Chapter 37

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It takes 45 minutes to drive to the other part of the island. The drive to the girls villa was quiet. The three of them aren't friends at all, they only have one thing in common: caring about Louis.

"This should be it. I'm waiting in the car so we can immediately drive off. Go from the beach and you should take Danielle with you, she has a phone." Zayn explains.

"Cool, yeah we are doing that. Are you ready Danielle?"

The girl nods, leaving her flipflops in the car and following Harry bare foot.

"How are you feeling now? I mean you are basically a minute away from your own girlfriend and you are here to pick up the girlfriend from the boy you are in love with. It's a quiet weird situation, isn't it?" Danielle chuckles.

"It is. Do you think it will make Lou happy?"

"I like it that you ask that."

"Ask what?"

"I like it that you ask about Louis' happiness and not about your forgiveness. You know what I mean? That was really selfless. You're whipped."

"I am. Lou is pretty awesome."

"Why do you think he is awesome?"

"He is so cute, we always have a laugh together, we can talk for hours. We just click. It works. He is my person and I used to be his before I messed it up and I really want to be his person again. His smile is the most beautiful thing in the world, he is like a sunshine. He is so childish at some points yet so mature when we talk about serious things. I had a thing for Louis since day one. I knew the moment on the boat, when we were kind of annoying each other, that I would like that boy around me. Every single day from that moment I started to like him more and more, getting more and more attached until I got the guts to come out to him. That's when I got completely head over heals for him. All the love and adoration that was slowly building up every day, BAM it just became true fucking love. He accepted me without a second thought and he made me feel so loved and so important. I can't believe I was so stupid to let it go. God we need to find El."

"I think you are really good for Louis. In fact..." Danielle stops talking when she hears something coming from the dunes.

"Let's go check it out." Danielle whispers. Harry nods, agreeing and quietly they come closer to the huge mountain of sand on the beach.

"Can we fuck already, Max. There are no camera's here, I swear."

Harry recognises that voice.

"Not now, El."

"Pretty please?"

"I still feel bad about this. You pretended to be heartbroken and depressed because you slept with me and now here you are trying to get in my pants."

Harry and Danielle both look at each other in shock.

"I was just doing that to make him feel bad you know. Like this he will not cheat on me and doesn't embarrass me on national tv. I want to have some fun. Do you really think I don't do this at home?"

And this pissed Harry off so much. The girl had the chance to date the most amazing person for seven years and all that time she has been cheating on him? That can't be fucking true.

"Shit, Dani..." Harry whispers.

"Louis will be crushed when he knows this."

"We can't tell him." Harry says. "Not now. We can't let him look like a fool on national tv. He has been going through too much already. He will be a wreck and he will stop eating again. I'm not letting that happen."

"You're right..."

And Harry focusses on the conversation again.

"So it's not like I'm the reason you guys will break up?" Max asks.

"Nope, Louis loves me way too much. I have seen videos of him being all depressed and crying in his room because I cheated on him. Believe me, he will come back to me. He always does."

And those words drive Harry over the edge.

"What's wrong with you?" Harry snaps, appearing from the bunch of sand.

"Harry?" El asks, shocked to see the curly lad.

"You don't deserve Louis. Louis is the most awesome person that I know and all he talks about is that how he cares about you because you always have been there for him. How can you hurt him like this?" Harry's face is literally red and Danielle is just standing there, like Max does.

"You are not even supposed to be here."

"Is that everything you can say? I was here to help Lou, to sneak you to our side so you can talk. God that was a bad idea. You don't understand how fucking lucky you are that Louis Tomlinson cares about you and is your boyfriend yet here you are fucking some stranger. I can't... I can't do this. If Louis finds out about this he will be crushed. Why would you hurt him like that on purpose?"

"Don't act like he is your boyfriend."

"If he would be my boyfriend I wouldn't cheat on him and I would treat him right because he is fucking precious."

"Don't you want to see Taylor or something?"

"You disgust me. Dani, can we please go? I don't know why I'm still wasting time here while there is Louis in the resorst. Let's go."

Danielle nods, grabbing Harry's hand and run back to the car.

"Mate, are you okay?" Liam asks his friend who has been on the SOS phone the whole time.

"She has been cheating on me for seven years... And Harry loves me. He truly loves me..." Louis whispers, looking at the horn. Tears are streaming down his face.

When Liam stormed in his room, begging to come to the phone, Louis was confused. He was even more confused when he heard Dani's voice, followed by Harry's. He even heard Zayn from time to time.

Louis has heard everything that Harry said about them and Harry's feelings. He has heard the talk when they were waiting for Zayn, the drive to the resort, the conversation between Danielle and Harry walking on the beach and Harry standing up against El. The connection broke off in the middle of the drive back and Louis is now on the beach. He is clearing his head but also waits for the three to come back. It's only half an hour later that he sees three people walking towards him. He can't take it anymore.

Louis stands up and runs through the sand towards Harry.

"Lou?" Harry is surprised when he feels the boy hugging him and he immediately hugs back. "Lou, I'm so sorry I really tried to fix it." Harry whispers in Louis' ear. Louis doesn't say a word. He only leans in and places a kiss to Harry's forehead. Harry is forgiven. They are fine.

"Thank you so much for forgiving me, Lou." Harry whispers while squeezing the boy.

"We need to talk a lot but I missed you, Hazza. Want to go eat something and go to the hiding room after?"

Harry nods. "Yes, please. We can even take our food up there. I just want you around now. I missed you."

"Missed you too, Hazza. Don't ever do this to me again. I can't handle being separated from you ever again. Please don't make me go through this again, us go through this."

"Promise you, Lou. I love you."

"I love you too."

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