Chapter 9

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Everybody in the villa was chilling in and around the pool.

"I LOVE BIG PINK FLAMINGO!" Louis screams running towards the pool and jumping on the pink flamingo shaped floatie.

"You are an idiot, Lou!" Harry screams from his sunbed. "And you need therapy for that flamingo obsession of yours!"

"Shut up Styles and join me into the pool! Danielle, Sophia, Liam you as well! You are all lazy fuckers just sleeping and sunbathing!"

"Not now, Louis. I'm reading." Liam comments.

The others give Louis an excuse as well why they couldn't come in the pool and Louis just rolled his eyes and drifted around in the pool on this huge pink flamingo. Those losers are missing out.

"Hey boys, girls!" Niall walks into the villa, wearing beige trousers and a white shirt, a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes.

Everybody says hi to the host of the show.

"Where is Louis?" Niall automatically turns to Harry.

"I'M HERE! ON THE FLAMINGO!" Louis shouts making Niall giggle.

"Come over here, Louis. I have news!"

Louis puts his hands in the pool and paddles over to the side, not wanting to swim and get his hair wet. Just when Louis is about to make it dry to the side, Harry stands up and pushes Louis off the flamingo.

The curly boy starts laughing loud when he sees Louis going under, spitting out all the water when he comes back up.

"Fuck you, Styles." Louis says under his breath when he pushes himself out of the pool.

"Later love." Harry winks.

Harry is sitting down on his sunbed again and Louis decides to take revenge. He takes place on Harry's lap, being all wet and hugs the younger boy tightly, giving over the cold of his body.

"Jesus, Lou!" Harry curses.

"What? I thought you liked hugs?" Louis says innocently and blinks his eyes.

"You are a dick."

"You are a loser."


"Curling iron."







"Are the two of you done yet?" Niall interrupts the two boys giving each other insults. Harry nods and as a reflex he pulls his arms around Louis' waist, pulling the boy closer to him and he rests his chin on Louis' shoulder, ready to listen to Niall.

Louis doesn't object when he feels a pair of strong hands around his waist. The opposite actually, he leans in into Harry's touch and puts his hand on Harry's, enjoying the protective feeling that Harry gives him. Harry is really a good friend.

"So what I'm telling you right now is something that concern all of you, boys and girls." Niall starts to explain.

"Today you will go on a groups date. That means that all of you will go together."

"That sounds awesome! What are we going to do?" Camille asks.

"First of all there are three jeeps waiting for you guys outside. One of the boys will drive a jeep, taking 3 others with them. There is a map in your jeep with your destination on. You will try to get there yourself. Once you arrived there, you'll have to stop in front of the beginning of the jungle. From there on you keep walking until you come at a large waterfall. There all of you will come together for a nice swim and a barbecue. You will be picked up later to go back to the resort so you can drink some beer of course. Understood?"

Everybody nods enthusiastically, discussing who will drive with who.

"Obviously Lou and I are the two boys sharing a jeep!" Harry says immediately jumping into the drivers seat.

"Who said you can drive?" Louis crosses his arm as he sees the younger boy behind the wheel.

"I do."

"I don't think you should drive."


"I'm older."

"I'm more responsible."

"But I'm older."

Harry rolls his eyes. "We will change halfway, yeah? So who is joining Louis and i?"  Harry screams in the big group.

"DANIELLE IS!" Louis says grabbing the hand of the only seducer he really befriended. Harry bites his cheek, trying not to comment on the way Louis hugs the brunette. He is sure his girlfriend will not like it that he spends so much time with her. Yeah, Harry is really worried about his girlfriend.

"I'll join as well." Kendall says when she jumps into the passengers seat next to Harry. Louis' jaw drops.

"Girl, that is my position. Move to the back, thank you." Louis snaps.

"No, I'm good at reading maps. I'll help Harry leading the way." The girl protests.

"I can read maps as well."

"But I'm sitting here right now. I'm really good at reading maps, Louis. I doubt you can. You walk the wrong way towards your room."

Louis rolls his eyes and he is even more annoyed when he hears Harry chuckle.

"That was one time and I was drunk. Now move your plastic filled ass." Danielle bursts out laughing when she hears Louis' comment and Harry has to do his best to not laugh as well.

"You are rude. I'm not moving. Now get in the fucking jeep or we won't be there before sunset." Louis gives a hopeful look at Harry but he only shrugs, still being pissed that Louis dragged Danielle towards their jeep.

"It's fine, Louis. Just let Kendall sit here. We are switching positions anyway halfway." Harry tries to calm the smaller boy down.

Louis feels a pang of hurt going through his heart. He doesn't know why it hurts so much that Harry doesn't have his back in this discussion. It shouldn't bother him that much. It's only about a silly place in a car, yet Louis is really upset his friend didn't stand up for him.

"Fine. But Danielle is coming to the front with me when I am driving." Louis says when he jumps into the back of the car, sitting next to Danielle.

Harry's green eyes get darker when he sees Louis pulling his arm around Danielle's shoulder in the back of the car, leaning his head against her shoulder.

"On second thought: I think maybe it's better the boys go in the front and the girls in the back. I'm sure Louis and I make a great team." Harry says looking at Louis and Danielle from the corner of his eye.

"What? Harry WTF?" Kendall complains.

"Don't need you to complain, Kendall. Louis come." Kendall sighs and moves to the back. When Louis crosses the black haired girl he gives her a bitchy smirk, rising his eye brow before taking place next to Harry in the jeep.

"Alright, guys ready to go?" Harry asks the group.

"Yup, let's go." Louis agrees.

Harry puts his foot on the pedal, driving fast and leaving the villa behind. They are ready for this groupsdate.

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