Chapter 17

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The night has fallen and the boys and girls are dancing on the loud music playing around the pool. Some of the girls are twerking on the bar and a drunk Louis joins them, making the others laugh loudly. Everybody is still under the influence of the large amount of alcohol they drunk during the day.

Harry can't stop watching the boy. He is fascinated by him and every move he makes. He takes a sip of his vodka coke and just stares. Like Louis is a really crazy drunk, Harry is a quiet drunk.

"I AM GOING TO POLE DANCE!" Louis says enthusiastically. He jumps of the bar and stumbles to one of the poles.

"Like you can pole dance, you dork." Danielle laughs.

"I can! Watch me! Brianna, you are next to the music. Fix a sensual song so I can show my skills please." Louis' hands are around the pole and he waits for a slow but sexual song to starts playing. 'Dangerous woman' from Arianna Grande starts to play and Louis starts to move his hips, his hands still on the pole.

He slides down, biting his lip as he makes eye contact with Harry, accidently of course. He doesn't intent to stare in those green eyes that are glued on him.

He pushes himself back up and swirls around the pole and when Louis is about to hang upside down on the pole, he forgets that he actually really has zero muscles in his arms and drops himself, falling on the floor.

Everybody starts laughing like crazy including Louis himself. Louis has never felt this good. He also has never been this drunk. El always stops him on time. He did really miss a part of life.

"That was some show, Louis!" Caroline jokes. The music changes and Louis immediately removes himself from the floor when he hears the song.

"Now from the top, make it drop that's some wet ass pussy!" The smaller boy sings, doing the moves that he learned from tiktok videos. Some of the girls are joining him, all laying on the floor now pushing up their asses in the air. Harry doesn't know what to think about this. Is this hilarious? Is this hot? Is this inappropriate? He has no idea.

Harry just sits at the bar and looks at Louis and the girls making some weird dance moves and twerk. Surprisingly Louis is a quite good twerker.

"This boy is crazy." Liam says to Harry taking a sip of his water. Liam is the only one that started to drink water after the games, making him the only person that is slightly sober.

"He is. Look at that ass, Li. I don't know any girl that can shake her ass like Louis does." Harry is basically drooling over the boys' ass.

"Harry, are you fine?" Liam jokes.

"I am. I'm going to leave you now, Li. I haven't spend a lot of time with my best friend today." Harry finishes his beer and walks towards the feathery haired boy that is still dancing like he is a fucking stripper. Harry needs holy water for his mind now.

Just as Harry is about to reach Louis, the boy takes Danielle's hand and starts dancing with her. Harry immediately sobers up from the sight and goes back to the bar. He doesn't want to be sobered up.

"I thought you were going to spend some time with Louis." Liam says.

"He is busy." Harry says opening a new bottle of beer.

"Why the sudden mood change?"

"Why the interrogation?"

"No need to snap at me, Harry." Liam rolls his eyes.

"It's nothing." Harry's eyes are glued on the boy he made out with earlier. He wants his attention, and he wants it now. When 'time of my life' from Dirty Dancing starts to play, a smirk plays on Harry's face.

"LOU! THAT'S OUR THING! LET'S DO THE DANCE! LET'S DO THE LIFT!" Harry screams loudly. Louis immediately drops Danielle and nods enthusiastically. He runs towards Harry and they dance a bit until that part comes on.

"But we only have done it in the pool, Hazza. Do you think we can manage?" Louis asks.

"We can! I am strong, want to feel my muscles." Harry flirts. Louis bites his lip and lets his fingers roam Harry's upper arm. They dance closely together until it's only a few seconds left before the famous lift.

Harry is standing in front of the pool, Louis ready to take a sprint and jumps on the boy. Everybody is screaming their names as support, even Zayn is smiling and chanting.

Louis starts running, not even in a straight line because of the alcohol, and Harry's vision is blurry caused by the many drinks he had today. Maybe this wasn't the best idea they ever had. Louis jumps, holding himself up on Harry's shoulder and Harry lifts him up.

"WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" Harry screams loudly when he holds Louis in the air. His words barely left his mouth before the inevitable happened. Harry loses his balance, making him and Louis fall into the pool.

"You are such an idiot!" Louis says when he comes back up.

"Me? Your jump wasn't that great babe." Harry answers back.

Normally Louis would argue, but tonight he doesn't feel like it. He is feeling the best he ever had, he is drunk, he made out with his hot best friend and now so called best friend is in the pool with him, white tank top glued on his bodies showing every thing off. Louis has already been horny all day and that sight just doesn't help. Instead of arguing back, he puts his arms around Harry's neck so he can whisper in his ear.

"You look really hot like that." He moves his crotch closer to Harry, making them slightly touch. A small whimper leaves Harry's mouth and Louis checks the camera's. He is quite sure their lower bodies aren't visible under the water so Louis presses his crotch even harder against Harry, causing the boy to just full out moan.

"Do you like that, Haz?" Louis whisper. Harry doesn't answer, fazed by the amazing feeling that is going through his body.

Louis doesn't leave it like that and makes their crotches touch again.

"I asked you something, babe." Louis' voice gets all stern and Harry thinks it's the hottest he has heard Louis, even hotter than the small moans that left his mouth this morning.

"I like that. Fuck, Lou I can't take it anymore." Harry grabs Louis' hand and drags them to the hiding room, locking it so nobody can come in.

Harry presses his lips on Louis' hands roaming the body of the other guy. They are removing each other's wet clothes, making themselves more comfortable.

"You've been turning me on all day. You are a fucking tease, Louis."

"Like you mind. Just... Do something."

"Eager aren't you?"

"Don't tease me back, Harry."

"Are you sure you want this?"

And realisation hit Louis. Here he is, all naked making out with his best friend basically begging the boy to touch him. Eleanor didn't even cross his mind till now.

"Fuck, Harry our girlfriends..." Louis says suddenly all sobered up.

"Don't start about them now. We've already gone too far, haven't we? And I mean... It's not like it's really cheating. We're not here with one of the girls and we are not gay. We are just two friends helping each other with their problem. That's no big deal, right?" Harry slowly strokes Louis and the older boy moans.

"Yeah you are right. We are just helping each other. No big deal. This is not cheating. Now just suck me off, Styles."

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