Chapter 43

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Louis is packing his bags, checking he doesn't forget anything. He feels a hole in his heart. He hates fighting with Harry so much but he does feel like he is right. He shouldn't be with someone that still considers proposing to someone else. As much as he loves Harry and he knows Harry loves him too, he should have waited to be official until the show was over. It was stupid and impulsive from Louis to ask if he could be his boyfriend while only an hour drive away he has a girlfriend who is waiting to be proposed to.

And that stings. Harry is gay, Harry loves him, yet he still is doubting to propose to Taylor only to break up later. Louis can't handle watching the boy he is in love with proposing to someone else. What if Harry realises he does want to get married to Taylor. No that's impossible, he admitted that he is gay. Louis is going crazy and he doesn't even notice that tears are rolling down his cheek.

But it's not only Harry, also Eleanor is on his mind. Tomorrow evening he is going to be eye to eye with the girl that has been cheating on him, fooling him and just laughing behind his back for seven years. He always wanted to respect the girl, not wanting to start anything with Harry before they had a proper conversation and a mutual break up in peace, but that's not the case anymore. He hates Eleanor to the core of his heart and he doesn't even care he is going to humiliate her in any kind of way on national tv. She deserves it. He isn't even heartbroken over the girl. He doesn't feel pain. The only thing he feels towards Eleanor is pure hate. She stole his youth, took away his teenage years, isolated him from the rest of the world by dragging him in her own world, only to discover on a fucking tv show it was all for nothing. Louis isn't a hateful person but Eleanor can just rot in hell for all he cares.

"Louis?" He hears a soft knock on his door.

"Harry, no please."

"Louis, please..."

Louis sighs. "It's open."

Harry opens the door. His eyes are red and swollen and as much Louis wants to run to him, kiss him and tell him that it's all okay, it's not.

"Are you still angry at me?" Harry looks at Louis with his beautiful big eyes that make Louis' heart beat faster.

"Do you still consider to propose to Taylor."

"Don't phrase it like that. I would break up with her back in the UK. I just don't want to embarrass her, Lou. It's what you said before, her family is watching, her friends are,... It doesn't make me love you any less baby and back in the UK I'm all yours..."

"Than yes, I am angry with you."

Louis turns around again and keeps stuffing his suitcase with his close. He brought way too many.

"Don't be like that, please. I thought you from all people would understand me. You also didn't want to embarrass Eleanor on live tv. You also wanted to respect her."

And something inside Louis' head snaps. Harry really expected him to just understand it? He must be joking. He closes the zipper of his suitcase, turns around and looks Harry in the eyes, tears streaming down his face.

"How can I understand that, Harry? This is not the same as with Eleanor. I never planned to confess my undying love for her since I admitted I fell for you. I never thought about asking Eleanor to marry me! You want to give her a ring, Harry! You want to give her the symbol of true love. How the fuck do you expect that I understand that? I understand a lot, baby I really do and I have supported you in everything that I could and I promise if we stay together I will keep supporting you till my last breath. But I can' support this Harry. I can' support you sitting on one knee, opening a small box and shoving a fucking ring on someone's finger that's not mine for the whole fucking country to see. Call me selfish but I just can't. And respecting Taylor? I think you kind of stopped doing that after agreeing to be my boyfriend. But maybe we should put that on hold."

"Louis, no..." Harry's lower lip is trembling.

"I'm dead serious. As long as you walk around with that ring, planning it to give it to fucking Taylor, there is nothing between us. I can't be with someone who wants to engage with someone else, even if it's for fucking five minutes. I am not planning to share you. I love you with all my heart Harry but I'm not going to do it to myself to watch you propose to someone else. My heart can't take that. I honestly don't think I ask something weird, Harry. I shouldn't be here begging you to not propose to someone else. I'm your boyfriend for god's sake, or I was at least. I'm serious Harry. If you propose to her, you lose me. An engagement ring is a sign of love and if you give it to Taylor, you love her. I'm not going to witness this. As long as you haven't made up your mind, we are over Harry. I'm not just going to stand there and watch the boy I am madly in love with propose to a girl he claimed he never really loved. I know she didn't cheat on you, but you did cheat on her Harry. You can't propose to someone and telling someone else you love them. Just think about it. I'll give you time. For now I don't want you to touch me."

"Louis, baby."

Louis shakes his head. "There is no way you are changing my mind about this. I'm not asking something huge. I'm asking not to propose to someone else while I'm here, ready to love you with all my heart."

"Can I hurt her like that on live tv, Lou? After her staying loyal to me?"

"Apparently it's harder for you to hurt her than to hurt me because honestly I'm crushed, Harry. I should stop this conversation. If you want to propose, fucking propose. Just forget about me. You clearly care a lot more about her feelings than about mine. Talk to me when you know how to use your fucking brain again."

Louis takes his suitcase and walks out of his room straight to the little bus that is waiting for them. He puts his suitcase in the trunk and puts himself at the very back of the car in the corner, slowly letting his tears fall down. He can't handle all the drama, the pain and the hurt anymore. But most of all, he can't handle the betrayal anymore while all he ever did was loving them. He used to love El, he loves Harry and the only thing he gets is a broken heart.

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