Chapter 25

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The words that left Harry's mouth are playing on repeat in his head. Harry is gay...

"Lou, say something... Are you angry with me? I'm so sorry..."

Those words snap Louis out of his trance. He sees Harry's beautiful green eyes water again and he can't have him cry. Louis hates it when Harry cries and it's already bad enough he made him cry once today. It's not going to happen again. He will show support towards his best friend. Gay or not, this is Harry we are talking about and Louis loves him to bits.

"Of course I am not angry with you. You are my best friend, my favourite person. And you should never apologise for being gay. You can't chose who you fall in love with. Don't you ever apologise for that again, my love. Being gay is not a reason to apologise. It's who you are and you should never say sorry for being who you are."

It feels like a thousand kilo's are falling off Harry's shoulders. Louis is not angry. Louis is accepting him. Louis is still holding him, touching him even though Harry just admitted for the first time to someone that he likes guys. Louis didn't react how Harry always imagined people to react. It's official: Louis Tomlinson is an angel sent from Heaven.

"Do you mean that?" Harry can't believe Louis is real. Those words just seem too good to be true. Louis seems to good to be true.

"Of course I mean it Haz. You're still you. I won't treat you differently, I promise. By the way how can I judge you when I have non stop sex with you? I mean I don't say I'm gay but I'm not completely closed to it, am I?" Louis chuckles, cracking a joke to enlighten the mood although it's not really a joke.

Louis had sex with a gay guy and he loved it. He still thinks about every single touch he has shared with him. Louis enjoyed sex with Harry so much more than with Eleanor. Does that make Louis gay as well? Harry's words made the older boy think.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I was scared."

Louis feels bad for the boy. This is a big deal for him and he is just so scared. Louis feels so privileged that he is the first person that Harry shared his secret with.

"Don't want to hear your sorry, Harry. We barely knew each other in the beginning, it's normal you don't tell just someone you barely met that you are gay while participating in a tv show together with your girlfriend. I understand that you are scared as well. I remember when I was twelve people thought that I was gay and I got a lot of hate about it, even though I was not. I mean I don't get peoples problem. How can you hate love? Love is the most beautiful thing ever and does it really matter if it's shared by two men or two women or a man and a woman? Does love weaken when it's shared by two people from the same sex? I don't think so. Love is love and everybody should accept that and those who don't are just under educated idiots. I'm proud of you, Hazza. If you want to talk about it I am here. I am always here for everything, babe."

Harry just hugs Louis tightly. How did he deserve to have someone like him in his life?

"This means so much to me, Lou. You, being my favourite person knowing my biggest secret and accepting me, even acting like the fucking LGBTQ ambassador is just everything. I love you, boo."

"I love you too, Hazza always and forever. You are my person and I hope one day you will find a guy that treats you right, the way you deserve to be treated. I hope you will be able to fall in love with someone and stay with them forever, to be with someone you love and not force yourself into a relationship. I want you to be happy so badly. You should break up with her after the show, Hazza. You can't keep lying to her and yourself. You can't keep yourself in this cage of a relationship. You are such a free spirit, be free baby. Find love, experiment, I don't know just... Don't try to lock yourself up in a marriage. You don't deserve to be closeted forever... You deserve to be happy and marry the man you love and adopt beautiful, cute kids that I will love as well and... You deserve the happiest life, Hazza. You don't deserve to be locked up in a marriage with a cheating girl that uses you to feel young. You are so much better than that. So what you are gay? Be proud. You are Harry Styles, the most amazing person that I have ever met. You are sweet, caring, strong, trustworthy, smart and funny. Harry that all didn't change just because I know you are gay now. You are the same person and if the people around you don't realize that then they shouldn't be around you. You don't need that negativity in your life, baby."

"I never expected that you would react like this. I was so scared that you would be angry because we slept together."

"That's bullshit, Haz. You liked it, I liked it, we did that together. You being gay doesn't really change anything. It doesn't change my own actions. Maybe you even turned me gay." Louis winks jokingly, not even sure if he is actually joking.

"You're clearly not. You are way too in love with Eleanor."

"I don't know."

"You are, Louis. You consider forgiving her."

"No I don't. I consider talking to her."

"Whatever. Just... Let's not talk about that. I want to hug you. I want to hug my person. You are my person in life Louis Tomlinson and no boyfriend can ever change that."

"Good, because I better be forever the favorite guy in your life. You are mine."

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