Chapter 34

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It's a fucking bomb that dropped on Louis when he hears the words coming out of Niall' s mouth.

"I am so sorry, Louis. There is one person that voted no. I wish I could change the rules for you and El but I can't. I'm so sorry, I honestly feel horrible about this. I thought the others would help you. I have to go now but Louis if you need to talk please make sure that you use the SOS phone, it has my number in it."

Louis only nods, tears leaving his eyes and rolling down on his cheeks. He is not going to see El. He is not able to fix this. She will still be there, even more miserable now knowing that Louis and her aren't able to talk. The thought about Eleanor that starts cutting again or starving herself drives Louis mad and he gets angry, really angry.

He turns to Zayn and starts to scream.

"I can't believe this, Zayn! I have been so open to you! I told you the whole fucking situation and still you say no because you are fucking bitter for not being able to see your girlfriend? Don't even act like you care so much about her, you basically eye fuck Gigi every single second of the day. Do you remember telling me that you could always come to me to talk? That I wouldn't judge you no matter what you would vote? Well guess what, I changed my fucking mind. I do judge you. You would rather have people depressed only because it doesn't go your way, that you don't get that chance. I fucking hate you Zayn and I hope the whole UK can see what a dick you are!" Louis is raging and he is crying aggressively.

"For your information, Louis I did vote yes. You guys have been forgetting this already the whole trip but I'm human well you know. But good to know that your whole fucking speech in my room was fake and you just wanted my vote. You are a fake ass lying fagot, Louis and I'm happy someone else did what I should have done. You don't deserve any fucking privileges. I did consider talking to you because you really seemed like a good lad but glad you are showing your true colours before I started trusting you. Go rot in hell, Tomlinson."

Louis is shocked. Zayn didn't vote no?

He turns around to Liam.

"Don't look at me, mate. I told you I'd vote yes. I don't see why not. It's not really any of my business and it looked really important to you."

"One of you two is lying, I know one of you is. Harry would never betray me like that. He knows how important this is for me."

"Maybe it's one of the girls?" Liam asks.

Louis shakes his head. "I know they all voted yes. It has to be one of the two of you. Who is lying?"

"Why would I lie to you? I told you before honestly I would vote no, Louis. If you dare call me a liar as well I will smash your head." Zayn snaps. Louis only nods, the words make sense. Zayn has been honest about his voting opinion since the beginning so it wouldn't make sense if he lies now.

"Liam, I really don't see why you would lie to me. Why did you vote no? You could have told me honestly if you had a problem..."

"Louis, I told you I voted yes. This is not my business to stop."

"But that's impossible... That means..."

Louis turns around, seeing Harry behind him crying.

"I'm so sorry, Louis. I can explain. I swear, I..."

Louis' heart stops beating. He can't feel anything, he is completely numb yet he feels only pain, so much pain, everywhere.

"You didn't... Harry tell me one of them is lying. Please tell me they are. Tell me, Harry!" Louis is screaming, tears streaming down his face. This can't be happening. Harry wouldn't do that to him. Harry knows how important this is to him. There is no way that Harry voted the no.

"They are not, Lou..." his voice is barely a whisper and Louis' whole world stands still. He can't believe this. The one person that he fully trusts, the person he cares about the most, the person he loves did this to him.

"You really did it... You are the one that voted no.... I can't believe this." Louis is in shock, his brain still trying to process that yes, the boy he was already planning a future with did this to hurt Louis on purpose.

"I can explain babe, just..." Harry comes closer but Louis takes a step back.

"No, you don't get to explain anything. You are staying away from me. I don't want to see you, ever again. Don't ever say a word to me again, don't even fucking look at me. I can't stand you. Fuck, Harry you... Why you? Why fucking you? I fucking hate you."

Everybody is standing around the pair, looking at them in shock. They have seen them fighting before but never like this. Louis' face is red and full of tears and the steam is literally coming out of his ears. His eyes are red and swollen but also they are full of anger and pain and heart break. Harry in front of him looks exactly the same, only not being angry and his eyes show guilt, so much guilt.

"Louis, please..."

"Don't even say my name. I don't want to hear my name coming out of your mouth it's fucking disgusting. You are the one person that knows everything about me, that I have been trusting from day one and you just take a knife and put it in my back like you fucking enjoy it. I'm not talking to you, ever again. You are death to me, Harry Styles. You are nothing more than a memory that I want to forget."

Louis' heart physically hurts when he says the words and he doesn't know if he will still mean them tomorrow, but right now he does mean them. He is heartbroken. Harry did this to him. Harry ruined everything.

"Let me just explain you why, please..." Harry is literally begging on his knees, wanting for the boy to listen to him..

"I don't need your reason. No reason should be good enough to hurt me."

"Please come to the hiding room so we can talk."

"I don't want to talk to you. I clearly said that."

"Louis, please."

"Don't say my name."

"I'm so sorry...."

"As you should be. But sorry is not going to cut it. You knew what this meant to me. You knew my intentions and yet you are the one stopping it. I can't believe you. I can't even look at you right now, Harry. I'm going, don't you dare following me."

Louis turns around and runs to his room. Once he is there he storms into the bathroom, opening the shower and just stands under it, feeling the water slide over his whole body. Loud sobs leave Louis mouth and a loud scream. He physically felt his heart break. Harry, his Hazza, did this to him. He hurt him, betrayed him, lied to him and broke his trust. This, what Louis is feeling right now, is even more painful than El cheating on him. He never saw Harry as a person to ever hurt him. Louis loves him. But he did and Louis doesn't think the pieces will ever be fixed again. What Harry did will leave a scar on Louis' heart forever. First El that cheated on him, than Harry that betrayed him. Louis will never love again. Louis will never trust again.

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