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"Louis, Louis wait!" Harry runs after his best friend after Louis just left the group of boys.

"Not now, Harry." He snaps. He doesn't want anyone near him. He can't stand people in his presence. He wants to be alone, crying.

Louis opens the door of the small bus and puts himself o, the very corner, head leaning against the window. He feels Harry's eyes burning on him and the boy takes place next to him, grabbing Louis's hand.

Harry feels a pang in his heart when Louis pulls his hand away.

"Please, Harry. I need to be alone. Just let me alone, please." Tears are falling down on Louis' cheek and loud sobs leave his mouth. His heart is literally crushed.

"Okay, just know I'm here Lou." Harry stands up and takes place next to Liam, getting a sympatric look of the boy.

The second the bus arrives back at the villa, Louis storms out, ignoring every single girl asking him how it went, what's going on and if he is okay. He doesn't want eyes on him, he doesn't want the world to leave his loud sobs so there is only one place Louis can go... The hiding room.

It doesn't take long before Louis feels someone entering the room and Louis is annoyed. "Harry, I asked you before to leave me alone. I am really not in the mood right now."

"It's not Harry, it's me." Danielle's soft voice speaks.

"You are not allowed in here. You might be in trouble."

"I don't care, Louis you are my friend and you are not doing fine. Please talk to me."

Louis shakes his head.

"No. I don't want to talk."


"I said I don't want to talk Danielle." It's the first time Danielle sees Louis' eyes and they are all red and swollen.

"Oh, Louis..." Danielle wraps her arms around the tiny boy, trying to give him some comfort.

"I want Harry..." Louis whispers. He likes Danielle but her hugs just don't do it for Louis. They feel uncomfortable, cold, unsafe. He needs Harry. He makes him feel safe, protected and warm.

"What, Lou?"

"I want Harry. Please get Harry. I snapped at him but I really just only want him. I'm sorry Dani..."

"It's fine. I'll get him."

Meanwhile Harry is in his room. He is crying as well and he doesn't really understand why. Taylor behaved perfectly on the other side of the island, something Harry didn't really expect. But yet here he is crying, only because he saw Louis cry.

Harry's heart aches when he thinks about the boy. The way he was shaking when he watched the video, the tears forming in his eyes, the loud sobs leaving his mouth and the fact he didn't even want Harry near him while Harry literally only wants to comfort the boy, make him happy. He wants to hug him and tell him everything will be alright, that he deserves so much better than that.

He hates it that Louis is shutting him out. Harry is his best friend for crying out loud. Louis should be here now, in Harry's arms. Yet he is alone in the hiding room. Maybe Harry should check up on him. Maybe Louis changed his mind.

Harry walks outside, seeing all the girls except for Danielle.

"What happened to Louis?" Caroline asks.

"That's not up to me to tell you." Harry says honestly. He is not going to talk about his best friend behind his back. Louis already can't trust his girlfriend so Harry has to show he can trust his best friend.

"Why do you even bother asking. Danielle will tell us in a bit." Camille smirks.

"Danielle?" Harry questions.

"Yeah, she is with Louis in the hiding room."

Harry's blood starts boiling and he feels more tears form in his eyes. He takes one of the glasses that is on the table and smashes it against the wall, letting all of the emotions out.

"Harry, wtf!" Liam screams.

"You have issues, dude." Brianna says looking weirdly at Harry.

"Just... Leave me alone." Harry walks away from the group. He can't go to the hiding room so the only other place without camera's is the beach. That's exactly where Harry is going.

Loud sobs leaves Harry's mouth. He doesn't understand it. He isn't supposed to be so sad. He is not the one that got cheated on and yet here he is making drama tonight, for what? Because Louis trusts someone else more than he trusts Harry? That Louis choses Danielle over him?

Why is he so bothered? He knows the lad for like 10 days and here he is crying because he is, because he confides in someone other than Harry. This should not be the reason why Harry cries. Harry should fucking cry because he misses his girlfriend, his loyal girlfriend that keeps her promise. While other girls sleep around, the only thing Taylor can think about is Harry and Harry?

Harry slept with his best friend twice, only thinks about him and his feelings and is more worried about the fact that Louis might be hurt than that Taylor probably watched him make out with his best friend earlier.

"Harry?" Harry looks up when he hears a voice. He really doesn't want to hear that voice.

"What do you want, Danielle? Don't you have to be with Louis?" Harry snaps, knowing he sounds stupid but not really caring. He should be happy that his best friend, that is deeply hurt, can talk to someone and Harry shouldn't care that it is not him.

"I just came from there but he didn't want me." The brunette confesses. Harry only nods, not really caring.

"But he did ask me to go look for you. He wants you to be with him."

Harry looks up and his heart starts beating really fast. Louis wants to be with him, only him. He kicked out Danielle and ordered her to go look for Harry. He knows it's bad but Harry can't help it but feel happy about it.

"Is he still in the hiding room?"

"Yes, he is."

Harry wants to stand up but Danielle stops him.

"I know you care about him a lot."

"Of course I do. He is my..."

"Don't say best friend. It's clearly more. Harry, be careful with him yeah? He just found out that his girlfriend that he has been dating for over seven years cheated on him with a guy that she knows for like seven days. Take care of him. He needs you very much."

Harry only nods. "I'll take care of him, don't worry." 

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