Chapter 6

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"Louis! Are you ready?" Harry knocks on his best friends door.

"Give me a minute! Just come in!" Harry does as told and enters the room, falling down on Louis' bed. Louis is putting his feet in his toms and fixes his hair one more time.

"You look good, Lou. Now just come." Harry is nervous and he just wants to see the video of his girlfriend. He feels it, she is going to cheat on him.

"The bus picks us up at eight, Hazza. It's seven thirty now, relax." Louis isn't stressed at all. Him and Eleanor have been together forever. There is no way she is doing something with someone else in literally five days.

"But maybe if we are there earlier, we get to go earlier if everybody is ready."

"Than I suggest you go knock on Zayn's door. The boy hasn't been on time once during our stay here." Louis jokes.

"Like I'm going to talk to Zayn. He is probably fucking that Gigi girl."

"Probably." Louis nods, agreeing.

"Now, let's go Louis!" Harry grabs the older boys' hand and drags him towards the street. They will be seeing footages of their girlfriends soon. When they ran through the villa some of the girls were wishing them good look and both boys said thank yous, telling them to get the party stuff out for when they are back.

"Boys!" Niall gives Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn a smile.

"Welcome at your first campfire. Please sit down. Are you excited?"

"I really am. I want to know what Maya is doing." Liam answers first.

"Yeah, I agree. I can't wait to see El. I hope really she is having fun there. She is a quite closed person so I really hope she isn't shutting everyone out and has fun like I have. Oh and of course I hope she found a friend like I have my buddy here." Louis pulls his arm over Harry's shoulder as the words are leaving his mouth.

"Zayn, what about you?" Niall asks.

"I'm good."

"Excited to see Perrie?"


"What do you think will be on the videos?"

"I don't know."

"Wow, really talkative guy, isn't he." Niall jokes. "And Harry how are you feeling? You look like you are dying."

"I honestly am, Niall. I am so afraid. But she won't be cheating, right? It's too early in the show. But maybe if she had too much to drink and..."

"Hazza, calm down." Louis interrupts the curly boy and rubs his back.

"Thanks, Lou." He whispers only for the boy next to him to hear.

"Okay, Harry should I show you your video first? To drag you out of your misery?" Niall suggests.

"That would be lovely, Niall."

"Okay, here we go." Niall hands the tablet over to Harry and Louis watches with him over his shoulder.

Taylor is sitting next to a boy with dark skin and brown hair. They are laughing but nothing really more happens. When the boy asks about Taylors relationship, the blond girl smiled.

"I'm together with Harry. I made a mistake once but I'm not repeating it."

The screen goes black and Harry couldn't be more happy. Louis pulls him in a tight hug, whispering in his ear. "Told you everything would be fine, Hazza." It makes Harry even more happier to hear his best friend voice and when he feels Louis' lips on the shell of his ear, he feels heath rising to his cheeks.

"Are you feeling better now, Harry?" Niall asks.

"Definitely. It feels amazing to hear these words from her. It gives me courage to fight for our relationship and I am happy I gave her another chance when I hear this."

Louis' hand leaves Harry's back. He doesn't know why these words make him feel so grumpy, but they do and he doesn't feel like being close to him anymore for some weird reason.

Harry doesn't notice the sudden change of Louis' mood and they watch the videos of Maya and Perrie being played, both girls not even close to cheating. Liam looked very happy, Zayn doesn't really looks like he cares.

"So Liam, please pass the tablet to Louis. Louis are you ready?" Niall asks. Louis nods and presses play, smiling when he sees his girlfriend on the screen. His smile fades though when he sees the guy next to her and hears what he says.

"So how long have you and your boyfriend been together?" The boy asks.

"Seven years." El answers proudly.

"Seven years? Girl how old are you?"


"So you only had his dick or...."

Eleanor starts laughing loud and nods.

"Yes, I have only been with Louis."

"We could change that you know..."

"You are hilarious, Max." She laughs and her head is resting on his shoulder for a few seconds before calming down and taking her distance again.

"I'm serious, Ella. You should experience nice sex at least once."

"Louis is great."

"How do you know? You have nothing to compare..."

"That's true but..."

"No worries, Ella. It's still early in the holiday. If you change your mind, I'm here." The boy kisses her cheek and Eleanor blushes.

The screen goes black and Louis feels anger burning inside of him. How dare this Max boy talking to El like that? Did his mother never teach him to talk to women with respect? Louis hands over the tablet to Niall and Harry looks at his friend with sad eyes, seeing that he is really upset. He rests his head on Louis' shoulder as a sign that he is there, right beside him and not going anywhere.

"Louis, how are you feeling? Are you angry with El?" Niall asks when he sees Louis' face. 

Louis shakes his head.

"No, I'm not angry at her. I'm angry with this boy, Max. I don't like it that he talks to El like that. He shouldn't talk to her like that and for your information, I am fucking good in bed."

Harry starts to laugh loud next to Louis, putting his arms on his stomach. "Oh god, Louis how can you say something like that on tv." He bursts out.

Louis' bad mood immediately disappears when he sees Harry laughing and he joins the younger boy getting weird looks from the other 3 boys. Harry's laugh makes Louis forget about that stupid Max boy that tries to fuck his girlfriend.

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