can stand on and grab them." Normally Harry says those words as a joke, but Harry wasn't in a joking mood and those words actually hurt Louis.

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what?"

"You are snappy. I don't like it." Louis says sassily.

"What do you want, Louis?" Harry is annoyed.

"I thought we were friends. Friends don't treat each other like that. Also why did you ask me to sleep with me and then when I want to give you my key you change your mind?"

"God, Louis I just changed my mind, no big deal. We don't have to be together every single second of the day right. I need some space as well. You're such a clingy friend." Harry snaps, not making eye contact with the pair of blue eyes that are watering now.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to bother you. I didn't know I was such a burden. I'll just leave." Louis turns around and wants to walk out of the kitchen but he feels a hand grab his wrist, Harry's long fingers easily surrounding Louis' tiny wrist.

"You are not a burden, Lou. I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you. There are no eggs left but would you like to eat my breakfast? It might be a bit cold because that's how I like my eggs but..."

"I don't need your fucking breakfast, Haz. I just need my best friend to be nice to me and not tell me I'm a fucking burden." Louis snaps.

"I'm sorry, babe. Sometimes I don't think clear and then I have these strange reactions. I'm really sorry. Forgive me?"

Louis doesn't answer Harry's question immediately, the word babe repeating in Louis' head, hearing it roll from Harry's tongue. It did something to him. When Louis doesn't answer immediately, Harry's green eyes start to water as well.

"Lou, please don't be angry with me. I won't survive this stupid show without you. I'm so sorry!" Harry says in panic.

The fear in Harry's voice snaps Louis out of his trance and he shakes his head, pulling Harry in a bone crushing hug.

"It's fine, Haz. Of course I forgive you. Don't think for a second I am able to do this without you by my side. Just tell me; did I do something wrong? Because if I hurt you in any way and that's the reason you were angry at me I apologise. You are my best friend, in and outside the show."

A huge grin appears on Harry's face when he hears the smaller boy say those words. He, Harry Styles, is important to Louis Tomlinson. He is Louis' best friend and not stupid Danielle.

"You are my very best friend as well. Sorry that I acted like a dick. It was really not your fault at all. It was just me being grumpy and moody without reason. I always take it out on the people that I care about most."

And this time it was Louis' heart that was beating faster. People that Harry cared about most? Louis was part of that category? It made Louis' entire day and he couldn't be happier now. Of course he is not showing his happiness and covers it with his famous sass.

"I get it. I would care about me as well if I was you. What can I say? I'm awesome. I would also be frustrated if my best friend looks better than I do." Louis playfully grins at Harry.

"You don't look that frustrated, Lou yet you are in that position." Harry sasses back.

"Shut up curling iron."

"Make me shortlegs."

"Is this the moment where we kiss?" Louis jokes.

Harry's heart stops beating. Kissing Louis? How would that be like? His lips look all soft and a beautiful shape of pink and... Harry has to stop thinking. Going almost a week without sex with Taylor makes him obviously sexually frustrated that he even considers kissing a boy. He should stay away from the alcohol. If he already thinks about kissing Louis when he is sober, what will it bring when he is surrounded by hot girls when he is drunk? He didn't know missing Taylor would have this effect on him. Yeah, that's exactly the reason why he just thought about kissing Louis. He only misses kissing Taylor and Louis has blue eyes and red lips as well. That explains everything. It's not like he is fancying the shorter guy. Obviously not.

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