Chapter 54

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Every conversation, every kiss, every touch, every time the boys were intimate, is not between the two of them anymore. Everything is shown now for the whole UK to know. Everybody knows: their exes, their friends and family, their enemies, literally everybody could see Harry and Louis showing each other the love they have for the other. Every single minute they have spent in that room, is shown. Their first time having sex, Louis begging for Harry to make him forget about Eleanor, Harry asking to have sex again before they leave, Louis admitting his feelings towards the boy, the real start of their relationship and many more videos are now for the whole UK to see. Moments that are Louis' favourite memories are now shared with everybody that wants to see them, only a few clicks away.

"My stepfather is going to kill me." Harry whispers, tears streaming down his face. Louis would have expected that he'd cry as well, but he doesn't. He is still processing the fact that everybody knows now he is in a relationship with a boy, but honestly he doesn't really care. Okay he is not proud that people literally can watch him and Harry having sex even though it's censored, but he doesn't feel he has to be ashamed because he is with a boy. He loves Harry and okay this is not the way Louis wanted to tell his family but they know now and he doesn't have to come back with a huge secret. The coming out part is scratched. His family and the rest of the country knows he is madly in love with a curly green eyed lad.

Louis places himself on Harry's lap, pushing the boys head against his chest and playing with his curls to calm him down. He doesn't care about the different pairs of eyes burning on him and Harry. His baby is crying now and Louis will take care of him. Let everybody watch. He doesn't have to hide his love for Harry anymore and honestly Louis feels relieved about it.

"It's okay, babe. You will be fine, we will be fine. I love you." Louis kisses Harry's temple, trying to calm the boy down so he stops crying.

"I don't want them to hate you, Lou." Harry sobs. Louis' t-shirt is already soaking wet but he doesn't really care.

"They won't love, don't worry. You and I will be fine. We are always fine in the end, right?" Louis shushes Harry.


"And that's because we love each other very much and together we can win every single fight, my Hazza."

"I should have known this would happen. People have warned me for this since the day we started dating. I can't believe I have been together with a dirty fag. And you blame me for fucking Max? You are even worse, getting off with a boy. You disgust me and I'm happy we are done. I'll need to shower for days to get your dirty hands off my body." Eleanor spits, looking at both boys.

Louis shrinks. He doesn't say a word. He has never been good at handling the word 'fag' being screamed at him.

It's like Harry's tears dry because of the anger that is spreading in his body right now. He carefully pushes Louis aside, kissing his boyfriend quickly and faces the brunette, all the emotions from only seconds ago disappeared.

"Don't talk to him like that." He hisses.

"Oh, you are going to defend him? Are you going to hit me like you hit Max? What a surprise. Just know that you are only a boytoy. I give Louis a week and he is begging for me in front of my door. I won't take him back though. I don't date fags. He just used you so he could have sex, thinking it was secretly."

"I love him." Louis intervenes. "I love him more than I ever loved you, Eleanor. He means the world to me. I understand that you are upset about the videos and I'm not blaming you for your angry reaction. Hell I'm not even blaming you for calling me a fag. But don't you ever say again that I used Harry because that's a big fat lie. He is my boyfriend." Louis states. Saying those words out loud make Louis heart pound. Every time he says it to someone else that Harry is his boyfriend, he feels this rush. He is just really proud to be able to call Harry his.

"Boyfriend? Love him? Ugh, I can't handle this anymore. Tay, are you coming with me?" Eleanor turns to the blond girl that is silently crying, still sitting down. She looks at Harry with her big blue eyes full with tears and Harry feels bad for her. He would have told Taylor that he fell in love with Louis. Not a hair on his head was thinking to keep Louis a secret for anyone, but this must be humiliating for Taylor and he never wanted that for the girl. Taylor has hurt him in the past but nobody deserves to find out about your boyfriend being gay like that.

"I'm sorry, Taylor." Harry whispers. He is crying as well and automatically clings to Louis, feeling safe under the touch of the boy. Taylor doesn't say a word and follows Eleanor towards the auto bus, her sobs getting louder now. Harry feels so bad.

"So boys, I hear big words like 'love' and 'boyfriend'. How did that happen?" Amelia asks.

"What? Are you going to ask them questions? Amelia are you out of your mind? Didn't you see what just happened? They literally got outed on tv! I don't think they want to answer your questions." Niall snaps at the girl next to him.

"I think the viewers want to know, Niall."

"They are human, Amelia. Leave them alone. Let them go to the hotel and relax a bit. They deserve to have some private time now because apparently they didn't have that for the past 3 weeks."

"Just one question, Niall Jesus. You are making more drama than Eleanor and Taylor." The woman jokes.

"I don't mind telling everybody. Maybe then people will understand what I did and won't just see me as the boy who cheated on his long term girlfriend with a random boy." Louis whispers, sitting again on Harry's lap.

"Go on then if you really want to, Louis but don't feel pressured." Niall says to the boy, giving him a look that he is really sorry.

"I want to." Louis sees the cameraman coming closer to him, probably zooming in on Louis' face. Louis takes a deep breath and starts talking.

"Sometimes in your life you meet someone that you just click with from the second you start talking. You can have a laugh together, joke together, cry together, have pointless fights together and you just trust, care about and love that person on another level than you have with any other person on this planet. That person is just your person, meant to stay in your life. They know exactly what to say and when to say it, what to do and when to do it. They know your mind better than you do yourself. It's like they are the missing part that you have been looking for all your life and finally when you have met that person, you feel complete. You can be yourself knowing you won't be judged. You can make mistakes and know that you will be forgiven and they'll give you the advice that you need. You can cry a sea of tears, knowing they will make you smile again and forget about all your worries. It's not the body or the brain that speaks, it's the soul that wants to be connected to its other part. It doesn't matter if that person is a boy or a girl or whatever gender they would like to be called. If that's your person, it's your person and you should never try to fight it. And people at home watching, Harry Styles is my person and I will never give up on him. This wasn't just a stupid fling out of boredom or being too horny. This is true love and I'm not saying that what we have done is correct towards the girls but I'm way too happy that I am loved by Harry Styles, my person."

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