Chapter 42

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Louis feels his blood boiling when he hears that name. He has to do something. He can't let Harry and Kendall go alone. Louis would go mad, literally mad. And that's when he realised that, yes, Louis is a drama teacher and he should use that acting skill he owns.

His eyes start to tear and only seconds later Louis is full out crying. By the first sob Harry is already next to him, taking the boy in his arms.

"Louis? Are you okay, mate?" Niall asks. He is concerned about the older boy. He has been going through a lot lately.

"I'm happy I can go with Danielle on dream date  don't get me wrong but Harry is my best friend and I don't know if I can handle that time without him. He has always been there for me." Louis sobs, giving a sad look at Niall.

"Oh, Louis... But it is the dream date...."

"I thought you guys cared about my mental health. I couldn't talk to my girlfriend after you gave me hope. Please let me be in the same hotel as Harry. I really can't handle being separated from him right now. Niall, please. Harry is the one that makes me eat again..."

Niall bites his lip, looking at the crying boy in front of him.

"Okay, Louis fine. You can be in the same hotel as Harry but we do need to make some rules. It's still the dream date and viewers are looking forward to it. I'll make sure I book Harry and Kendall in your hotel."

"Do we really have to take Kendall with us? She has been really mean to me and makes me feel like shit." Louis pouts.

"Louis, you are taking this too far. You can stay at the same hotel as Harry and Kendall together with Danielle but you spend the night together in the room with the girls, you have to be together with them all the time and you can't hang out all four of you all day. You can be at the same area but I want you guys to spend mainly with your dream date. If there is something wrong or you really need to talk you can go to Harry. You are not spending all night and next day together though. People have seen enough from your bromance. Some even start shipping the two of you. Do you get it guys?"

Louis gives a nod and has a small smile on his face. Harry is still having this date with Kendall but at least Louis is near and can push the bitch in the pool and drown her when needed.

15 minutes later Niall leaves the villa, giving the guys some more information about the boat trip, the stay in the hotel and then the final camp fire that the boys have together with their partner. The show is almost over and Louis couldn't be happier. He really wants to just be with Harry.

Immediately Harry drags Louis to the hiding room, placing his lips on Louis'.

"Couldn't talk to my girlfriend, Harry makes me eat again, can't go a day without him, you speak such a bullshit Tomlinson." Harry says in between the kiss.

"It's not bullshit."

"Like that is the reason you wanted to stay in the same hotel."

"I don't want you alone with Kendall. You are mine, Hazza." Louis moans.

"I'm yours, babe. But don't you trust me?" Harry stops kissing the older boy.

"Of course I trust you. I don't trust Kendall and I don't want you to be in another hotel. You are my boyfriend, I need you near. Why? Don't you want to be in the same hotel as I am?"

"I want to, baby obviously. It's just hard to see you all day in swimming shorts and not being able to touch you all the time because we have to stay separated. It will probably kill me. You look hot in those flamingo shorts."

"Stop judging my flamingo shorts."

"I don't judge them, I say they are cool."

"You don't mean it."

"I just don't get your flamingo obsession."

"They are fucking awesome."

"Again, they are pink birds."

"Who can stand on one leg."

"So can I, Louis."

"But you are not a pink bird."

"Do you love flamingo's more than you love me?"

"Of course, no question."

"I'm hurt. Why though?"

"I don't have swimming shorts with your face."

"I will buy a pair for you with my face on."

"If you buy me those swimming shorts I will buy you a 'Harry hearts Louis' shirt.

"I would wear it every day."

"I would wear those shorts every day."

"No you wouldn't, that body is mine."

"You do realise the whole UK has seen me already in my swimming shorts, yeah? This is national tv."

"Don't mention it. I don't like the thought of other people watching you. You are mine, only mine."

"Yours, love. So what do you think? About the campfire tomorrow? How are you feeling? Seeing Taylor again?"

Harry sighs.

"I don't know what to do. Do you think breaking up on national tv is too harsh?"

"If that means that you two are over, no it's not."

"I don't know. I don't feel like she deserves it to be broken up with on tv, Lou. She hasn't cheated on me which means she really wants to work on this relationship."

"Is there still a relationship to work on?" Louis' ocean blue eyes become a darker shade and his jaw clenches.

"Baby, you can relax. I am going to break up with her, the only question is when."

"As soon as possible."

"It isn't that easy, Lou. She is human."

"She will expect a ring if you don't break up. Are you really going to give her that ring?"

"I don't know... I don't want to break her heart on tv."

Louis feels blood boiling inside his body.

"So you rather give her a fucking ring first, make the whole UK believe that you are still together, even engaged than break up with her for me, I don't know, YOUR BOYFRIEND?"


"Don't Lou me. I'm going to pack."

"Don't run away again."

"I'm pissed off. Let me cool down, okay."

"Louis, please."

"No, I'm not having this conversation. Please have it with your common sense. Maybe then you will understand that proposing to someone while you also have a boyfriend isn't really the human thing to do. Not to Taylor, not to me."

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