Chapter 38

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After grabbing a bite to eat, Harry and Louis are sitting in the hiding room, away from all the people and camera's.

Both boys are sitting on the couch, still a small distance between them and nobody says a word.

"I'm so sorry again, Lou. I really regret what I did and I tried to fix it but... It just didn't work out." Harry says, not knowing how to tell Louis he tried to make it all up without hurting him, not saying anything about Eleanor.

"I know, Haz... I heard everything you said."

Harry is confused. Heard everything he said?

"I was on the phone with Danielle, hearing every single word you said. I heard how you stood up for me against El..." Louis bites his lip, trying to ignore the pain in his chest. He isn't in love anymore with her but he has been for seven years and it hurts knowing that Louis was being lied to, cheated on and laughed with during that whole relationship. He always saw El as the only constant in his life.

"Do you know?" Harry's voice is barely a whisper.

"Know what, Harry?" Louis' voice is the same volume.

"About El..."

"Yeah, I know. That's something I learned today. But I also learned something else, something really important..."

"What did you learn?" Harry's heart is beating fast, nervous for Louis' answer.

Louis takes Harry's hand, holding it between his pair. He looks up to the curly boy that makes his heart beats faster every time they touch. He makes blue and green meet. The room can explode any minute with the tension and the energy between them.

"I learned that people make mistakes, even the people that you love. It just hurts so much more when they make them. I learned that if someone hurts you that it doesn't immediately mean that they don't care about you. It means that they are human too and that even if they are 100% perfect in your eyes, they are not, they are just human like anybody else. They can do things they regret and make mistakes. That doesn't mean they care less about you. But the most important thing I learned today is that Harry Styles loves me and I am fucking lucky that he chose me to love because I love Harry Styles too, very much."

Hot tears are rolling over both boys' cheeks as they never break eye contact, still holding hands.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you. I really love you."

"I know you do, Hazza. I am sorry too. I should have listened to you earlier. I was stubborn and I shouldn't have been. You mean everything to me and hearing you say some things to Danielle and you standing up against Eleanor.... It made me realise how fucking stupid I am for acting this way and not hear you out. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to be without you."

"Don't say sorry. This was all me. I won't let anything like this ever happen between us. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, Louis. I fell so hard for you and you have such a control over me. I sometimes don't know what I am doing and jealousy literally makes me blind but I promise you that I will work on it. I want to work on it, I want to work on us."

"Me too, baby. Can I kiss you?"

A huge smile appears on Harry's face while he is still covered in tears.

"Yes please, I missed your lips so much. I missed you so much."

Louis leans in, making their foreheads touch. Louis can feel Harry's breath on his lips, heart racing fast but still on the same rhythm as Harry's. A million emotions are flowing through his body. He feels protected, trusted, accepted, appreciated, loved by the boy in front of him.

Louis' hand is on Harry's cheek, caressing his soft skin with his thumb.

And then their lips connect, a shock going through their bodies, all going down their spine. Their lips move in synch, nobody asking for dominance. It's just pure love sharing and Louis pushes Harry closer to him, needing to feel the younger boy. The feeling is so intense that he just decides right then and now that he will stay with Harry Styles for the rest of his life. He loves him so much that it physically hurts his heart. He doesn't care that he loses every single other person in his life, what he feels for Harry is so special that Louis doesn't want to let go of that feeling. It makes his body tingle, his heart race and Harry is the only thing on his mind.

He wants to be with the boy. He can see a future together with him. He doesn't want to leave his side, never again.

Louis can see himself moving closer to Harry, having to buy a new place anyway as he lives with Eleanor now. They can stay over at each other's places all the time and just watch movies, go on cute dates and have mind blowing sex.

He wants to take Harry to see his mother and his sisters. He wants to introduce his family to the person that he loves and stole his heart. Maybe later he can see Harry's family as well. He talked a lot about his mother, stepfather and his sister Gemma.

When the time is there they can move in together, look for a cute little house. They will make sure that there are enough bedrooms because Louis wants to adopt children when they are married and ready for it.

Louis is smiling in the kiss, thinking about the future he can have with Harry. He really wants to have this future with Harry. He never thought about it when he was with El. But Harry makes him feel so secure and happy and loved that he wants it. He sees it working. He can imagine him and Harry being old and grey and teaching their grandkids how to prank other people, getting scolded by their own kids.

The last thought makes Louis laugh, losing contact with Harry's lips.

"Why are you laughing, baby?" Harry asks confused, smile playing on his face. He loves how Louis' blue eyes are sparkling and the little noises he makes when he laughs.

"Was just thinking about something that made me really happy. Hug me." Louis orders. Harry does as told and puts his arms around Louis' waist.

Louis places a small kiss on Harry's forehead, making the younger boy extremely happy.

"We are fine?" Harry whispers, needing to hear the confirmation.

"We are fine. I'm yours. Hazza... Can I be your boyfriend?"

Harry presses his lips again on Louis', playing with his chestnut hair.

"Only if I can be yours..."

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